Hamid Farhadi rad

Associate Professor

Update: 2025-03-03

Hamid Farhadi rad

دانشکده علوم تربیتی و روانشناسی / گروه علوم تربیتی

Master Theses

  1. پدیدار نگاری تجارب زیسته مدیران مدرسه برای رعایت حقوق دانش آموزی در مدارس شهرستان دزفول
    شكوفه اقبالی شمس ابادی 1403
  2. تبیین مدلهای رایج رهبری مدیران مدارس ابتدایی ناحیه سه شهر اهواز
    وحید پورمراد 1403
  3. تحلیل و تبیین نظام‌مند شاخصهای‌ ثبت‌نام در رشته‌های چهارگانه آموزش متوسطه 30 سال گذشته استان خوزستان
    احمد فرهادی 1402
  4. بررسی مولفه‌‌های یادگیری جمعی دانشجویان در آموزش مجازی: مطالعه موردی دانشجویان دانشگاه شهید چمران اهواز
    زهرا حبیبی پور 1402
  5. طراحی الگویی برای مدیریت چالش‌های آموزش ابتدایی عشایر در استان خوزستان
    معراج جهانگیری 1402
  6. گونه شناسی گروه های ذی نفوذ و شیوه های اثرگذاری آنها بر سیاست گذاری های درون دانشگاهی
    معصومه حمادی 1401
  7. بررسی نقش پرداخت مبتنی بر عملکرد بر ارزش آفرینی و توسعه فردی کارکنان در یک شرکت خدماتی
    اسما فرحانی 1401
  8. بررسی تأثیر تنوع وظیفه بر تنش هویت علمی استادان دانشگاههای دولتی ایران
    سپیده حسنی 1401
  9. بررسی تأثیر مولفه های خودگردانی بر شکل گیری مدرسه متناسب با جامعه دانش محور
    معصومه جابری كیا 1400
  10. تعیین پیشران های حکمرانی خوب با استفاده از رویکرد تحلیل تأثیر متقاطع در اداره کل آموزش و پرورش استان خوزستان
    مهناز حسن بندی 1400
  11. بررسی نظام توسعه حرفه ای مستمر (CPD) اعضای هیأت علمی و شیوه پاسخگویی به آن در دانشگاه های شهر اهواز
    مریم حسینی حلیم 1400
  12. بررسی نقش عاملیت مدیران بر پاسخگویی و مشارکت جمعی معلمان مدارس متوسطه شهر اهواز
    فیروزه زارعی بلنجان 1398
  13. تدوین الگوی ظرفیت اشتغال پذیری دانشجویان دانشگاه شهید چمران اهواز: دانشکده مهندسی
    الهه رجبی 1398
  14. مطالعه هستی‌شناختی/ پدیدارشناختی یادگیری خودراهبر در محیط‌های یادگیری مبتنی بر یکپارچگی
    زینب رحمتی 1398
  15. شناسایی استراتژی های مدیریت وابستگی به منبع در دانشگاه های استان ایلام
    پریسا رشیدی تنگ سلفی 1398
  16. تحلیل آثار و پیامدهای نهادگرایی نوین در دانشگاه‌های دولتی استان خوزستان
    مریم لندی 1398
  17. آزمون مدل حکمرانی خوب در دانشگاه شهیدچمران اهواز
    علی عموری 1396

    The aim of this study is to examining good governance model in shahid Chamran university of Ahvaz. For this aim we used quantitative method of research specially survey. In the first action we checked the literature of this subject and then extract the components of good governance model that includes: consensus oriented, transparency, accountability, participation, responsiveness, equity & inclusiveness and rule of law. In the second action we designed questionnaire biased on Likert spectrum these components. Then for evaluated its validity and satiability, used Cronbach alpha. accordingly give out it between 30 participants’, and finally Cronbach alpha becomes 0/948.The public of this study are the teachers, students and staff of shahid chamran university of Ahvaz. The sample of study includes 374 persons. Then by using SEM SMART PLS, investigated the model. According to the results, we found that accountability variable has upmost coefficient 0/530, and rule of law has least coefficients 0/107.The transparency, responsiveness, equity & inclusiveness variables, partly have same coefficients. consensus oriented & participation variables subsequent accountability, has 0/348 coefficients, the result of this study argue that model of good governance amount 1/30 predicts effectiveness.

