صفحه اعضا هیئت علمی - دانشکده علوم تربیتی و روانشناسی
Associate Professor
Update: 2025-03-03
parvaneh valavi
دانشکده علوم تربیتی و روانشناسی / گروه علوم تربیتی
P.H.D dissertations
مطالعه تطبیقی نظریه فیشته متقدم و متاخر در باب رابطه آزادی با تربیت
فرزاد كیانی 1403 -
تحلیل مبانی فلسفی رویکرد یادگیری مبتنی بر مغز و استنتاج دلالتهای آن برای تعلیم و تربیت ایران با تأکید بر دیدگاه توماس نِگل
فریدون شكیبانیا 1400 -
تحلیل رویکرد مشاوره فلسفی بر مبنای مفهوم تربیت و ارائه الگوی مشاوره فلسفی در مواجهه با چالشهای تربیتی- اخلاقی در آموزش و پرورش
پروین خزامی 1400 -
بررسی خلاقیت از منظر هرمنوتیک فلسفی گادامر و دلالتهای آن در تعلیم و تربیت
عبدالمحمد جابری نصر 1399 -
بررسی تحلیلی آراء نومعتزله با تأکید بر آراء نصرحامد ابوزید و استنتاج دلالت های تربیتی آن
دارم-احمد 1396The main objective of this study was to analyze the ideas of New Mu'tazila and their educational implications. To achieve this goal, the descriptive - analytic method was used. The New Islamic Revival movement started with the activities of Seyyed Jamal Assadabadi. In recent decades, he developed a group of Islamic thinkers who have emphasized the reformation of religion, modernity, rationality in Islam, pluralism, hermeneutical and virtual interpretation, and a new humanist interpretation of Islam and the Qur'an. This study focused on analyzing ontology, epistemology, oxiology and methodology of New Mu'tazila, and especially Nasr Hamed Abu Zayd. The main concern of New Mu'tazila is to find the agents of the progression and reconstruction of the Islamic world. In their view, the cause of Muslims' backwardness is not Islam, but it is these misinterpretations and misunderstandings of Islam and the neglect of the position of "reason." One of the most important foundations of New Mu'tazila is "scientism" and "secularism". New Mu'tazila believes that Islam can be compatible with modernity, human rights, democracy and rationality. The results show that in New Mu'tazila education, the emphasis is on, academic freedom in particular, educational justice, encouragement of rationality and thinking, innovation, the use of dialogue methods, reviewing and discussing in education, providing equal education opportunities for men and women, advocating for scientific and fundamental research to solve the crises of contemporary society, combating ignorance and superstition, paying attention to all aspects of human (intellectual, emotional) , physical, imaginative) in education, the emphasis on the independence and independence of the educational system, and in particular the university, to any government or religious party.
بررسی تحلیلی مبانی نظری نوعدوستی به عنوان یک هدف تربیتی
علیرضا رازقی 1395The main purpose of this study was analytical investigation of the theoretical foundations of "Altruism" as an educational aim. To achieve this goal analytical – deductive approach was used. Altruism, which is in contradiction to egoism, points to helping another person with no expectation of personal reward or benefit. This concept (Altruism), which was used the first time by Auguste Comte has profound roots in divine religions and also in human thought history. Altruism is based on special theoretical basis like any other concepts. To count Altruism as an educational aim, it is essential to investigate this concept from the standpoint of philosophical, sociological, psychological and religious (Islamic) foundations. In this thesis, to explore the philosophical foundations of Altruism, Idealism and Humanism schools were investigated. It was ascertained that ontological, anthropological, epistemological and axiological basis of the two mentioned schools support Altruism as an educational aim. By exploring the sociological basis of Altruism, it was ascertained that, since responsibility is a pre requisite for democracy, Altruism which is based on responsibility, can be regarded as the aim of the democratic education. Exploring the psychological foundations of Altruism showed that according to Piaget and Kohlberg, cognitive development is the pre requisite of Altruism which is related to the highest level of moral development and education process can help persons to reach the Altruism. By exploring the Islamic foundations, it was ascertained that Altruism can be regarded as an intermediate aim in Islamic education, since it can lead to nearness to God (Ghorb- e- Elahi) which is the ultimate aim in Islamic education. Finally according to Peter's theory on analysing the concept of "Education" , Altruism as an educational aim was justified and eventually suggestions for further investigations were set forth.
