Askar Atashafrooz

Associate Professor

Update: 2025-03-03

Askar Atashafrooz

دانشکده علوم تربیتی و روانشناسی / گروه روانشناسی

Journal Paper

  1. "The effect of teaching prerequisite academic skills writing and reading on academic readiness prerequisite writing and reading skills of slow learner’s preschool children in Ahvaz"
    احسان كردي : First author, Manizheh Shehni Yailagh : second author, Gholamhossien MAKTEBI : Third author, Askar Atashafrooz : Fourth author
    Journal of Psychological Science, pp.267-283, 2024
  2. "Examining the Role of Social Components of Group Online Computer Games in the Life of Teenagers: A Qualitative Study"
    سعيد بنايي زاده : First author, Askar Atashafrooz : second author, Gholamhossien MAKTEBI : Third author, Morteza Omidian : Fourth author
    journal of social psychology, pp.27-39, 2024
  3. "Multilevel Analysis of the Relationship between Negative Achievement Emotions, Perception of Teachers' Diagnostic Skills, Challenging Level of Class and Quality of Teacher Teaching with Math Performance in Ninth Grade Students"
    ARASH AKHASH : First author, Manizheh Shehni Yailagh : second author, Askar Atashafrooz : Third author, Morteza Omidian : Fourth author
    شناخت اجتماعی, pp.1-17, 2023
  4. "The relationship between cognitive emotion regulation strategies, perception of teacher's diagnostic skills, challenging level of class and quality of teacher's teaching with achievement emotions in ninth-grade students: A multilevel analysis"
    ARASH AKHASH : First author, Askar Atashafrooz : second author, Manizheh Shehni Yailagh : Third author, Morteza Omidian : Fourth author
    پژوهش در یادگیری آموزشگاهی و مجازی, pp.9-24, 2023
  5. "Investigating the Psychometric Characteristics of the Persian version of the Social, Academic, and Emotional Behavior Risk Screener Scale (SAEBRS-TRS)"
    خدیجه جعفرنژاد : First author, Manizheh Shehni Yailagh : second author, Askar Atashafrooz : Third author, Morteza Omidian : Fourth author
    Psychology Rooyesh, pp.35-44, 2023
  6. "The Comparison of the Effectiveness of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation and Sensorimotor Integration on Executive Functions )Cognitive flexibility, Response inhibition) of Students with Specific Learning Disabilities"
    فاطمه مهرولي : First author, Askar Atashafrooz : second author, Morteza Omidian : Third author
    فصلنامه ناتوانی های یادگیری, pp.99-114, 2023
  7. "The Effectiveness of Puzzle Games (Manual and Electronic) on Visual Working Memory, Spatial Visualization and Mental Rotation in Elementary Students"
    فاطمه عسكري : First author, Askar Atashafrooz : second author, Alireza Hajiyakhchali : Third author
    مطالعات آموزشی و آموزشگاهی, pp.87-106, 2023
  8. "Multilevel analysis of the relationship between perception of teachers' diagnostic skills, challenging level of class, quality of teacher teaching and positive achievement emotions with math performance in ninth-grade students"
    ARASH AKHASH : First author, Askar Atashafrooz : second author, Manizheh Shehni Yailagh : Third author, Morteza Omidian : Fourth author
    Journal of Psychological Models and Methods, pp.1-20, 2023
  9. "Examining the Relationship between Academic Engagement with Academic Procrastination, School Absenteeism and Academic Performance with Mediating Role of Academic Buoyancy in Students"
    ولي پيري : First author, Manizheh Shehni Yailagh : second author, Askar Atashafrooz : Third author
    مجله روانشناسی, pp.327-336, 2022
  10. "Rlationship between character strength and social, psychological, and spiritual well -being with mediating use of character strength"
    Amin Taheri : First author, abdolzahra naaimi : second author, Azita Amirfakhraei : Third author, Askar Atashafrooz : Fourth author
    Journal of Psychological Science, pp.419-435, 2022
  11. "Psychometric properties of the "How I think" questionnaire to measure cognitive distortions in Iranian students"
    abdolreza akbari biyabani : First author, Gholamhossien MAKTEBI : second author, Morteza Omidian : Third author, Askar Atashafrooz : Fourth author
    Quarterly Educational Measurment, pp.55-73, 2022
  12. "Investigating of a causal relationship of developmental assets and psychological well-being mediating psychological capital in high school female students"
    nasim eskandari : First author, Gholamhossien MAKTEBI : second author, Askar Atashafrooz : Third author
    Journal of Applied Counseling, pp.79-100, 2021
  13. "The effect of Character Empowerment on Academic Engagement and well-being with Mediate the use of Character Abilities in Students"
    Amin Taheri : First author, abdolzahra naaimi : second author, Azita Amir Fakhraei : Third author, Askar Atashafrooz : Fourth author
  14. "The Effectiveness of White Noise on Test Anxiety in Elementary Students"
    سعيد بنايي زاده : First author, Askar Atashafrooz : second author, Gholamhossien MAKTEBI : Third author
    Psychology Rooyesh, pp.147-154, 2020
  15. "Comparison of creativity, emotional intelligence and academic performance of monolingual and bilingual students Sixth grade boy from Ramhormoz city"
    Askar Atashafrooz : First author, روح الله درخشان فر : second author, Gholamhossien MAKTEBI : Third author
    Journal of New Advances in Psychology, Training and Education, pp.31-46, 2020
  16. "The effectiveness of white noise on learning new words, visual working memory and selective attention in elementary students"
    سعيد بنايي زاده : First author, Askar Atashafrooz : second author, Gholamhossien MAKTEBI : Third author