  18. بررسی الگوی تقاضای اجتماعی برای آموزش عالی در گروههای آموزشی پنجگانه دانشگاه شهید چمران اهواز
    سمیه حسنوند 1396

     The social demand for higher education is a result of individuals' demand for higher education which is mainly based on individual behavior , but features itself as a collective behavior. The main purpose of the present study was to both elicit and identify a social demand pattern for higher education in the five educational departments at Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz. The population consisted of 14000 students who were studying in the colleges of humanities, pure sciences, technical and engineering, agriculture and veterinary at Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz. As many as 600 people of this population were selected as a sample through stratified sampling method. Finally 569 analyzable questionnaires were collected. The tool gathering data was a research-made questionnaire. To develop the questionnaire, the influential elements on the university were elicited from the literature of the subject as well as previous researches and were taken as a basis of designing and formulating the questionnaire. The validity of the questionnaires was examined by the advisors, the reader, a number of members of the faculty at Educational science department at Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, as well as some M.A and PH.D students there. Later, in order to identify the shortcomings and stability, 30 questionnaires were distributed and at last, the cronbach alpha was calculated to be 0/93. To analyze the data, the confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation model were used. The results showed that all of the variables investigated during the course of the study including the direct and indirect influences on the social demand for higher education, the expenses, mental-psychological factors, better future prospects, the effect of demographic changes, the effect of individual characteristics, the effect of cultural factors, and the effect of educational facilities all together contribute to the demands of society for higher education. The regression coefficient in the five colleges for the indirect interest variable had the highest weight – 0.63. Moreover, the regression coefficient for education fees variable had the lowest weight – 0.10.

  19. مقایسه کارایی درونی مدارس دولتی و غیر دولتی متوسطه اول شهر اهواز
    احمد شیخی 1396

    The main purpose of the present study was to investigate the effect of internal efficiency of nongovernmental schools on the educational system of Ahvaz city. Therefore, the comparison between the efficiency of the first and second grade public and non-governmental schools in Ahwaz was compared. The research method was descriptive-comparative method. The statistical population of the study was all public and non-governmental schools in Ahvaz city. Sampling method was census method and information of all schools in Ahvaz was studied. In this research, data were collected using a documentary study method. The statistics of government and non-governmental schools included: the number of students entering each academic year, the number of passes, the number of graduations, the number of graduates, the number of graduated students First, secondary school was investigated according to Ahwaz city and gender. For data analysis, internal efficiency indicators including promotion rate, failure rate, drop-out rate, survival rate, average education length and loss rate were used. Two independent ratios were also used to compare the internal efficiency of government and non-governmental schools. The results of the research showed that there was no significant difference between internal and external government schools. On the other hand, the results indicate tangible superiority of nongovernmental schools in all indicators. Other important results are the gap between state-run schools in District 4 and other governmental and nongovernmental areas.

  20. شناسایی شاخص¬های ارزیابی عملکرد نظام آموزش و توسعه منابع انسانی شرکت ملی مناطق نفت¬خیزجنوب بر اساس مدل کارت امتیازی متوازن
    محسن امیدی چشمه كبود 1395

    Current research identify indexes performance rating system of educational and human resources development of National south oilfields Company has been done based on balanced scorecard model. The method of this research was mixture of serial exploratory (qualitative and quantitative) and data with qualitative method of inductive content analysis (the interview and also histories and document and papers of company) and quantity is descriptive type (questionnaire type) these two types of research have been put together. In quantitative type, using the method of samplary random-level of total personnel system for educational and human resources development of National south oilfield Company 130 people as a sample answered the questionnaire. At the qualitative part of research also used samplary on purpose of show with12 cases of insiders and corporate management system for education in this field to work interview. Stability of questionnaire in this research was calculated (0/975) and in order to gain the confidence of tool's fitness of exploratory-confirmed analysis factors was used. Research results showed that six declared components of balanced scorecard (676/57) present variance performance of educational system and development of human sources of National south oilfield Company has specified. Research results shows that in any of these components which indicators should be used.

