صفحه اعضا هیئت علمی - دانشکده علوم تربیتی و روانشناسی
Associate Professor
Update: 2025-03-03
Sayyed Jalal Hashemi
دانشکده علوم تربیتی و روانشناسی / گروه علوم تربیتی
P.H.D dissertations
تبیین وظایف والدین در تكوین مبادی مسئولیت پذیری كودكان در دوره تمهید (پیش از بلوغ و سن تكلیف)
فیصل ربیهاوی 1403 -
ارائه الگوی مفهومی پرورش یكپارچگی وجودی (شخصی) در انسان با رویكرد اسلامی
ابتسام كوتی 1403 -
تدوین و تحلیل الگوی شایستگیهای تربیت جنسی دختران نوجوان: پژوهشی ترکیبی
ناهید شبانی شهرضا 1403 -
بررسی تحلیلی مفهوم انسان فرهیخته با نظر به ایده بیلدونگ از منظر یوهان گوتفرید هردر و تبیین دلالت های تربیتی آن
مسعود پیروتی اقدم 1402 -
ارائه ی الگوی قرآنی تغییر درونی مطلوب و تبیین دلالت های تربیتی آن
سمیه پاپی 1400 -
بررسی تحلیلی مبانی فضیلت های فکری و تبیین دلالت های آن برای تعلیم و تربیت ایران
فرخنده دیسناد 1398 -
ارائۀ یک الگوی شایستگی اخلاقی در تربیت فرزند در منابع اسلامی با نگاهی به قوانین و اسناد بالا دستی جمهوری اسلامی ایران
افراسیاب صادقی چلچه 1398
Master Theses
تجربه همكاوی آموزگار و دانش آموزان در درس نگارش فارسی پایه پنجم ابتدایی: اجرای كاوشگری در معنا و زبان لیپمن با نظر به منطقه مجاور رشد ویگوتسكی
احسان عبدالهی 1403 -
واكاوی نقش، مسئولیت و شایستگی های تسهیلگر در برنامه فلسفه برای كودكان و بازسازی آن بر اساس دیدگاه عاملیت انسان
علی جان درمیان 1403 -
ارائه الگوی مفهومی آموزش مودت و رحمت به همسران بر پایه قرآن و روایات معصومین (ع)
الهه كوچك زاده 1402 -
طراحی و اعتباریابی كدهای اخلاقی در تسهیلگری برنامه فلسفه برای كودكان
سهیلا خواجه گودری 1402 -
تجربة اعتلای حساسیت فلسفی دانش آموزان در حلقة كندوكاو كلاسی بر اساس كتاب تفكر و سبك زندگی پایه های هفتم و هشتم دورة اول متوسطه:
تحلیل روایت یك معلم- تسهیلگر
علی محمد ناصری 1402 -
ارائه نظریه قرآنی یاد خدا و تبیین دلالت های آن در تعلیم و تربیت اسلامی
مهدیه عبدی زاده 1401 -
طراحی و اعتباریابی بسته راهنمای كاربست حساسیت فلسفی بر اساس كتاب فارسی پایه ششم ابتدایی: پژوهشی تركیبی
سیدعلی نجات 1401 -
بررسی تجربه زیسته تسهیلگری تسهیلگران آموزش دیدة
برنامة آموزش فلسفه به كودكان و نوجوانان ایران
علیرضا بلك 1401 -
بررسی تحلیلی تاب آوری اخلاقی و تبیین تجربۀ زیستۀ دبیران از آن در دورۀ شیوع ویروس کرونا (کووید 19) در دبیرستانهای شهر شوشتر
صدیقه كریمی فرد 1400 -
بررسی تجارب زیسته دبیران از کاربست اخلاق مراقبت در تعامل با دانش آموزان دبیرستانهای شهر دزفول
محسن حق خواه 1399 -
آسیب شناسی کم نمایی وارونگی ارزش های اسلامی در نظام آموزشی ایران
علیرضا كاوندی 1399 -
بررسی تحلیلی شایستگی فرهنگی و بازتاب آن در کتاب های درسی نظام آموزش و پرورش ایران
ابتسام كوتی 1398 -
بررسی تجربۀ شجاعت اخلاقی در بین دبیران آموزش و پرورش شهر آبادان: مطالعه ای با رویکرد پژوهش کیفی عام (ژنریک)
مهران كریمی نیا 1398 -
ارائۀ الگوی قرآنی بهترین پیروی (تبعیت احسن) و تبیین دلالت های تربیتی آن
علی سعدی 1397 -
تبیین فرایند تقوای حضور در اندیشه اسلامی و پیامدهای آن برای تعلیم و تربیت اسلامی: پژوهشی با روش نظریه پردازی داده بنیاد
یوسف مسحنه 1397 -
بررسی تجربه زیسته حساسیت اخلاقی آموزگاران
مقطع ابتدایی شهرستان اهواز: پژوهشی با رویکرد پدیدارشناسی هرمنوتیک
سیدناصر موسوی 1396
This study set out to gain an understanding of the meaning of the lived experience of moral sensitivity among the male elementary teachers from the forth educational district of Ahvaz. Moral sensitivity refers to the condition of being sensitive morally and paying attention to the needs of others. Due to their professional conditions, teachers are in extensive interactions with students and experience ethically significant situations. In this study hermeneutic phenomenology, as a qualitative approach, was used to inqure into the moral experiences of the teachers. Based on this methodology, after the