Master Theses
بررسی ارزشهای شخصی و تبیین تجربه معلمان از نقش ارزشهای شخصی آنها در تعاملاتشان با مدرسه (دانش آموزان و همكاران)
طاهره چاوران 1403 -
واكاوی تجربه معلمان در آموزش و اعتلای حساسیت زیباییشناختی دانشآموزان دختر دوره متوسطه شهر آبدانان
خاطره بناوند 1403 -
بررسی تجربه معلم تسهیلگر از كاربست برنامه فبك در اعتلای یادگیری مشاركتی دانشآموزان
زهرا محمودی 1403 -
واكاوی تجربه ی معلمان ابتدایی شهر شوشتر از اجرای راهبرد گفتگوی كلاسی و پیامدهای آن در ایجاد و بهبود روابط دوستانه میان دانش آموزان
فاطمه ال جمالی 1402 -
بازتاب مولفه های تفكر مراقبتی در داستان های مربوط به برنامه آموزش فلسفه به كودكان و نوجوانان
گلناز بیگی 1402 -
بررسی تحلیلی جایگاه تفكر مراقبتی در سیره ی معصومان(ع) و كاربستهای آن در برنامه فبك
مهرانگیز احمدی بلوطكی 1402 -
بررسی تجربه دبیران از وظایف معلم به مثابه مشاور فلسفی (پژوهشی پدیدار شناختی)
گلرخ یاوری منش 1402 -
بررسی تحلیلی مفهوم مسئولیت پذیری اجتماعی و تجربه زیسته دبیران از آموزش آن به دانش آموزان متوسطه اول شهرستان كارون
هاجر سواری 1402 -
بررسی تحلیلی رویکرد مشاوره فلسفی وکاربست های آن در برنامه آموزش فلسفه به کودکان
سارا ویسی شیخ رباط 1401 -
عنوان: بررسی تحلیلی مفهوم همیاری و تبیین تجربه زیسته مادران از همیاری با معلمان مدارس ابتدایی شهر اهواز در دوران کرونا
اشرف بلندشوشتری 1401 -
بررسی تجربه زیسته دبیران از پرورش عزت نفس در دانش آموزان مقطع متوسطه دوم شهر اهواز
فاطمه خفی زاده شریفی 1401 -
بررسی تجربه معلمان از آموزش حفاظت از محیط زیست به دانش آموزان مقطع ابتدایی شهر اهواز
راضیه عظیمی شوشتری 1399 -
بررسی جو اخلاقی حاکم بر دانشگاه از منظر دانشجویان دانشگاه شهیدچمران اهواز (پژوهشی با رویکرد پدیدارشناختی)
كلثوم سواری 1399 -
بررسی تجربه معلمان از خودفریبی اخلاقی دانش آموزان مقطع متوسطه دوم شهر اهواز
لیلا اعصامی 1399 -
بررسی مقایسه ای مقام اسوگی پیامبر اعظم (ص) با فضائل و ارزشهای اخلاقی مدرن و استنتاج دلالتهای آن در تربیت اسلامی
سیدناصر موسوی فرد 1399 -
بررسی تحلیلی مفهوم صداقت در اندیشه ی اسلامی و تبیین دلالت های تربیتی آن
راحله قلاوند 1397 -
بررسی جایگاه زنان در شاهنامه فردوسی و تبیین دلالت های تربیتی آن
سهیلا صادقی عطار 1396This research was conducted to investigate the status of women in Ferdowsi's Shahnameh and its implications in eduacation. The research method is descriptive-analytic. The position of women in Shahnameh is not central, but Ferdowsi in important parts of Shahnameh focuses on the role of women and their importance in social life. Whether Ferdowsi commends women, and when they call them bad, is due to the behavior that makes such judgments. The result of the research shows that the greatest indicator in the Shahnameh is that it is referred to as a wise creature, an artist, a ruler, loyal, and in some cases seditious. If according to the conventional division, Shahnameh is divided into three sections of mythology, athletic and history, we must say that the presence of Shahnameh women varies in each period with another period. In general, women of paratroopers are more important and have more effective roles than women of historical and mythological backgrounds, which is why they are more famous. In the Shahnameh, woman is not a creature of any kind, but it preserves the identity of its high tribal and racial values. The main attribute of education that emphatically emphasizes the fingers is women's loyalty. Although it can not be concealed that the look of a woman in the past centuries has been accompanied by pessimism and humiliation, and Shahnameh did not look at this as a narrative about several centuries ago, but in general, and after reviewing the various stories of Shahnameh, we find that The image that Ferdowsi's wise man gives women in the Shahnameh is balanced, not prejudiced and not feminine.