  21. بررسی تأثیر سبک‌ رهبری تحولی بر نوآوری سازمانی با نقش واسطه¬ای مدیریت دانش
    احمد فاضلی 1395

     This study aimed to determine the effect of Transformational leadership leadership styles on organizational innovation, according to mediating role of knowledge management in the Dasht azadeghan education department. The purpose research aspect is in the area of "Applied Research" and its method and nature aspects are in descriptive-survey researches. The Research population are expected to be 265 people. To collect the data, a questionnaire leadership style (Bass & Avolio, 1995), organizational innovation (Jorfi, 2013) and knowledge management (Jashpara, 2003), were used. For data analysis used descriptive statistics and inferential statistics such as structural equation model and data were analyzed using SPSS 22 and Amos 24. The results showed that Transformational leadership leadership styles effect on organizational innovation due to the mediating role of knowledge management.

  22. شناسایی ابعاد دانش دبیران در آموزش و پرورش شهر اهواز
    امین اله خلیلی 1395

    Teachers, need variety knowledge in complex and variable schools context that The acquisition and application of this knowledge is essential in the process of success and career path of teachers. The main objective of this research is to identify aspects of teacher education of Ahvaz. The purpose research aspect is in the area of "Applied Research" and its method and nature aspects are mixed methods (consecutive exploratory). The Research population in qualitative part consisted of 11 school teachers in Ahvaz and to determine the sample size in this section, The desirable cases choice method was used. In the quantitative using stratified random sampling of 346 people between 3125 teachers education in Ahvaz were selected based on Morgan table as the sample. Qualitative data derived from semi-structured interviews And a researcher made questionnaire were used for quantitative data. For date analysis, interviews inductive content analysis was used and exploratory factor analysis was used For quantitative data analysis. The results showed that, teachers knowledge Consists of, cognitive aspect (recognition Of students, rules and regulations …, and skills (Teaching skills, Assessment skills…), procedures (Practical teaching, knowledge assessment…), communication (Interaction with the manager, interaction with office…), planning (Leadership and management of class…), technology (Computer and Internet knowledge).

  23. تدوین الگوی مفهومی بهترین تجربه تدریس دبیران ریاضی زن شهر اهواز
    فرزانه رحمتی 1395

     The purpose of the present study was to construct a conceptual model for the best teaching experience of math female teachers at Ahvaz's zone 1. The method is a qualitative one and the grounded theory was particularly used in this research. The participants is consisted of the math female teachers who are teaching in the Ahvaz's zone 1 schools, among which 16 top and the most successful teachers who have good experience in math teaching were selected through snowball sampling. In this research, given the subject and its qualitative nature, the data was collected through interview, literature, writings and records and documents. Since this research naturally aimed to construct a conceptual model of the best math female teacher, the data was analyzed through qualitative content analysis. In this process, first the subjects were interviewed and then the content of interview was converted to technical notes and the open codes were extracted and they converted to categories and between them a relationship was made. Finally a conceptual model was constructed. The results showed that the problem of the teachers in achieving to the best and successful teaching experience is that they disregard to the profession of teaching and do not have the required ability for teaching. Also paying attention to the poor students and establishing an emotional relationship with students and including professional ethics were identified as influential factors. The used strategies to solve these problems were enhancement of teachers' abilities and those contextual and intervention factors influencing the strategies were: emotionally interacting with students, paying attention to the teaching profession, removing the red tape in the education, motivating the students. At the end, it was revealed that the used strategies for paying attention to teaching profession and teaching abilities influence the student's development both mentally and emotionally and make the teaching joyful for them.

  24. مطالعه وضعیت مؤلفه های ظرفیت سازمانی در بیمارستان صنعت نفت شهر اهواز و رابطه آن با عملکرد کارکنان سازمان
    فرشته پیرزادسیبكی 1395

     one of the important aspects of recognition of an organization is to identify its capacities. In order to achieve to organizational targets it is necessary to study the organizational capacities. The aim of development of organization capacity is to help the improvement of organization performance in order to deal with obvious and known issues and react to globally variable issues. The present study intends to investigate the relationship between organization capacity and performance in the oil company hospital of Ahvaz. The method is an applied one in term of target and is a correctional in term of running path. The population is consisted of the administrators, experts and patients (N=100) of oil company hospital. Due to the limited population, the sampling was conducted as census. In this research, two questionnaires were used: the organization capacity with validity 0.95 and organization performance with validity 0.88. The findings were analyzed by a SPSS package. At last, after confirming the hypotheses, it was revealed that the two components of organizational capacity and performance in the hospital are in a desirable condition and there is a significantly positive correlation between organization capacity and performance. Hence, given the capacities and making a balance in the components of the capacities, the hospital can achieve a high performance.