conduction of in-depth semi-structured interviews with 24 qualified teachers, focused on their lived experiences of moral sensitivity, the interviews were transcribed and interpreted according to the three levels of Paul Ricoeur's text interpretation theory. Moral percption, affectivity, and moral judgement were the three main themes that were revealed, along with 9 other sub-themes. Moral sensitivity among teachers was determined based on moral perception and the recognition of the moral dimension of the situations. It was revealed that teachers more quickly recognize the needs of students and moral dimension of the situation if they consider themselves responsible for the situations that come up during education. Affctivity among teachers was revealed through empathy with students and recognition and understanding of their suffering. Affectivity lead teachers toward more information gathering regarding the moral situation of the student, based on their professional knowledge and experience. This is an indication of the teacher's awareness of his role and responsibility in moral situations, based on which he can assess the consequences of his actions and decisions on the student. It was also found that during moral experience teachers expend enough thought and reflection on making a right decision in order to decrease the sufferings of students and better protect them. The identified themes indicate the importance of the state of moral sensitivity of teachers, especially elementary teachers, and provides opportiunities for their training both before employment and during service, because it is expected that elematary teachers have an adequate knowledge of childhood issues and help children benevolently.
بررسی تجربه معنوی دانش آموزان مقطع متوسطه اول شهرستان امیدیه
محمد نامداری 1395Abstract: With regard to the fact that the modern human, in this century, is interested in materialistic matters, he is far from the basic and main dimension of his life which is spirituality. Engaging in spiritual matters most probably will help him to remember this forgotten dimension. We know very well that educating a large number of issues in childhood is of great importance and plays a vital role in people’s adulthood. Spiritual education and training in childhood will have influence more on the preparation of children for the perception of spiritual pleasures in teenager and adult age. In this phenomenological study, we inteneded to examine the spiritual experiences among junior high school students in Omidieh by discovering and interpreting the meanings of those experiences.
A purposeful smaple consisting of 25 people from students of seventh and eighth grades
aged 12 and 13 was chosen for the in-depth semi-structured interview. In this qualitative research, we used hermeneutic phenomenology inspired by Ricouer’s theory of interpretation in order to analyze the collected data. Ricouer’s three-phase approach includes simple reading, structural analysis and complete understanding. The analysis of the collected data resulted in the discovery of four major themes and twelve sub-themes. The major themes were: relationship to God, search for meaning and change in life, relationship to others and sense of security. Based on the participants’ viewpoints, spiritual experience is similar to being religious, experiencing spiritual life, respecting the ethics and being ethical. These findings are in accordance with the cultural context in which the students live.