    Journal of Psychological Science, pp.25-32, 2020
  17. "Structural Modeling Relationsh ip between Social Security and Happiness with the Mediating Role of Psychological Capital: Case Study of Ahvaz City"
    یاسر گراوند : First author, Askar Atashafrooz : second author, Ali Anbari : Third author
    مجله روانشناسی،فصلنامه انجمن ایرانی روانشناسی, pp.334-350, 2020
  18. "The Causal Relationship between Intelligence Beliefs and Some Components of Self-regulation with Mediating Role Goals Orientation of Male Junior High School Student in Ahvaz"
    Askar Atashafrooz : First author
    مطالعات روانشناسی تربیتی, pp.1-37, 2018
  19. "The impact of successful intelligence on academic achievement motivation and teacher efficacy in student teachers of Farhangyan Univercity"
    علي بابايي : First author, Gholamhossien MAKTEBI : second author, nasar bahroozi : Third author, Askar Atashafrooz : Fourth author
    Journal of Psychological Models and Methods, pp.159-176, 2017
  20. "The causal relationship sensation seeking and internet addiction with mediating affiliation to deviant peers in students"
    Askar Atashafrooz : First author, ريحانه ملايي : second author, Gholamhossien MAKTEBI : Third author
    دستاوردهای روان شناسی بالینی, pp.211-224, 2017
  21. "The relationship of spiritual intelligence and religious orientation with happiness Among students of Kharazmi Universit"
    Askar Atashafrooz : First author, Kamyar Azimi : second author, marzyeh amini : Third author
    Islam And Health Journal, pp.7-14, 2017
  22. "Study of the relationship model of family function and problematic Internet with the mediating of self-control and emotional intelligence"
    Askar Atashafrooz : First author
    Journal of Applied Counseling, pp.65-80, 2017
  23. "The Causal Relationship between Personality Traits and Academic Performance with Mediating Role of Study Strategies in Students"
    Askar Atashafrooz : First author, shoja araban : second author
    Journal of Psychologycal Achievements, pp.78-98, 2017
  24. "The Causal Relationship between Personality Traits and Academic Performance with Mediating Role of Study Strategies in Students"
    Askar Atashafrooz : First author, Shoja Araban : First author
    ـJournal of Psychology Achievement, pp.78-98, 2017
  25. "A Model to Explain the Relationship of the Big Five Personality Factors and Academic Dishonesty with Mediating Role of Academic Self-Efficacy Beliefs and Academic Self-Esteem among Students"
    سحر بارانيان : First author, Alireza Hajiyakhchali : second author, Askar Atashafrooz : Third author
    پژوهش در یادگیری آموزشگاهی و مجازی, pp.23-34, 2017
  26. "Designing and Testing a Model of some Antecedents and Sequences of Goal Setting in Male Junior High School Student in Ahvaz"
    Askar Atashafrooz : First author
    Journal of Psychologycal Achievements, pp.225-254, 2014
  27. "The Comparison of General Health, Job Stress and Job burnout of Exceptional Schools’ Teachers with Regular Schools’ Teachers"
    mahnaz mehrabizadeh Honarmand : First author, Askar Atashafrooz : second author, Manizheh Shehni Yailagh : Third author, shabnam rezaee : Fourth author
    Clinical Psychology & Personality, pp.53-65, 2014
    abdolreza akbari biyabani : First author, Gholamhossien MAKTEBI : second author, Morteza Omidian : Third author, Askar Atashafrooz : Fourth author
    Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics, pp.485-495, 2021
  29. "Hearing Aids Maintenance Training for Hearing- Impaired Preschool Children with the Help of Motion Graphic Tools"
    maryam mokhtarzade : First author, Sayed Mohammad taheri qomi : second author, Mohammad Nikafrouz : Third author, Askar Atashafrooz : Fourth author
    World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, pp.1064-1067, 2020
  30. "The Effectiveness of Chess on Problem-Solving, Working Memory, and Concentration of Male High School Students"
    Askar Atashafrooz : First author
    Iranian Evolutionary and Educational Psychology Journal, pp.249-259, 2019
  31. "Effectiveness of Cognitive-Behavioral Training Plan on Reduction of Child Abuse Behavior of Mild Mental Retarded Children’ Mothers in Shadegan City"
    خليل توفاني زاده : First author, Gholamhossien MAKTEBI : second author, Askar Atashafrooz : Third author, مجيد نعيماوي : Fourth author
    International Journal of Review in Life Sciences (IJRLS), pp.913-919, 2015
  32. "Effectiveness of Cognitive-Behavioral Training Plan on Reduction of Child Abuse Behavior of Mild Mental Retarded Children’ Mothers in Shadegan City"
    خليل توفاني زاده : First author, مجيد نعيماوي : second author, Gholamhossien MAKTEBI : second author, Askar Atashafrooz : Third author, مجيد نعيماوي : Fourth author
    International Journal of Review in Life Sciences (IJRLS), 2015
  33. "Effectiveness of Cognitive-Behavioral Programs Training on Reducing Emotional Abuse and Neglect by the Mothers of the Children with Mild Intellectual Disability"
    خليل توفاني زاده : First author, Gholamhossien MAKTEBI : second author, Askar Atashafrooz : Third author
    International Journal of Review in Life Sciences (IJRLS), pp.883-890, 2015
  34. "Effectiveness of Cognitive-Behavioral Programs Training on Reducing Emotional Abuse and Neglect by the Mothers of the Children with Mild Intellectual Disability"
    خليل توفاني زاده : First author, Gholamhossien MAKTEBI : second author, Askar Atashafrooz : Third author
    International Journal of Review in Life Sciences (IJRLS), pp.883-8900, 2015