  25. ارزشیابی دوره¬های آموزش ضمن خدمت فنی و مهارتی شرکت ملی حفاری ایران بر اساس مدل ارزشیابی بازگشت سرمایه جک فیلیپس
    سعید اندرز 1395

     The aim of this study was evaluation skillful and technical in-service training courses National Iranian Drilling Company based on Jack philips Return On Investment evaluation model that Among thay were selected targete both training course called 1) Familiarity the top drive, and 2) new Dravorks braking and lift systems that The number participants in each courses, respectively 21 and 7 persons. The required data based on the Jack Phillips Return On Investment evaluation model in six steps, which respectively are as follows: Participants reaction, learning, behavior, organizational performance, Return On Investment and intangible benefits were collected. Although in this study used of qualitative and quantitative tools but the method used in this study is quantitative and the use of quality tools is for the nature of the model and endorsing quantitative information. In this study, to separate effect of training from other components in the second level of the pre-test and post-test and in rest of the steps from supervisors and managements Estimation is used. sampling method used is Purposive and available our the number of samples in this study without the supervisors are 28 persons and since the results of this study cant be generalized to other courses in this study, our Statistical Society is our sample. For control normality of data due to the low number of participants in each courses was used from Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. In this study from 11 tools in 6 types (questionnaires, Czech list, interview, indicators, documents, view) was used to collect data at all levels. The results obtained from this study show that each both training course Familiarity with topdrive and new Dravorks brake and lift systems at all levels of learners satisfaction, learning, deployment, organization performance and Return On Investment according to the opinion participants and their supervisors could have positive results for individuals and organizations seeking or in other words can say that these two courses at all levels mentioned were effective. The amount totaled (161.400.000) Rials has been spent on training course Familiarity with the top drive that to calculate the rate costs and benefits, (199.940.000) Rials benefid has been making profit company. That indicate that in addition to the return expenditure that spent was this training curses, amount totals (38.540.000) Rials pure profit income was also the organization. In training curse new Dravorks braking and lifting systems was spent amount totals (78.400.000) Rials in this period that supervisors them believe that training could improve employee performance and will bring positive results for the organization.

  26. بررسی استراتژی¬های جذب مدیران مدارس و تأثیر آن بر تعهد سازمانی مدیران مدارس نواحی یک و دو شهر اهواز
    فاطمه توكلی 1394

    The object of this study was the Investigation on School administrator's recruitment strategies and impacts on their organizational commitment in Ahwaz city. The research method was descriptive and correlational type. Participants were the 23 subject of officers and 85 subject of school administrators that selected with Census sample method. Initially, officials and school administrators completed the made questionnaire of strategies recruitment with 0/86 Cronbach's alpha that’s validity confirmed by faculty members of the Faculty of Education and a number of the samples. In addition, school administrators completed validity Questionnaire of Organizational Commitment of Meyer & Allen (1990) with 0/85 Cronbach's alpha. In order to analyze the data, descriptive statistics (frequency and percentage) and inferential statistics (chi-square test and test of variance (ANOVA) and Enter multiple regression) were used. Results The data showed that from the perspective of officials and school administrators, education organization used all of elements in Recruitment strategies. the loyalty strategy used in the education more. As well as High schools organizational commitment was high and organizational commitment was explained only by loyalty soldier's strategy. This strategy impressive the organizational commitment. According to the survey results, organizations must assess education of its internal and external environment and the analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, to develop strategies and policies to act while hiring qualified school administrators, to increase organizational commitment.