بررسی تجربه زیسته آموزگاران شهر اهواز از آموزش به دانش آموزان دو زبانه
فریدون تامرادی منگنانی 1396This study investigated the lived experience of teaching bilingual students of Ahvaz. This This research is qualitative researches which has been done with an interpretive phenomenological approach with Vaneman's analysis method. Semi-structured interview was used to collect data. The target population includes all teachers teaching primary school education in the academic year 2017-2018. Sampling was targeted and all of the samples on a voluntary basis from among teachers who have dealt with bilingual students. The sample size depends on the saturation of data that will eventually include 21 (9 women and 12 men). The data gathered by semi-structured interviews with teachers educate the bilingual students. After collecting information, coded and analyzed. Analysis using thematic analysis, data reduction into textual and structural descriptions. After analyzing the experiences of the participating teachers, 5 major themes and 14 sub-themes were extracted. the major theme is the "language of non-native" and sub-themes is empower individuals with the language and teaching and learning, the major theme is "inconsistencies language teachers Students' Sub-themes is understanding and mutual understanding language and timid, the major theme is "disability-inclusive and fatigue teacher" sub-themes is restrictions on the business implications of learners and impatience, the main theme "love of education and communication" sub-themes patience and hope, commitment and love of education, communication and building trust and cooperation and communication with parents; the main theme of "local language" Trading sub-themes and the use of native language, the main theme of "the way" sub-theme is adversely using teaching aids. The findings of this study suggest that teachers experience area of bilingual difficulties arising from language training for both the teachers and the students, using the students' native language teaching, the teachers fluent in the native language (Arabic) students and acquaintances Full governing regional culture, indigenous and local gaming history.
بررسی تجربه زیسته شایستگی اجتماعی در دانش آموزان مقطع متوسطه (دوره اول) شهرستان شوش
احمد عبدالخانی 1395This study aimed to investigate the lived experience of male students, the social competence has been done. This study is qualitative and with phenomenological approach was conducted. The study population included male students in first schools, the city of Susa. To determine the sample, questionnaire and interview were used. Then through semi-structured interviews, the final sample size was achieved. That is according to data saturation and drained the information, the 20 cases obtained. Thus, the sampling was targeted and included 20 male high school student. Second, the city of Susa who has been interviewed. Data from the interviews using Van Manen to explore the lived experiences of students, personal and social competence was used. The findings of this study, includes five main themes and 23 sub-themes as subclasses in social competence were identified. The main themes of merit, including: the ability to self-awareness, self-management ability and ability to be self-motivation. The main theme of social competences including social consciousness and social skills. According to the findings of this study it seems, that the best way to increase personal and social competence, creating proper understanding of the competencies by parents, guardians school and community officials. Personal and social competencies appropriate criteria for performance which will enable those tasks that are responsible successful day.
