Seyed Mansour Marashi


Update: 2025-03-03

Seyed Mansour Marashi

دانشکده علوم تربیتی و روانشناسی / گروه علوم تربیتی

P.H.D dissertations

  1. گفت و شنود میان فرهنگی به مثابه یک هدف تربیتی
    سیدحسین نجاتی موسوی 1402
  2. بررسی تحلیلی دانشگاه به مثابه نظام دانایی (با تاکید بر نظام آموزش عالی در ایران معاصر)
    عزیزاله احمدی 1402
  3. بررسی تحلیلی اخلاق پیچیدگی و دلالت‌های آن برای تربیت اخلاقی
    كامران شاهولی كوه شوری 1399
  4. بررسی تحلیلی مبانی حساسیت اخلاقی و دلالت های آن برای نظام آموزش و پرورش ایران
    حبیب كاوندی 1399
  5. تحلیل مبانی فلسفی، دینی و فرهنگی حفاظت از محیط‌زیست به‌عنوان یک هدف تربیتی
    مردانی-ایوب 1395

    This study aimed to analyze the philosophical, religious and cultural foundations of "environment protection" as an Educational goal using the descriptive, analytic, deductive methods. Many studies done in the realm of the environment show that the present condition of the environment is unfavourable. Two groups of factor have caused the present condition, the first group includes factors such as climate changes, in which human being dosent play any role, and the second group includes factors such as air pollution, forests destruction ect, which are, directly or indirectly, dependent on the humans attitude toward environment and his/her ways of interaction with it. The change in people's attitudes toward the human being and the nature is the cause of some of the new interactions with the enviorment, the nature of which is mostly philosophical, sociological and educational. This changed started during the Indestruial Revelution and appeared in the forms of the desanctification of the enviorment, humanism, rationalism and the creation of the new technologies. As to both of the groups of the present enviorment problems, the educational system can help to improve condition. Regarding the first group, the education system can educte people how to cope with the unavoidable environmental problems, and about the second group, educating them the importance of the environmental values and its role in improving the quality of life, and also educating the ways of maintaining and protecting the environment and reducing the environmental problems. As in every society, the philosophical, religious and culture sources are the main sources of the educational aims, in this thesis, referring to the mentioned sources, some reasons for the value of protecting environment, and its capacity to be an educational goal, have been educed from them. The main reasons educed from the religious, cultural and philosophical source of our socity are the descriptions of the existence, values, human and the nature. It can be reffered to some of these descriptions as, the purposefulness and intelligence of the nature, the dominance of the divine traditions on the nature, its being the property of God, the integrity of the nature, inauspiciousness of the destruction of the nature and ect. At the end it suggested that the education system need to change the peoples attitude towards the nessesity of protecting environment by considering this idea as an educational goal.

Master Theses

  1. تبیین رویكردی به آموزش زندگی اخلاقی با تاكید بر دیدگاه تامس نیگل
    زینب احمدپوری 1403
  2. تحلیل مبانی معرفت‌شناسی برنامه درسی فلسفه برای كودكان از دیدگاه متیوز و برنی فیر (مطالعه‌ای تطبیقی)
    ریحانه هادیان بوانی 1403
  3. تبیین استعاره های مفهومی شكرگزاری در قرآن و دلالت های تربیتی آن
    زهرا بویری كناری 1403
  4. تحلیل جایگاه تفكر مراقبتی در كتب درسی دوره ابتدایی
    لیلا محمودصالحی 1402
  5. واكاوی تجربه زیسته صبوری معلمان دوره ابتدایی شهر اهواز در فرایند آموزش
    فاطمه حسنی كوچكی 1401
  6. بررسی تناسب محتوای داستانهای ایرانی گروه سنی ج با معیارهای داستان های فلسفه برای كودكان
    لاله نظری 1401
  7. ارائۀ الگوی برقراری رابطۀ وجودی انسان با خدا بر پایۀ آیات قرآن کریم و تبیین دلالت‌های آن برای تعلیم و تربیت اسلامی
    الهام چلیات 1400
  8. ارایه الگوی استقامت و پایداری بر پایه قرآن و روایات معصومین (ع) و تبیین دلالتهای تربیتی آن پژوهشی با روش نظریه پردازی داده بنیاد
    ندا طبش 1399
  9. شناخت فرایند استدلال اخلاقی بین دانش اموزان پایه ششم ابتدایی
    حسین بنی تمیم 1398
  10. تبین فرایند یاددهی-یادگیری سازنده گرا ونقش فناوری های نوین آموزشی در تسهیل آن
    نسرین رشیدی 1397
  11. بررسی تحلیلی نهضت آهستگی و دلالت های آن برای آموزش ویادگیری مداوم
    مجید هواسی 1396