  27. بررسی فرایند مدیریت تغییر در مراکز آموزش علمی- کاربردی شهر اهواز
    یلدا محمدزاده 1394

     The main objective of this study was to evaluate the change management process applied in scientific centers in Ahwaz. The research method was a combination of the type of account and the survey, to collect quantitative data and qualitative content analysis were used to collect data. The participants, all employees applied scientific centers in Ahwaz, about 452 people are in a stratified random sampling method based on a sample of 124 patients were selected. The validity of the questionnaire through content validity, the approval of the supervisor and the Faculty of Education and Department of martyr Chamran University reached. As well as to obtain the reliability of the questionnaire using Cronbach's alpha, which obtained alpha of 81% 0. For statistical analysis and hypothesis of the research questions, descriptive statistics (frequency and percentage) and inferential statistics (Chi-square tests and Friedman's non-parametric) was used. The results of the quantitative data showed that the Human resources of University of Applied Science and Technology have the capability and are ready to make a change. Following the research, the quality of purposive sampling to select the desired mode and 8 of managers and experts of applied scientific educational centers in Ahwaz were semi-structured interviews and interviews with content analysis Qualitative analysis was performed. The results of the interviews showed that employees applied scientific centers of Ahvaz, despite having all the necessary conditions for change, many are faced with obstacles and difficulties. The obstacles in the two categories, the barriers to intra-organizational and inter-organizational categories, and then for each of these two categories, sub-categories that were extracted, so that barriers within the four structural barriers, training, monitoring, incentives and reward and organizational barriers in three areas: social barriers, economic and market were classified. Change objective, concentration, lack of laboratory facilities and workshops, theoretical teaching faculty, contradictory laws and regulations, lack of motivation, interest and perseverance and students as examples of organizational barriers and evidence-orientation as examples of External barriers were identified in these centers.

  28. بررسی تأثیر اعتماد سازمانی بر بهره¬وری معلمان آموزش و پرورش شهرستان آغاجاری در سال تحصیلی 1394-1393
    سیدمحمد درخشانی 1394

    The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of organizational trust on the productivity of administrators, principals and teachers city Aghajari in the academic year 2014-2015. The population of the study, include 550 people from administrators, principals and teachers of Aghajari city; statistical sample consisted of 226 managers, principals and teachers that useing stratified random sampling method were selected and determined. Collecting data were conducted using from two questionnaires of organizational trust and efficiency. The results showed that there is a direct relationship between organizational trust and organizational efficiency; results also showed that organizational trust component (vertical trust, institutional trust and side trust) have the high power of the predictive efficienc.

  29. بررسی تاثیر هوش هیجانی مدیران بر تعالی سازمانی مدارس شهر مسجدسلیمان
    زینب شجاعی 1394

    The main objective of this study was to investigate the effect of emotional intelligence of managers on organizational excellence Masjed Soleiman city's schools. The method of cross-correlation research group. The population consisted of all schools that approximately 111 schools. A sample of 419 Morgan table of administrators and teachers, including 86 principals and 344 teachers respectively. Stratified random sampling method and sample administrators, teachers were selected randomly. Data collected using a questionnaire and organizational excellence innovation time it was collected. The validity and content validity and reliability using Cronbach's alpha coefficient, respectively, 93/0 and 84/0 respectively. The data obtained through descriptive statistics including frequency, percentage and inferential statistics including single-sample t-test, correlation and regression were analyzed by SPSS software. The results showed emotional intelligence of managers on organizational excellence affects schools, most of the components of emotional intelligence is above average but below average assessment component stress management, a component of organizational excellence schools was above average but the management and staff Resources were evaluated below average. Among the individual components of emotional intelligence in the most effective and least effective component stress management excellence in schools. The results suggest that the standard deviation for changes in one component of intrapersonal, interpersonal, adaptability, stress management, general mood, the organizational excellence as the size of /0197, /0195, /0127, 0/119, 0/098 forecasts. In addition to the standard deviation for changes in the components of emotional intelligence, organizational excellence in the size 166/0 is predictable. According to the results, it seems that school principals training and improving stress management, physical and spiritual motivation for teachers, attracting donations, sponsorships and fair division of financial resources among schools by the oil companies should be considered.