بررسی تجربه زیسته خودکارآمدی اجتماعی دانش آموزان دختر مقطع متوسطه (دوره دوم) ناحیه 3 شهرستان اهواز
لیلا افضلی 1395This study was performed to examine the lived experience of female students of second courses from Social self-efficacy. This was a qualitative study and was performed with phenomenological approach. The study population consisted of all secondary school students of second courses in Ahwaz. Questionnaire were used to evaluate the students had the highest social self-efficacy than others. Then through semi-structured interviews were the final sample size. This means that was obtained based on the data saturation and ending information in qualitative studies after collecting data from 20 cases.So sampling is done so purposefully and consists of 20 teen girls of second courses of high school in Ahvaz, which has been interviewed. Data from the interviews By Paul Ricoeur, were used to explore the lived experiences of students from sense of social self-efficacy. Findings of this study consist of 24 subjects that three of them were in a cluster called self-expression, including expression, deserve the truth and certainty. Another cluster called function in social situations, 3 themes were found that included: sharing expertise, appropriate behavior in the situation, new social, participating in social activities. In the third cluster called participating in social groups, 3 themes included: The objective of the Group, the indicators considered in the group and how to join the groups. In the fourth cluster called friendship and intimacy, 4 themes include: reasons to move to dating, selection criteria friend, being a pioneer in friendship and good behavior were to continue the relationship of friendship. In the fifth cluster called aid and assistance, three themes that include assistance to others, helping others reasons and conditions of the assistance were identified. In sixth cluster called mutual respect, 3 subjects including why the necessity of mutual respect, how to respect and self-respect were identified. In the seventh cluster called the factors influencing the social self-efficacy, 3 subjects including self, family and community were identified. And in the eighth cluster called barriers to social self-efficacy, Inner and outer barriers were 2 themed obstacles. According to the findings of this study, it seems that the best way to increase social self-efficacy in adolescent girls is creating a proper understanding of social self-efficacy by parents, parents, school and community officials and policymakers. Making culture, awareness of families and the elimination of gender discrimination in society, the growth of social self-efficacy helps adolescent girls. As well as providing space for girls dynamic and secure places, malls and places where girls are there can help in this matter..
بررسی تأثیر اجرای قصههای سنتی استان خوزستان بر پرورش تفکر انتقادی دانش آموزان ابتدایی
زهرا شمسیان 1395The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of traditional tales of Khuzestan on the development of critical thinking among elementary students. This research is a semi-experimental study and the population of study includes Andimesh primary schools. Samples consisted of 80 students (40 girls and 40 boys) who were selected by a multistage random sampling method, and divided into two experimental and controlled groups. Then the researcher analyzes the content of tales according to Lipmann’s philosophical thinking components in order to determine Khuzestan traditional tales of philosophical concepts, and produces a package of training manuals, including10 traditional tales and discussion projection and related practices to the themes of stories according to Philip Cam thinking stories book after ensuring the eligibility of philosophical concepts. Afterwards, the experimental groups were trained in 24 sessions, each one 45 minutes. The data collection means is Ennis-Weir critical thinking test which is translated by Valavi and Shamsian and its reliability coefficient is calculated. The hypothesis of this study investigates the effect of traditional tales on critical thinking among boys' and girls' sixth grade and also the effect of gender on critical thinking training, as well as it evaluates the comparison between Khuzestan traditional tales and Iranian stories in terms of possessing Lipmann’s philosophical components. Statistical analysis was performed both qualitatively and quantitatively. The results showed performing traditional stories could effect on Male and female students’ critical thinking positively. Moreover, gender does not play a moderating role in the effectiveness of the story implementation on fostering critical thinking. Also, in general, Khuzestan traditional tales in terms of having philosophical components are richer than Iranian stories. Thus, according to the significant effects of these stories on fostering critical thinking among children as well as naturalizing the P4C program, we also can take advantage of these stories along with the western philosophy stories.