    The objective of this research was to analytically investigate the slowness movement and its implications for continuing education and learning. This research is a qualitative research in its entirety and belongs to library studies. Since it is in the domain of education philosophy, an analytical-deductive method was used. Along those lines, first, the researcher in the second chapter of his dissertation, analyzes and describes the theoretical foundations of the slowness movement and its various aspects; then, in the third chapter, he attempted to explain the philosophical foundations of continuing education and learning and its educational requirements. Afterwards in Chapter IV, based on the components and principles of slowness movement, the ten principles were extracted and, for each, a method of education that could be used as a solution to develop and advance of objectives for continuous curriculum and education from which a lifelong learner can enjoy, are presented.


  12. چهارچوب فلسفی فلسفه تعلیم وتربیت جان دیویی
    كلثوم سعدی 1396

    The objective of this research is to examine and to understand the philosophical framework of Dewey's philosophy of education and its methodology is analytical and documental. Man needs to think and reflection for discovering unkonwns, and in general refers to thinking and reflection, and invokes curiosity and desire to increase awareness in one person, and forces him/her to think about life issues, and by analysis of philosophical views of Dewey, the kind of education and training, which he pays attention to and considers it to be the most desirable in education, is further characterized. The results of the research show that Dewey using the topics of philosophy and intellect has been able to properly identify educational subjects, and to do appropriate planning so as to realize them. This is why Dewey's philosophy has had more effects on the development of knowledge, and in particular on education knowledge, than its contemporary philosophies.

  13. ارزیابی فعالیت‌ها و برنامه ‌های موجود آموزش فلسفه به کودکان در ایران
    فرهاد درخشنده 1396

    This research was conducted with the aim of evaluating the existing activities and programs of Philosophy Education for Children in Iran - as an analytical study (including quantitative assessment and qualitative assessment), including a complete quantitative and qualitative report of the activities and The amount of work done in Iran is comprised of governmental and non-governmental organizations as well as activists from the field, through articles, dissertations, books, meetings, conferences, websites and interviews. Accordingly, the success rate of the domestic institutions for the implementation, promotion, and localization of the program as well as the convergence and divergence (the level of parallel work) between these institutions has been determined. In addition to reviewing existing documents, the views of 11 national activists and experts in the Philosophy for Children program were used. The most recent findings of the research show that from the perspective of the activists of the philosophy program For children, the activities and programs of this program in Iran can be in the form of three clusters or the main element (1- Preparation required for the implementation of the Philosophy for Children program 2- Localization (theoretical and practical actions) 3- Parallel work and 12 sub-themes), Extracted and evaluated as an indicator and criterion It was done. In the overall assessment it was concluded that at the national level, due to the geographical extent of Iran, the limited active centers of this program, the low number of instructors and its main sponsors, resistance and opposition, and ... the program is still fully in place. The agenda of the officials has not been taught. What is being taught in Iranian schools under the name of the books "Thinking and Research, or Thinking and Lifestyle, and ...." According to experts from the Philosophy of Children program, there are many problems like: Unbalanced consideration of the components of thinking in these bookss, inappropriate questions and practices, lack of attention to the discussion of the laws in the intellectual circle, lack of instructor thinking skills in this lesson due to lack of adequate training of this lesson.

  14. بررسی نظریه کنش ارتباطی هابرماس و دلالت های آن برای فرایند یاددهی و یادگیری
    مریم حسینی 1396

    The objective of this research is to examine and to explain the fundamentals and principles of the Habermas Dialogue Theory so as to obtain the corresponding principles and methods of social education. Social education means socializing individuals, making people socializable, learning social skills, educating for effective citizens, the ability to use language for understanding each other and making understand, gaining social competencies for living in society and adapting to society are used in educational writings. In order to obtain the principles and methods of social education of this theory, while investigating the theoretical fundamentals and the intellectual origin of Habermas and explaining and describing the critical theory and his theory of communication action, the principles and methods of social education based on it, was evaluated by means of advanced conceptual analysis The results showed that eleven educational principles and thirteen educational methods can be derived from the Habermas’s Dialogue Theory; all of these methods and principles emphasize on the necessity of rebuilding the various concepts of the field of education, including the concept of learning, the role of teachers and knowledge Student, classroom management, course content, and so on.

