Office of the Dean of the Faculty:

Tel.: +98 61 3333 0136

Fax: +98 61 3333 1059

The Dean's Adviser for Interntional Affairs:

Dr. Kazem Rangzan

Tel.: +98 916 313 0709

E-mail: Kazemrangzan@scu.a



The geology department at Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz offers core subject areas in geology which provide students with specialized skills to prepare for future job opportunities as professional scientists in research or for application of earth sciences to mineral, energy, and water resources.

The activity of the department of geology started in 1972, offering an undergraduate degree in geology. To expand its activities, the department began offering graduate programs for the Master of Science (MSc) and Doctoral of Philosophy (PhD). The Master's programs include Hydrogeology, Environmental Geology, Tectonics and Structural Geology, and Economic Geology. The PhD programs also include subdisciplines in Hydrogeology and Economic Geology. The department's academic staff consists of three professors, two associate professors, and six assistant professors. The department is remarkably active in research, with about 70 postgraduate and doctoral students and research staff.

Research Areas

Our department, staff and students work in tandem in several fundamental and applied areas significantly relevant to earth, energy, and the environment, including mineral and energy resources, earth structures, soils, geological hazards, geochemistry, as well as surface- and groundwater resources. Some of the main current areas of study are as follows:

Economic Geology

  • The primary research focus is on the magmatic-hydrothermal system of porphyry copper deposits, particularly factors controlling the ore systems metal endowment. In the past few years, researchers were increasingly attracted to the sedimentary ore deposits, especially those located in the Zagros Fold and Thrust Belt (ZFTB). The main objectives are:
  • Porphyry and epithermal deposits
  • Geodynamic setting of ore deposits
  • Bauxite deposits
  • Fe-Mn deposits
  • Celestite deposits

Petrology and Geochemistry

The research in this line covers various aspects of petrology and geochemistry in magmatic and metamorphic systems, especially in the Sanandaj-Sirjan zone; it also includes mineralogy and gemology. The main research topics are:

  • Partial melting and migmatization in pelitic and igneous rocks
  • Geochemistry of granitoids and gabbroic rocks
  • Rare earth elements (REE) distribution in minerals and rocks
  • Mineral chemistry and crystallography
  • Investigation of minerals with gem quality

Tectonics and Structural Geology 

  • Active tectonics and natural hazards like earthquakes and landslides
  • Experimental modelling
  • Neotectonic and morphotectonic analyses of fold and fault structures
  • Microelectronic and retro fabric of shear zones 
  • Kinematic and finite strain analyses of naturally deformed areas

Environmental Geology

  • Heavy metals contamination in organisms, water, and surface sediments
  • Determination of appropriate locations for landfills
  • Health risk assessment of oilfields
  • Street dust and dust storms
  • Contamination of agricultural soils
  • Solid waste disposal site selection


  • Hydrochemical characteristics of groundwater
  • Groundwater modelling
  • Karst hydrogeology
  • Quality assessments of groundwater
  • Estimation of hydrodynamic parameters of aquifers
  • Management of aquifers

Industrial Affiliate Programs

  • Determination of physicochemical and geo-environmental parameters of internal dust in Khuzestan province 
  • Exploration potentials of rare elements in Phosphorite rocks of Khuzestan Province
  • Petroleum inclusions in the samples of oil fields 
  • Determination of water pollution changes, study, development, and optimum utilization of groundwater resources in Khuzestan province