بررسی نسبت میان دین و اخلاق و تاثیر آن بر تربیت دینی و تربیت اخلاقی
بهبهانی فرد-محسن 1394This thesis studies the relationship between ethics and religion, and its effect on ethical and religious education. The method of the thesis is descriptive-analytical. There are different views on the relationship between religion and ethics. These views vary from an essential relationship between religion and ethics to total separation of the two. The present thesis presents analytically four kinds of relationships, including, semiotic, ontological, epistemological, and psychological. The study argues that ethics is not dependent on religion; rather, religion has a partial dependence on ethics. Furthermore, the implications of this argument for ethical and religious education is studied. It is concluded that the relationship between religion and ethics has an impact on our view of ethical and religious education where the ethics of belief obligates the educators to scrutinize and revise their views and attitudes with regard to education, and especially, ethical and religious education
بررسی فلسفه ورزی در فلسفه تدوین شده ی آموزش و پرورش جمهوری اسلامی ایران (مورد خسرو باقری)
الماسی فرد-مریم 1394Philosophize points to the use of rules of philosophy in the fields of science. This study was done with the aim of investigation of philosophize in codified philosophy of education of Islamic Republic of Iran by Khosro Bagheri through quantitative content analysis method. In the first phase, a list with ten parts of applicable important rules of philosophize was retrieved in an educative document by an analytical approach and library solution. Then, the content of five books of Mr. Bagheri including An Introduction to The Philosophy of Education of Islamic Republic of Iran, volume i & ii, The Proper Pattern of Education in Islamic Republic of Iran and A Revision for Islamic Training, volume i & ii was analyzed by the components of these rules of philosophize. In this study, top eight implications among various educative ones were bases for the analysis in the philosophy of education including basics of training, principles of training, quiddity of training, goal of training, characteristics of trainer, characteristics of trainee, method of training and curriculum. The results show that highest attention was paid to the categories of internal coherence with frequency of 266 lots (34/36) and intellectual independence with frequency of 160 (20/67) and the guide of practicality of philosophy of education with frequency of 95 (12/27) and reasoning and justification with frequency of 71 (9/17) and providing standard with frequency of 69 (8/91) and obeying regulations and defaults in plan of ideas with frequency of 64 (8/26) in the content of studied books. And less attention was relatively paid to the criticism and judgment with frequency of 31 (4/..) and scant attention was paid to the categories of consideration of possible consequences with frequency of 7 (0/90) and collectivity of Bagheri's philosophy of education with frequency of 6(0/77)and adaptive composition with frequency of 5(0/64).
بررسی و تبیین مؤلفه های اخلاق شهروندی در کتاب های دینی مقاطع تحصیلی ابتدایی و متوسطه دوره اول و دوم 93 – 92
یزدانی-صدیقه 1394In this research, content textbooks of heavenly gift and elementary schools workbook and religion and life’s book first and second grade high school, that their total was 13, analyzed from the perspective of component of citizenship. Indeed component of citizenship are principles that causing observance the rights of the individual and social, regulatory compliance and social laws, social responsibility in various relationships. Accordingly, ethics of citizenry appearing in various subject domains that they are: personal ethic, social ethic, economic ethic, political ethic, family ethic, government ethic, ethic of managers, ethic of medias, … and is one of the most important issues of the citizens life, with the passage of time and progress of science and technology, spreading of different cultures and also growing urbanization felt necessary more and more. Content research analysis method is quantitative-qualitative research. Criterion of description, according to ethics component of citizenship and analysis unit in the context, questions and activities in the context of existing in the textbook and in the pictures, each picture based on indicators that which has been mentioned, divided into units and then counted. Research tools is list of content analysis that using the Czech list of ethics component of citizenship which includes seven main categories and 37 sub-component, the data were collected. Statistical population of research is the textbooks of Iran’s education system and statistical sample is the gift of heaven, elementary schools workbook and religion and life of first and second grade high school that purposefully selected. For analysis used by descriptive statistics method. The results of the analysis showed content that in the books are under investigation most attention to component of good-tempered and legislating and the lowest attention to component of protect public property and honestly. Within each component unregarded several concepts equally and some more and some less. According to ethics component of citizenship no programming is predetermined in this books and level of attention to component of citizenships indicators in religious textbook is not balanced. It should be noted attention of authors of religious books to this component, emphasis on aspects of the student’s attitude and create education and foundations and principles of religion and they do not attention to ethical dimensions of citizenship.