تبیین فرایند یاددهی-یادگیری بر مبنای فلسفۀ تعلیم و تربیت جمهوری اسلامی ایران (تدوین شدۀ خسرو باقری)
ناصر بوعذار 1395The current research aims at make clarification on the learning-teaching process
based on the philosophy of Islamic Republic of Iran's education system created
Kosrou Bagheri . Mr. Bagheri tried to give reasoning for Islamic education which is
based on native philosophy with defendable and at the same time practical principles.
To this end, he brought under spotlight all of the present teaching and learning
methods, picking an element firm each of them to complement his philosophy.
The current research is edited using field method as well as analytic and inductive
methods of study and according to principles of ontology, anthropology,
epistemology, and axiology, and examines the following eight principles of learningteaching
process: the principles of solving issues of the learners with a consideration
of the perfect status, graduality of the learning, respecting the reasoning of the
students, encouraging practical learning and conclusion of knowledge, interaction
between the learner and the examined issue, reducing the learner's independence to
the others, the teacher as a refining factor, learning based on the internal motives.
Furthermore, the significant elements of philosophy-based learning-teaching process
are as such.The phases and frequency of the teacher and learner activities are the
same with teacher taking a larger shares, though in learning-teaching process the two
sides' interaction is officially recognized but the teacher is introduced for a more
significant role. He is responsible for designing the education and later is a incentive
for the learners. The teacher arranges the teaching and learning, and the learners with
a reliance on self and interactive motives do their tasks of being students. The
learning also lies with thestudent.Theteacher-learner relations based on the theory
actionism of human are wide-ranging, voluntary and responsible.
بررسی تحلیلی اومانیسم سکولار و دلالت های تربیتی آن
زینب نوری ممبنی 1394Thisstudy with the aim of analyticalinvestigatingsecular humanismandits educativeindications with deductive and analyticalmethodology was done. Humanismis one of themost influentialtrendsof thought in theWest's civilization and culture. Thisorientationis considered asthe cornerstone ofthe West's modernity.Humanism in its secularity trendby replacing thehuman beingsinstead of God, and by the making human beings into criterion and the scale of universe,in terms ofontology,epistemology, axiology, andallthe affairsoflife, offersspecificclaimsbased onthe centrality ofman. Following this worldview and insight, humanist education also is seeking human educationto be able to find out its own essence and then to achieve domination in the universe without any intermediaries, alone, and self-reliant. The analysis shows humanism is seeking to change man's place into divinity; because all the elements interpret and evaluate themselves with human beings, consider man as the ultimate and basic criterion, and want all universe to be servant of human beings, not vice versa. The humanism knows human beings as the beginning and end of universe. The result of this attitude is nothing but the divinity of human beings. Introducing divinity ofman asthe ultimate goal ofhumanism, presentingthe results ofaconceptualcomparison, and ten principles of humanisticeducation are the most important results of this study.These principles are: absolute freedom, rationalism, tolerance and indulgence, hedonism, being the source of values, denying the existence of God and the Resurrection, science originality, using knowledge as a tool, and identifying the origin of human's being. Education humanist can exploit these principles with the centrality of manto achieve its own essence.