  15. مقایسه نظریات ابن سینا و محمد غزالی درباره تربیت اخلاقی
    سعید لیراوی 1395

    The role of education in today's world is no secret. Due to the characteristics of other creatures Trbytpzyry distinguished man and his essence is only trained to perfection. Education is a complex and time-consuming, to proceed to this critical first step that we are going to set goals and reach them achieve these goals will require the use of Rvsh¬Hast. Knowledge of the methods and goals of education, especially moral education requires recognition of the votes of coaches and great philosophers. Hence purpose of this study was to compare the views of Ibn Sina and Ghazzali about moral education. The method used in this research is qualitative and a comparative study. The importance of ethics, goals, methods of moral education, stages of education, teaching methods and teacher of Ibn Sina and al-Ghazali properties have been studied. Method word and encourage chastity and the threat of the most common methods in moral education is Ibn Sina and al-Ghazali.
    In addition, Ibn Sina training methods to train his mystical books of spiritual well-being. If that seems Ghazali not really been paying attention to this method. according to the terms, interest and talent were students, but to keep the children of Rafik al-Ghazali (Individualized education Program), reward and punishment method (having to learn) and train imitation and habit of thought.

  16. بررسی تجربه زیسته دانش آموزان پسر متوسطه اول منطقه الوارگرمسیری از فرایند اجتماعی شدن در مدرسه
    محمد قلاوند 1395

    The aim of present study is to investigate and find experiences of socialization process among students in schools. The male students of first high school course in Alvar Garmsiri district selected as participants through purposeful sampling. In order to gather data, half-structured interview for 25 participants individually. The results showed that students were aware of various norms and followed all them, and emphasized on keeping school properties, respect to teacher, having personal health, and doing their duties, also disagreed to wear uniform in norms. In values dimensions, they respect to Islamic and social moralities, and followed order to good and avoid to bad, truth in words and behaviors, inclination to take part in religious congregates, responsibility to do duties. Moreover, they found some models among their families because of lack of enough recognition about religious characters.

  17. بررسی تحلیلی نظریه بازسازی اجتماعی و استلزامات تربیتی آن برای نظام آموزشی ایران
    لیلا بهمئی 1394

    Abstract: The purpose of this thesis is to analytically study the social reconstruction theory and its educational implications for Iran educational system. The method of the research is documentary- analytic method. The required data were collected to answer the research questions by analyzing the reconstructionists’ views through the resources and documents related to this theory and also the analysis of documents about Iran educational system. By presenting the social dilemmas of society in twenty century while stating the numerous reasons for these problems, Reconstructionists believe that the most important factor for creating these crises is the inconsistency of the traditional culture and social structure with the technological and scientific accomplishments and they have found the escape way from the crises in cultural reconstruction by combining the positive and dynamic aspects of the traditional culture with the new culture. From the viewpoints of reconstructionists, schools and their critical curricula are the means for this job which by informing the social life realities, try to analyze, criticize and reform them. The study of motivational factors, philosophical principles and educational implications of this theory as well as the study of social changes and the characteristics of our country educational system and comparing these two theories show that using some principles and implications of the theory such as: to value the real role of the schools in society reconstruction, critical thoughts, the relation of lessons with the real life, enhancing the ability for analysis and problem-solving and having a national and worldwide approach from the teachers and students can solve some of the problems of our educational system. However, this theory is criticized for reasons such as the lack of complete certainty about the ability of school for doing this job, the imposition and inculcation in schools and high experiences from the teachers and in some cases, there is some differences with our educational system. Finally, according to data analysis, it has shown that since we need the reconstructionism approach in most cases and some of the proposed underlying values and the variables which have more flexibility to apply can use in our educational system, so some recommendations are presented in this area.

