دانشکده علوم تربیتی و روانشناسی
گروه مشاوره و راهنمایی
Community-Engaged Scholarship
تاثير يك برنامه موفقيت تحصيلي بر عملكرد تحصيلي، نگرش نسبت به مدرسه، خودپنداره تحصيلي، يادگيري شيوه موفقيت در مدرسه و سازگاري دانشآموزان دختر وپسر پايه دوم راهنمايي تحصيلي اداره آموزش و پرورش ناحيه يك شهر اهواز
بررسي ديدگاه دانشجويان دختر دانشگاه شهيد چمران اهواز در مورد الگوي پوشش و رابطه آن با وضعيت موجود در دانشگاه
Happy Marriage:A Quantitative phenomenological study
مقایسه میزان آسیب های اجتماعی در بین معلولین ورزشكار و غیر ورزشكار شهر اهواز
Efficacy of community based rehabilitation program training to the physically disabled persons (15-60 y/o) and their family on the physical function of disabled persons
Effectiveness of group therapy based on Quran on religiousness of adolescents under the services of the welfare organization
Identification of women's reasons for divorce in ethnic groups in Ahvaz
prediction of divorce in men and women in Ahvaz based on the proposed reasons for divorce in order to introduce a model for prediction,treatment,andprevention of divorce
Identification of men,s reasons for divorce in ethnic groups in Ahvaz
Efficacy of community based rehabilitation program training to the physically disabled persons (15-60 y/o) and their family on the general health of disabled persons
the role of life skills training in prevention from addiction in adolescents under the service of the wellfare organization
Validation and Normalization of Three Forgiveness Scales in Students
Normalization of ECR-R in Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz
: Standardization of the College Inventory of Academic Adjustment and Social Skills Inventory and the study of their relationship in Shahid Chamran University students