  30. بررسی وضعیت مهارت آموزی در مرکز آموزش های علمی-کاربردی جهاد دانشگاهی شهر اهواز
    مهمدی - زری 1394

    The aim of this research was to investigate the skill-training in Applied-Science Center of Jahad Daneshgahi of Ahwaz. The research method is combined research method (exploratoy). The research Data was collected by using two methods: quantitive methods (Questionnaier) and qualitative content analysis (interview). The participants of this study are all staff, faculties and students of center Applied Science Center of Jahad Daneshgahi of Ahwaz that totally 260 persons took part in the sample. (240 persons for answering the questionnaire and 20 persons for doing interviews). Resesrch findings reveals that the most important skill needs of students are cognitive, professional (or technical), enter preneurship, management, communicational, and social skills. Also Resesrch findings indicated that the presentation of education in this university could not meet the skill needs of students. In fact, the presentation of education in this center could not have properly positive and useful influence on human capital and be responsive to the instrumental approach adheres. The interviews included two aspects of pros and cons approaches in regarding to match the presentation of educations with Applied-science universitys goal. In the end, by comparing two groups of pros and cons ideas and with regard to the second questionnaires findings, the discrepancies of the presentation of educations in these center with the goals of Pubic Applied-Science University were accepted. Also, different elements were detected as facilitating factors in this center such as: Using modern teaching methods, facilities and equipments, syllabus, content and applied topics, less accepting students, desirable level of students, the masters’ knowledgability, student`s purpose of entering the institute, the willing and motivations of students, and employment status. Training obstacles in this center were divided into three parts: individual, organizational and metaorganizational obstacles. Degree oriented, the lack of laboratory and workshop equipments, dominance of theoretical teaching on teacher`s practical methods, impracticality of education, reluctance and the lack of motivation and perseverance of students and... are some of the training obstacles observed in this center.

  31. ارزیابی عملکرد دانشگاه شهید چمران اهواز براساس مدل تعالی سازمانی بنیاد اروپایی مدیریت کیفیت (EFQM)
    قوچی-لیلا 1394

    The higher education system of each country plays the major role in economic, social and the cultural development. The purpose of the present study was to performance assessment of University of Shahid Chamran based on European fonduction quality method (EFQM ) excellence model.
    In this descriptive cross- sectional study, 135 staffs of faculty members and personnel of Shahed Chamran University were selected using ratio random sampling method in 2014-2015. The modified version of EFQM questionnaire was used for data collection. Data was analyzed using SPSS 16 software and descriptive statistics.
    The University’s performance assessment mean score in the area enablers was 231/4 and in results area was 231/8. The highest score obtained in enablers area was associated Partnership and Resourses criterion (48/6) and the lowest score was related to people criterion (43/7). Key Results criteria obtained the highest (51/1) and the people results obtained the lowest(42/4) scores of the results area.
    In view of staffs of faculty members and personnel Shahid Chamran University obtained 469/8 out of 1000 possible scores of EFQM Excellence Model. Moreover, it is at Below average.

  32. تأثیر سازوکارهای تخصیص منابع مالی درون دانشگاهی بر عملکرد آموزشی و پژوهشی گروه¬های آموزشی دانشگاه شهید چمران اهواز
    فرزانه قاسمی 1394

    This study aims to investigate the effect of internal financial resource allocation mechanism of departments of Shahid Chamran University on the educational and research performance. Present study could be classified as a theoretical-applied research in terms of objectives and descriptive-analytic as well as correlational in terms of methodology. Shahid Chamran University was selected as the statistical population and all the required data concerning faculties and departments was collected. In order to collect the required data in the time domain of 2010-2013, documents and records held by different units of the university were scrutinized and reviewed. For data analysis, descriptive statistics tables including average growth rates, means, standard deviations and correlation coefficients were developed while to determine the relationships between variables and fit regression models of interest, inferential statistics and multilevel modelling methods were used. The results show that: (1) values do not have the same structure and homogeneity and there is a dissonance between time units and departments. The calculated statistics for research performance (ρ=0.68) and academic performance (ρ=0.52) indicates the necessity of using multilevel modeling.)2) Managerial and educational performance of the departments per faculty member during the study period has encountered some fluctuations and the general trend of these indices has been increasing).3) each department has experienced an individual trend. )4) The mechanisms of financial resource allocation significantly affect educational and research performances of the departments