Conference Paper

  1. "Analysis of the novel at the bottom of the class, the last row, the last seat from the perspective of child and adolescent psychology"
    سعيد بنايي زاده : First author, Askar Atashafrooz : second author
    Second National Conference on Educational Technology: Challenges, Opportunities and Achievements, 2020
  2. "Investigate the relationship between parenting styles and sensation seeking as predictors of vandalism high school students in Abadan"
    nasar bahroozi : First author, رضيه سامري : second author, Askar Atashafrooz : Third author
    10th international conference on psychology and sociology, 2018
  3. "Effectiveness of the game on cognitive development of children with neurological attitudes"
    Askar Atashafrooz : First author
    National Conference on Sport Sciences - Practical Findings in Sport, 2018
  4. "The Effectiveness of Intellectual Games on Enhancing spatial intelligent of children"
    Askar Atashafrooz : First author
    National Conference on Sport Sciences - Practical Findings in Sport, 2018
  5. "The relationship between job stress and resolving conflict strategies with marital satisfaction among married women teachers"
    Askar Atashafrooz : First author, shoja araban : second author
    international congress of family pdychology in the context if of religous and cultural values, 2016
  6. "The outcome indiscriminate use of cyberspace in families"
    Askar Atashafrooz : second author, ريحانه ملايي : Presnter
    international congress of family pdychology in the context if of religous and cultural values, 2016
  7. "The comparison of social anxiety, loneliness and life satisfaction in elderly at nursing homes and living at home"
    Askar Atashafrooz : First author, zainab Zahedeyan : second author
    international congress of family pdychology in the context if of religous and cultural values, 2016
  8. "the effectiveness of Successful intelligence in critical thinking and tolerance for ambiguity students"
    علي بابايي : First author, Gholamhossien MAKTEBI : second author, nasar bahroozi : Third author, Askar Atashafrooz : 14th author
    3th conference on psychology, Educational science and lifestyle, with international approach, 2016
  9. "Design and testing a model of the causal relationship between personality characteristics and academic achievement with mediating approches to study in students of Shahihd Chamran University of Ahvaz"
    Askar Atashafrooz : First author, Askar Atashafrooz : Presnter
    The 1 st National Congress of Healthy Family, 2015
  10. "The comparison of stress, coping styles and quality of life in women with aggressive children and mothers with normal children in Ahvaz"
    Askar Atashafrooz : First author, shoja araban : second author
    The 1 st National Congress of Healthy Family, 2015
  11. "The comparison of family functioning and quality of parent-child relationship among ten grade students with and without drop out in Khorramabad"
    shoja araban : First author, yousef jahannezadi : second author, Askar Atashafrooz : Third author
    The 1 st National Congress of Healthy Family, 2015
  12. "Evaluation and comparison the effect of acute and chronic stress on memory, motor activity and depression-like behavior in adult rat"
    مهرناز غلامي : First author, Askar Atashafrooz : second author, Zohreh Ghotbeddin : Third author
    10th basic and clinical neuroscience congress, 2021