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Knowledge Management in Organization

COURSE DESCRIPTION The objective of this course is to prepare students to understand the current theories, practices, tools and techniques in knowledge management (KM) to deal with the challenges with the organization and management of knowledge.

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SYLLABUS:  Knowledge Management in Organization


Faculty of Education and psychology

Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz



Instructor: Professor Y. Mehralizadeh

Place/Time: Zoom: Sunday 10.00 to 12.00 each week





The objective of this course is to prepare students to understand the current theories, practices, tools and techniques in knowledge management (KM) to deal with the challenges with the organization and management of knowledge.



Upon satisfactory completion of this course, students will:

 1. Analyze the role of knowledge management in attainment of financial objectives, quality and process improvement, and innovation.

2. Apply knowledge management models and technologies to business situations.

3. Use a knowledge management system for an organization.

 4. Create a knowledge management plan to leverage opportunities to create, capture, represent and share knowledge within an organization.



The course adopts an active learning approach. Students are required to complete all required readings, attend all class lectures, complete graded activities and assignments, and participate in all class activities, including teacher-led and student-led discussions, and prepare a group project. All required readings are listed in the Course Outline section of this syllabus. Optional readings are also provided. While not required, you may find it helpful to consult these optional readings when completing select assignments.








What is the meaning of knowledge?

Describe which concepts are behind knowledge management? Data, Information and Wisdom?

Getting Started:

 Nature of the knowledge


What are the models of km?

  • What Paradigms of the Past and The New Paradigm?

What are the similarity and differences among different models?

How models of km is developed during the time?

Models of Km


Chemical Petroleum companies Experience

Iranian organizations and companies Experience in KM


Iran Oil companies Experience


Railway companies Experience


Water and Electricity companies Experience


Steel companies Experience


What are the main barriers of Implementing and institutionalizing the Km in companies- In foreign and Iranian Companies?

Barriers of Implementing KM in organizations?


What are the Models of evaluation of Km maturity in organization?

How we use Knowledge Management Assessment Tools?


Models of evaluation of Km maturity in organization


How are the Schools Principles Capacity Building for knowledge sharing among teachers?


Models of KM in Schools?


How to design a roadmap of km in organization?

What are the main factors should be considered in measuring readiness of organization to implement the km roadmap?


Building a KM Rationale and Develop a roadmap of Km in organization



Prepare and present a group project by addressing an organization/company Experience in KM out of the class

Student project presentation


Prepare and present a group project by addressing an organization/company Experience in KM out of the class

Student project presentation


Prepare and present a group project by addressing an organization/company Experience in KM out of the class

Student project presentation


Prepare and present a group project by addressing an organization/company Experience in KM out of the class

Student project presentation





فهرست منابع اصلی

  • مهرعلی زاده. یداله و  عبدی، محمدرضا (1396). نظام مدیریت دانش در سازمان امور مالیاتی کشور، اهواز:انتشارات دانشگاه شهید چمران اهواز.چاپ دوم
  • افروزه،عباس، مدیریت دانش (مفاهیم ، مدل ها، اندازه گیری و پیاده سازی) تالیف :عباس افروزه – تهران دانشگاه امیرکبیر- 1386


فهرست منابع فرعی

  • مهرعلی­زاده،‌یداله (1386). طرح پیشنهادی طراحی استراتژی، اجرا و ارزیابی نظام مدیریت دانش در شرکت فولاد خوزستان ، دانشگاه شهید چمران اهواز..
  • مهر علی زاده. یداله (1387) . بررسی و ارزیابی مدیریت دانش در موسسات آموزش عالی معاونت پژوهشی ، دانشگاه شهید چمران ، معاونت پژوهشی ، مدیریت امور پژوهشی، گزارش نهایی طرح پژوهانه 
  • مهر علی زاده. یداله (1387) نظریه های نوین مدیریت : مباحث نظری و عملی ، اهواز:انتشارات دانشگاه شهید چمران اهواز (در دست چاپ).
  • مهر علی زاده. یداله (1384) جهانی شدن، تغییرات سازمانی و برنامه ریزی توسعه منابع انسانی، اهواز:انتشارات دانشگاه شهید چمران اهواز.
  • مهرعلی­زاده.­ یداله.(1380). اقتصاد جهانی، تغییرات سازمانی، آموزش و کار آموزی و ایجاد و بهره برداری از مهارت در صنایع. مجله مطالعات مدیریت دانشگاه علامه طباطبایی.شماره 27-28.
  • اقبال سرابی ، مهدی و اسماعیلی،‌ حسن (1386).تجربه طرح جامع مدیریت دانش  در شرکت آب و فاضلاب خراسان رضوی ،‌اولین کنفرانس ملی مدیریت دانش،‌13 تا 14 بهمن ماه 1386،‌تهران:مرکز همایش­های بین المللی رازی
  • ساعدی،‌ مهدی  و نادعلی­پور،‌ حمید(1386). تجربه مدل پیاده سازی مدیریت دانش در ایران خودرو بر مبنای یادگیری و نگاه منبع محور به شرکت در بستر فناوری اطلاعات.
  • جعفری مقدم ، سعید ، مستندسازی تجربیات مدیران ( از دیدگاه مدیریت دانش ) سعید جعفری مقدم،کرج : مؤسسه تحقیقات و آموزش مدیریت ، 1385


Kimiz Dalkirv(2017). Knowledge Management in Theory and Practice, Third Edition, The MIT Press