  33. بررسی امکان پیاده سازی دانشگاه کارآفرین از دیدگاه مدیران و اعضای هیئت علمی در دانشگاه شهید چمران اهواز
    ضرغام فرامرزی نیا 1394

     The Main purpose of this research was an awareness of the feasibility of implementing Entrepreneurial University from the perspective of administrators and faculty members of Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz. The research method is mixed and explanatory. Surveys were used to collect quantitative data and interviews were used for qualitative data. Participants were the faculty members of Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz. In the quantitative part of the research, by using a classified random sampling method, 120 subjects were selected on the basis of Cochran. The subjects completed the researcher-made questionnaire with Cronbach's alpha coefficient 0/97 whose validity was confirmed by the members of Educational Sciences Faculty and University Administration group in Shahid Chamran University. For quantitative data analysis, descriptive statistics (frequency and percentage) and inferential statistics (Chi-Square test and Friedman) were used. The results of the quantitative data indicated a possibility of implementing all the components of Entrepreneurs University in Shahid Chamran University. Then, in the qualitative part, purposeful sampling method was used to select the appropriate items along with 12 members of the authorities and faculty members associated with entrepreneurship and industry. Semi-structured interviews were conducted which were later analyzed through qualitative content analysis method. The overall results showed that faculty members accepted the difficulties and obstacles in the way of establishing an Entrepreneurial University. They also were aware of a lack of infrastructure and political contexts, social, economic and culturally appropriate in the country. However, they believed that the university had good capabilities (including: the human resources with a variety of expertise, students interested in research at the graduate level, brand, historical background, research oriented and numerous branches in University). and the fields (including: the capacity of the social, economic, political and cultural of Khuzestan province, existence of industries, businesses, agriculture and various technologies in Khuzestan province, entrepreneurial centers, industrial relationship, science and technology parks and several Knowledge-Based Companies, the ability of faculty members in partnerships and forming specialized groups in research projects, economic and entrepreneurship). They believed that the university could perform activities such as the development of entrepreneurial culture and Change Attitude of faculty members and students about University's mission, Reforming the system of recruitment, promotion and retraining faculty members, coordination and implementation of different parts of activity, needs assessments and makes appropriate relation with the external environment, the introduction of university to industry and society, diversification of funding sources. To Move On its way to becoming an Entrepreneurial University.

  34. تأثیر رهبری توزیعی بر رضایت شغلی معلمان و پیشرفت تحصیلی دانش‌آموزان دبیرستان‌های شهرستان اهواز
    صحرایی-فرانك 1394

    The aim of this study was to learn about the effect of distributed leadership on teachers' job satisfaction and students' achievement of Ahvaz high schools. The research method was descriptive and correlational and in terms of aim it was a theoretical- applied research. The population of this study was male and female managers, teachers and students of high schools of four educational regions in Ahvaz in 1392-93. Sampling was done through multi-stage stratified method. First region 1 and 4 were picked randomly, and then according to Morgan table 73 schools were chosen randomly out of 89 ones, finally subjects were chosen in definite numbers according to population of the schools. Status of distributed leadership Questionnaire of Delaware Research and Development Center with the alpha coefficient %88 and Smith, Kendall & Hvlyn job satisfaction Questionnaire with the alpha coefficient %96 were used as measuring tools and to measure students' achievement, the average of third grade students' scores in written final exams which are held nationally coordinator were examined. Findings showed schools mangers used distributed leadership. All dimensions of distributed leadership were related to achievement except professional development. There was relationship between all dimensions of distributed leadership and job satisfaction, too. Regression results showed distributed leadership dimensions and job satisfaction were predictors for achievement and the results of multivariate regression showed very weak effect of managers' distributed leadership variable on teachers' job satisfaction and students' achievement.