بررسی تحلیلی مبانی نظری مفهوم معنای زندگی و تبیین نقش تعلیم و تربیت در راستای درک آن
شنبدی-هدیه 1393The question about the meaning of life is one of the most complexity questions that have been raised in human thought. Meaning of life is often the purpose, value and function of life, analyzed and interpreted. If human good Find the answers on reason to live, his life may be meaningful, and free itself of emptiness and purposelessness. Several subjects such as the meaning of life ontological questions such as the purpose of the creation of man and his destiny after death, psychological subjects such as anxiety, fear, despair, depression, emptiness, loneliness and religious issues such as the presence or absence of God, the world and other related ultimate happiness. In this context, this study aimed to clarify the theoretical foundations of concept of the meaning of life and recognize the role of education in facilitating the understanding of the meaning of life was conducted by students with analytical conclusion. Analysis shows that in understanding the meaning of life, we need divine revelation and commands, and philosophy and reason to support the revelation needed to understand and recognize the value of the original to be meaningful life. According to the Islamic approach to interpretation of the meaning of life must speak of semantics; It is believed that God created life with meaning and purpose of our mission is to understand the meaning and purpose in their lives. In this research also utilizes a method of pattern reconstruction practical than Frankena, foundations, principles and methods of education to understand the meaning of life in Islam is derived from the basics of life were meaningful. The education implications derived concerning the assumption of ontological, epistemological and cognitive understanding of the meaning of life. For example, in the ontological assumptions of the purpose of existence (rejecting any emptiness and meaninglessness), the principle of objectivity and rational attitudes education to divine verses (signs) on the outside and inside; The epistemology of the exploration of the meaning of life, the need for search of meaning and motivating to search for the meaning of life education; On the Axiology value of life and the sanctity of the principle of respect for life and the beauty of life as a gift of God and education aesthetic interpretation of life and the universe were concluded. In this context, it is believed that the education of students in the training component of the meaning of life and the use of education methods to understand and realize the important role can undertake meaningful life.Therefore, along with other social institutions, education institutions take on significant responsibility and try to live the crisis of meaninglessness and nihilism be prevented.
بررسی سبک زندگی اسلامی به مثابه هدفی تربیتی و بازتاب آن در کتاب تفکر و سبک زندگی پایه هفتم نظام آموزش و پرورش ایران
طهماسبی-ایمان 1393The purpose of this research is analyze of The Islamic lifestyle as an educational purpose and its reflex in lifestyle and though book of seven grade of first high school of Iranian educational system. In first part of this research, with an analytic method and a library solution for describing Islamic lifestyle, analyzing its basis and then making clear the role of teaching and training in direction of education and transferring the concepts related to Islamic lifestyle, is studied. In second part of this research, with method of qualitative and quantitative content, the content of lifestyle and though book of seven grade of first high school of Iranian educational system that was taught in academic year of 1393-94, is studied. In most cases of done researches about lifestyle and Islamic lifestyle, the point is around two dimensions of attitude and special behavior. The point of view of anybody or of a society about existence system and human place in this system makes a special attitude that finally will have changed to a special behavior. Belief in God, prophets and in future life are of the fundamental attitudes of Islamic system, that their observation about existence distinct life and other affairs. They believe in God, who created man and knows him completely, characterize best orders and norms for him. They think the only way to redemption and bliss of men is under this condition that the men do God’s orders and consider that other theories and methods are false. This attitude and deep belief result in righteous deeds or the same special behavior between the Muslims. These Islamic attitudes and behaviors are representing the Islamic lifestyle. The Iranian educational system, with Islamic approach, recommends its purpose as a way by which graders can obtain real bliss that is getting closer to God. This purpose could be obtained by enforcement of Islamic lifestyle. So it should put all his efforts, with fortification of Islamic attitude and behavior in graders, into provide to realize Islamic lifestyle and its purpose. Whereas in the age of technology and globalization, the Islamic lifestyle has been attacked, this issue increases educational system’s problem. In this research, lifestyle and though book of seven grade of first high school of Iranian educational system is studied with qualitative and quantitative content to recognize how much in this book, the categories of Islamic lifestyle were studied. This is the research’s outcome that according to results of analyze of content, writers of this book pay a good attention to training the thought’s authorizes and skills of graders life.