  18. تبیین تعصب و راهکارهای تربیتی مقابله باآن
    زم زم-احمد 1394

    The main purpose of this study is analysis of passion and its implication on “instruction and nurture”. To get to this goal, descriptive – analysis method is used. Passion in different religion, national and racial, scientific and sexy sectors and areas is investigated. Passion has bad and devastated effects on society and it resulted to damage such as world wars and cross war, occupancy, genocide and bobos in street or suicidal bombing, innocent refugees, head cut, prevalence of violence and continual crimes, so views of thinkers and scientists and educated people in different societies and nations and religions have been discussed. One of the results of this study is making a groundwork to battle passion by companionship of different groups so that prejudice and foul visions will be changed. Discussion and debate and conversation is a way to battle passion.

  19. بررسی مؤلفه‌های اخلاقی در کتاب‌های درسی هدیه‌های آسمان و فارسی بخوانیم و بنویسیم مقطع ابتدایی در سال تحصیلی94-1393
    براتی زاده-امیر 1394

    This research purpose is considering of ethical components in Primory school’s Bekhanim O Benevisim and Hediye haye Asemani books. The research method is quantitative and qualitative content analysis by using of a ethical component list which includes 8 components. (obedience) honesty. Preasion altruism, being social forgiveness, Free dom and justice.
    Population was ekhanim o Benevisim and Hediyehaye Asemani text books of primary school and the sample was total population. Results of research show that, 263 ethical components were identified in all of text books that 135 ethical components are related to farsi books and 128 components are related to Hediyehaye Asemani books. In total found frequencies in Fifth grade research text books, had more ethical components and first grade’s text books had least components, and first grade’s textbooks had least components, Also first grade Farsi book includes least components and third grade book includes most components and fifth grade Hediyehaye Asemani book include most ethical components and second grade includes the least component sepavetely.

  20. بررسی تحلیلی مبانی فلسفی تربیت سکولار و تبیین نسبت نظام آموزش و پرورش ایران با آن
    مصطفی رجب پور 1393

    The purpose of this paper is to investigate analytically study of the philosophical foundations of secular education and Explanation of the Iran’s Educational System with it . The analytical- descriptive method was used for this research. The secularism means strip of the human life from the faith. In the other word, the religion should not be involved in the human social and political activities. There are a lot of debates on secularism and its advantages and disadvantages have been discussed by pros and cons. However, little is spoken about its effect on Iran’s educational system. For this reason, this research tries to analyze the issue of secular education and gives a better vision about it through which we could cope with this thought consciously. Thus, first, the philosophical fundamentals of secular education in the domain of ontology, anthropology, ethics, and epistemology were criticized. Of the most basic fundamentals of principles and characteristics, we can refer to humanism, materialism, relativism, empiricism, absolute and extremist rationalism, tolerance, individualism, adverse-religion and denial of metaphysics. With regard to the impotence of these principles in secular education, this study intends to examine the teacher-pupil relationship, teaching procedures and book contents in this education system. Since the secularism structurally is of non-religion, humanism and materialism nature, it is in the opposite of Iran’s educational system. Therefore, in the last chapter of this research, some strategies are proposed for encounter with secularism. They are: cognition of secularism limitations, denial through alternatives, stressing on Islamic humanism, Nabavi education, Islam-based knowledge and science, cultural management in higher education, relaying on religious rationality, political fostering and introducing the teachers with secularism

  21. بررسی تناسب محتوای داستانهای ایرانی گروه سنی "ج" با مهارت ها و مؤلفه های تفکر فلسفی لیپمن
    بیرجند-زهرا 1393

     Abstract: This study aims to examine the suitability of Iranian story content to skills and philosophical thinking components from Mathew Lipmann’s point of view. Using content analysis method, the skills and philosophical thinking components ( 9 skills and 34 components) were detected from story books. The population was consisted of Iranian story books which were compiled and published for kids and teenagers at age group “C’ during post- war, 1989-2011. And listed in the Book Child Council classification as suitable books. The whole population consisted of 60 story books in the three literary genres (realistic, fantasy and adapted from old literatures) were taken as a sample. According to the results, the components of “searching for reasons in the certain situation” and “ posing inquiry question “were more detected than the other components and the components of “ evaluation of terms definition” and “recognition of fallacies” were not observed in the text of story books. Inclusion of the philosophical thinking components in the story books had increased during post-war years. However, the components of “Use postulate” ,“Explore the relationship between past, present and future” ,“Discover relationships among the components of the total” ,“discovering the speech implications”, “distinction between different meanings of a word” and “evaluation of terms definition” have not grown during those years