  35. بررسی تاثیر آموزش سازمانی بر توانمندسازی کارکنان بانک تجارت شهراهواز
    ناصح-ایرج 1394

    The main objective of the study was to evaluate the impact of corporate training Empowering staff Bank Tejarat city of Ahvaz. The purpose of this study in terms of functionality and in terms of the nature of a description of the type of correlation. The population in this study includes all commercial bank branches in Ahvaz employees, including 300 persons. Due to the size of the population, were used to determine the size of the sample of Fermoy Cochrane and 150 were determined based on the size of the sample. The number of employees, using a random sample of the entire population of the study were selected. To gather data for this study were used two questionnaires corporate training and empowerment of staff. To confirm the validity of the method and content validity was confirmed by five members of Faculty of Educational Sciences martyr Chamran University of Ahvaz was trading bank branches and ten employees. The reliability of the questionnaire, corporate training and empowerment of employees using Cronbach's alpha, respectively, 0/83 and 0/87 respectively. To analyze the data, questionnaires and test questions, descriptive statistical methods (mean, standard deviation, frequency, minimum and maximum score) and inferential statistics (correlation and regression) is used. Research findings on the questions showed that a significant relationship between organizational learning and empowerment of employees there. The results showed that the organizational and training components of competency, independence and a sense of the effectiveness of a significant relationship between organizational learning but feel significant in the job and feel confident in the job, there is no significant relationship. The regression analysis showed that the corporate training component in the first step can be a sense of empowerment deserve to predict the rate of 0/40 . In the second step feel significant component of the model is imported, which means that corporate training is managed 0/80 by our Empowering staff after the changes to predict.

  36. بررسی ﻣﻮاﻧﻊ و الزامات ﺗﺠﺎریﺳﺎزی دانش در دانشگاه: مطالعه موردی (دانشگاه شهید چمران اهواز)
    رسائی-لیلا 1393

    The main purpose of implementation current inquiry, had been Identified and reviews InhibitorObstacles or Requirements Buyers the commercialization Facilitate of knowledge of viewpoint managers and faculty members shahidchamran university of Ahvaz. For achieving this purpose, had been used concurrent- triangulation mixed method design. So that the data were collected from using Researcher made questionnaire For distribution among the 155 members of the sample who were selected by simple random sampling in quantitative Section, and Simultaneously Semi-structured interviews using snowball sampling with theoretical saturation in qualitative Section. Were did organized Results of qualitative Section has been analyzed By using qualitative content analysis method of comparative in the Pre-specified categories inclusive; individual, organizational and environmental of Obstacles and cultural, structural and political - legal of Buyers. Results of shows in quantitative Section, The had higher level importance and priority organizational of Obstacles and structural of Buyers. Also, there were differences Significant between the views of faculty members and university managers in relation to individual and organizational of Obstacles and There is no difference significant in other cases.

  37. مطالعه رفتار شهروندی سازمانی مدیران و معلمان مدارس مقاطع ابتدایی و متوسطه شهرستان اهواز
    نظری-شیرزاد 1393

    The purposes of the current inquiry werestudy Organizational Citizenship Behavior Principals and Teachers Of Elementary and secondary Schools in the City of Ahvaz, Awareness of the measure Componentsinfluencing, collegial leadership Of the Principal, teacher Trust in colleagues, academic Press, teacher professionalism, perceived organizational effectiveness, openness of the school Climate, Explain Reasons impacting and did not impact of the components listed, Identification of other components of school setting from that effectiveness formation Organizational Citizenship Behavior Principals or Teachers, In this regard, In order toachievemore favorableunderstanding and moreaccurate results, had been used mixed method approaches of The scheme quality combination sequential-explanation. The population consists all of The Principals and teachers elementary or secondary schools, Citizen of Ahwaz. Due to a mixed method survey,in quantitative Sectionofstratifiedsamplingmethod and in qualitative Section using purposive sampling, continued sampling process was achieved theoretical saturation and as long as were answered questions research. the data were collected from using questionnaire in quantitative Sectionand semi-structured interviews in qualitative Section. The obtain results of the data analysis in quantitative sector shows, in an average level OCB status of Principals or Teachers in the case studyof theschools, From the stakeholders of viewpoint, there were no significant difference between OCB in primary and secondary schools. Furthermore, collegial leadership Of the Principal, teacher professionalism, perceived organizational effectiveness Components were desire predictability for formationto the organizational citizenship, Whereas, teacher Trust in colleagues, academic Press, openness of the school Climate Components were not ability influential, explain, predicte Related to changes Organizational Citizenship Behavior both Principals and Teachers. In Pursuit of the Qualitative results, analysis of the interviews based on a qualitative content analysis approach to inductive method, has been explained the reasons for lack of effectiveness and impact of each the components.