بررسی تحلیلی نقش و جایگاه آموزش تفکر در سبک زندگی اسلامی
بختیاروند - مریم 1393Thought is the key to humanization and having a humanized life. Thus, training the thought power plays an essential role in the comprehensive growth of man during his life. This study has done with goal of Analytical study of role and position of thinking Education in Islamic Lifestyle by analytical inferential research methodology. Studying the Islamic resources including the Holly Quran and Maasoomin’s traditions shows that with regard to most issues, Islam invites man to intellection and thinking and wisdom governs all material, spiritual, worldly and otherworldly aspects of man’s life. Islamic lifestyle resembles and is equal to the notion of immaculate life and reasonable life; in this kind of life, man enjoys relaxation, purity and happiness during the worldly life, in light of following the reason and commands of Islam. The Islamic lifestyle orientation is towards building up the otherworldly life and when the worldly and otherworldly lives are compared, the latter has primacy over the former and is more compatible with the purpose of human creation. Islamic lifestyle is based on thinking and the more right and complete the thinking, the better and stronger the man’s life. According to Islam, not all thinkings are indications of wisdom, but the right and wise thinking is intended, i.e. sovereign thinking which is led by wisdom and does not serve the sensual desires, reminds man of realities and is a source of learning. Thinking plays a role and is applied in significant sections of man’s life such as planning, act and decision making and the best choice. The behaviors which in Islamic lifestyle are indications of wisdom and growth of reason and also the methods which lead to the training of thinking, each prepare a field and ground for educating the thinking. As the training of thinking brings about the growth and training of other aspects of man’s existence, and also thinking is a learnable skill, it is better to pay attention to it in the education and training system, which in fact underlies the achievement of the Islamic lifestyle. Therefore the author suggests that social establishments and specifically education and training, through teaching the thinking with an Islamic attitude, help the learners besides learning the skills and thinking attitudes, gradually apply them in their individual and social life and, as a result, the ground for achievement of Islamic lifestyle is prepared. So, the education and training system must use specific techniques and programs such as teaching philosophy to children in order to educate thinking skills.
بررسی تطبیقی عوامل فهم معلم از کنش دانش¬آموز در آراء گادامر و ریکور
ابراهیم سپاس زاده 1393Aims of this research is comparing teacher's understanding factors of student's action in Gadamer and Recoeur's viewpoints and its implications in Iran's Educational system. Gadamer is belong to philosophical hermeneutics and Ricoeur is belong to hermeneutics tradition.philosophical hermeneutics is developer and inventor of phenomenology hermeneutic pattern In context of text’s interpretation theory. Gadamer did not limit the text to written text.he believed that all the cultural works are interpretable. Although Gadamer did not provide a comprehensive view in this field. But by adopting his inductive approach in understanding element of text, we can learn of the broad outlines of his thought in understanding human action. Recoeur is a philosopher that added concept of action to philosophy. This concept was remarked in most of the works of second period of his philosophizing clearly. He developed and provided the framework of methodology and hermeneutic epistemology by using Phenomenology and hermeneutic’s philosopher views. Subject of philosophical hermeneutic is related to understanding and its productive factors; And it needs elements and prerequisites. The elements create interaction .In thisview and according to hermeneutic, understanding starts from the person and finally it becomes a part of the person.So in Gadamer’s thought,understanding the actions is an endless phenomena and is based on fusion of horizons.Gadamer introduces conversation as creator of common language and according to that common understanding related to a content may be possible .Among this interaction by observing factors such as tradition and language causes to understand the parties’ interaction .inRicoeu’s view bothemerging and actions’interpretation are important.From this perspective, to achieve understanding, hermeneutics arc is important and take three place like explanation, understanding and appropriation .Difference of this view with Gadamer's view is that this view finishes an endless understanding .So teacher and student’s understanding is based on interaction and process of inquiry .It is unpredictable ,and more observing the factors causes to better mutual understanding. But from Ricoeur view point teacher can consider a student as a text. also teacher can get anindependence understanding and not necessarily common understanding of student