  22. بررسی و تبیین رویکرد یاددهی- یادگیری در پارادایم پیچیدگی و کاربست آن در نظام آموزشی
    كامران شاهولی‌كوه‌شوری 1392

    This research aims to study and describe teaching-learning approach based on complexity paradigm and its application in education system. Accordingly, the research was carried out with a qualitative approach by analytical-inferential method and the following results were gained: complexity paradigm has a different view of the world and describes it based on concepts such as change, dynamism, interaction, feedback, and components such as the multiplicity of phenomenon effective factors, holism, complex causality, emergence, self-organization … This provides an appropriate and efficient bed for education system confrontation with today status and future of human community with change and complexity as its most important characteristics. Therefore, in teaching-learning approach based on complexity paradigm, the steps and sequence of teacher and student activities are strategic for continuous organization of all learning and teaching processes and activities performed through cooperation of students and the teacher. The teacher conducts and facilitates learning and teaching activities while the student is active and researcher: a researcher that conducts action research with the aim of learning and growing self-organization. The relationship between teacher and students is dynamic and multifaceted based on the variety and extension of their interactions with each other. The application of this approach in education system entails a dynamic and Extra-disciplinary curriculum and training complex-approach teachers. However, complexity paradigm provides guidelines such as nonlinearity and multiplicity of learning-teaching process and learning and teaching through research, which can be used to complete the current approaches.

  23. تحلیل محتوای کتاب تفکر و پژوهش پایه ی ششم ابتدایی از نظر توجه به مقوله های آموزش تفکر لیپمن و بررسی اثر بخشی آن از نظر معلمان شهرستان های سیریک و میناب درسال تحصیلی92-1391
    عبدالمجید ماهی گیر 1392
  24. انسان فرهیخته به عنوان هدف تعلیم و تربیت لیبرالیسم و نقش آموزش عالی در تحقق آن
    رضوان دیناروند 1391
  25. تحلیل محتوای کتاب های درسی بخوانیم و بنویسیم و هدیه های آسمان دوره ابتدایی از منظر توجه به مقوله های آموزش فلسفه به کودکان
    اعظم مقیمی گسك 1391
  26. بررسی تحلیلی عوامل موثر در پرورش تفکر انتقادی در کودکان مقطع ابتدایی
    لیلی مطرودی 1390
  27. مقایسه انسان شناسی از دیدگاه مطهری و یاسپرس و مضامین آن در تعلیم و تربیت
    سیده الهام موسوی منش 1390
  28. بررسی امکان پرورش هوش معنوی در پرتو پرورش ذهنیت فلسفی ;مطالعه موردی: دانشجویان تحصیلات تکمیلی دانشگاه شهید چمران اهواز"
    هادی سنجری 1390
  29. بررسی تحلیلی رویکرد یاددهی - یادگیری در اندیشه ی ریچارد رورتی و امکان بهره گیری از آن در نظام آموزشی ایران
    برزو مولایی پارده 1390
  30. بررسی تطبیقی دیدگاه غزالی و مطهری درباره تربیت اخلاقی
    محسن ملازایی 1390
  31. بررسی رویکرد تعاملی در مواجهه با چالش میان سنت و مدرنیسم (تجددگرایی) و دلالت های آن در تعلیم و تربیت ایران
    راضیه دهقانچیان كهنه قوچان 1390
  32. بررسی تحلیلی تربیت اجتماعی از دیدگاه مکتب عمل گرایی و جایگاه آن در برنامه درسی دروره ابتدایی آموزش و پرورش ایران
    سیدحسین نجاتی موسوی 1389
  33. بررسی تحلیلی آموزه های تربیتی مکتب رئالیسم (واقعگرایی) و کاربرد آن در نظام تعلیم و تربیت ایران
    قادر پیروتی اقدم 1389
  34. بررسی تأثیرات جهانی شدن بر تربیت معلّم در ایران
    نظرمحمد اربابی 1389
  35. بررسی تحلیلی جنبه‌های آموزش و پرورش دعا از دیدگاه اسلام
    گیتی حبیب زاده 1387
  36. مبانی، اصول و اهداف تعلیم و تربیت کثرت‌گرا و دلالت‌های تربیتی آن در نظام آموزشی ایران
    معصومه قلندری 1387
  37. بررسی مبانی، اهداف و اصول تربیت زیبایی شناختی در اسلام
    امیر سالاری 1387