تبیین نقش تعلیم و تربیت در راستای حقوق شهروندی و بازتاب آن در کتاب های درسی علوم اجتماعی نظام آموزش و پرورش ایران
پاپی-سمیه 1393Citizenship Rights Education means to transfer and Institutionalization the rights and duties of citizenships in any community. The present study is to Understanding of the role of education in citizenship rights And its reflection in social science textbooks in educational system of Iran. Firstly, the study described the Citizensh rights, analyzed the concepts and explain the role of educational system through an analytic method and survey study. In the second chapter, the material of social science books of the elementary school and high school- the first and second grade- taught –included 10 books- in the academic years of 2013-2014 through quantitative and qualitative methods. The Citizenship Rights are needed in every civil community and they should emphasized through educational system, make awareness in civil duties and rights. The researcher is considered the views of some school of thoughts and western scholars, and the Islamic perspectives in Citizen Ship rights. Also, the concept of Citizenship Rights and related concepts are explained. So, some assumptions, principals, goals, methods and technics are designed to improve the performance of educational system in Citizenship Rights Education. the results showed that the factors of Citizenship Rights are mentioned in social science books appropriately; in spite of some unbalances in pay attention to factors, the dimensions of Citizenship Rights are observed and differently. Generally, 879 cases related to the Citizenship rights factors are observed through investigating the material, and the more frequency is belonged to the third grade (frequency=211, 24%) and at least frequency was for fifth grade in elementary school (Frequency=40, 4.55%). Moreover, most attention paid to the social dimension and the least was judge dimension (frequency=17) and the right of religious minorities (frequency=1). The most attention paid to civil rights was for the number of books in the first high school (frequency=217, 24.68%). So, reviewing the material based on all dimensions and factors of Citizenship rights is necessary, and Citizenship rights Education through a book is not enough.
تحلیل محتوای پایان نامه های کارشناسی ارشد و دکتری رشته تاریخ و فلسفه تعلیم و تربیت دانشگاه شهید چمران از نظر کاربست مؤلفه های تفکر انتقادی پیتر فسیونه
مریم پاپازاده 1392The overall objective of this research was conducted. First, identify and provide the essential features of a philosophical study .disciplinary critical thinking skills facione from the perspective of philosophy of education graduates and the qualitative and quantitative content analysis of the history and philosophy of education master's thesis dissertation p.hd education and philosophy of education shahid Chamran University of defense during the year 91-1377 ,in terms of use of critical thinking of facione and explain how to use the components of critical thinking in this thesis. The prime focus of the survey , and a reaserch-made questionnaire including items of critical thinking facione in a random sample includes 120 participants of philosophy of education at the Fourth Conference of Philosophy of Education of Iran, and also a number of professors and students this sequence was used in Shahid chamran University .in the view of the Respondents , from all categories of critical thinking are 4 up and bowed to the score of 5 (very much) that related to the field of philosophy of education .By the second purpose of the research , qualitative and quantitative content analysis using a check lists with 14 categories of critical thinking skills of facione ( including category , discovering of the meaning and make sense to te definition, exam idea, accurate diagnosis of the discussions and arguments , analyzing reasons¬ and ¬ evaluating claims and reasons , surveys and question the evidence , the guess about alternative outcomes , design and compilation of results, the results and explain the process, provide and clear ¬ reasoning , self - testing , self - correcting) was used . In a content analysis of 75 Master's thesis (61 Volume) and phd thesis (14 volumes) was studied . The results showed that , categorizing skill with 10.40 percent , ¬ reasoned analysis and design and develop the result each of the 9.90 percent , diagnose the issue and the reasons the 9.72 percent , to test the idea ¬ and examine and question the evidence and the results of the 9.55 percent , to explore the meaning and clarify the meaning of 9.38 percent , ¬ speculation about the woman counterpart of the 5.46 percent , and explain the process of working with the 4.95 percent, presented and explained with reason 4.78 percent , to assess claims and arguments ¬ with 4.43 percent and self-examination with 2.39 percent, was the highest and the lowest frequency that are used in research . Qualitative content analysis results also indicate that while research being worked on Critical skills, but this practice , is not performed in an appropriate manner.