بررسی مبانی نظری آموزش مداوم
صدیقه زمان پور شاه منصوری 1393The aim of present study is to explain and understand the theoretical foundations of continual education. The used method of this research is a descriptive- analytical one and was conducted using the library sources. The extensive changes occurring in the various aspects of the life ( social, economic, scientific and cultural) have an impressive impact on the nations’ education system and the individuals frequently require an education in order to keep pace with changes and satisfy their needs as well as to solve their problems and it is the continual education can meet these requirements. In the recent years, such an education has become very important and drawing attention to it and implementing it as good as possible can be a key for promoting the knowledge and developing the communities in various contexts. Thus, the study of continual education foundations, as one of the 21 century approaches and the one can change and develop the country, contributes to its better understanding. It is worthwhile to note that our country, Iran, has a plenty of resources and potential capabilities by which it is trying to sustain and maintain its pride and honor among other nations of the world. What makes the continual education necessary is that now over a half of our country’s population is consisted of 20 year- old people. They are prospective social capitals who are expected to have talent, skill, art, knowledge. They are also the future adults who have to take the responsibilities in the society. Since in the future they will face with more different condition than todays, they need to acquire the capacities to deal with the developments. The other parts of the population are adults who manage the communities and set policies and plans for both now and future. The more they become aware of developments and changes in the future, the better they can determine and make decision for society. Therefore, in order to do the undertaken tasks, they need to acquire the knowledge, skills and attitudes continually.
بررسی مبانی تربیت اخلاقی در کودکان و تحلیل محتوای فیلم های تلویزیونی کودکان در محدوده سال های 90-80 از منظر مولفه های تربیت اخلاقی
حسینی-خدیجه 1393The purpose of this paper is to investigate the moral education for children as well as content analysis of TV movies for children in the range of 2001-2011 from viewpoint of moral education components and methods. The research method is a descriptive – analytical one. The moral education means use of educational principles and procedures for providing a context for cognition and introducing the moral traits in learners, so that they behave morally in different condition and situation. The new means from which we can use for internalizing the moral education is the mass media like cinema and TV. Whether or not, they fill a large part of leisure time of the people, in particular the children. Thus, as a robust tool, TV can be used by instructors and practitioners of children moral education, so that through producing movies and programs that deal with moral and evaluative issues, they contribute to moral education and development of the children. Given the importance of mass media in the society, the content of TV movies for children was examined in the range of 2001-2011 in this research. These movies that were produced by Institute for the Intellectual Development of Children and Young Adults were classified in to three groups: long, short and animation. Four movies were watched and analyzed from each group. During watching, the tables consisted of 11 primary categories and 40 subcategories were filled for each movie and then the frequency of each category was recorded. Next, the results were analyzed by using the statistical methods and software. The results showed that in all the study long movies, the category of tolerance with child, entering a community larger than family, group thinking and consultation, employing of accurate education manners of primary category for lessening the adult authority, playing group game, and creating sound context have the highest frequency. Also, in the whole short movies, the subcategory of attention to young children speech has the highest frequency. Finally, in all the animation, the subcategory of using the moral education and accurate education manners of subset of main components of making rule and moral decisions and creation sound context have the highest frequency. It can be concluded that the long movies and animation involve a wide range of components in term of importance, while the short movie is more limited. Also, there is a similarity between short movie and animation, whereas long movies are independent.
بررسی وتبیین وظایف معلم به مثابه فیلسوف تربیتی: پژوهشی پدیدار شناختی در میان معلمان مقطع ابتدایی شهر ایذه
علی موسوی ده موردی 1392The purpose of this study is to examine and explain the roles of teacher training as a philosopher. He's not only a transmitting educational content, but he is a scholar person who stimulates students to ponder relying on the scientific integrity and intellectual depth, and teaches to them how to think, not memorizing ideas. This study consists of two stages: the first stage is qualitative – descriptive. At this stage, At this stage, while explaining the duties of teachers, some of the features of the thinker teacher is expressed as a educational philosopher. In the second stage, have been collected their lived experiences by interviews with 40 primary school teachers in Izeh. At this stage, At this stage data collection was through semi-structured interviews and, personal information questionnaires. The data were analyzed by using Van mannon's phenomenology methods. Results indicate that teachers know their philosophical tasks like for example creating a challenging learning environment, encouraging to new ideas and respect the other student's opinions and ideas, encouraging students to be creative and divergent thinking. They apply modern and active methods of teaching and create inquiry spirit in students. Overall, the teacher's most important task as an educational philosopher is creating favorable conditions to educate rational thinking in students to achieve to the correct understanding and thus this correct understanding can direct them to right action.
مبانی فلسفی (انسان شناختی اسلامی) آموزش فنی و حرفه ای در ایران
فاطمه جمشیدی كیهان 1390 -
بررسی اصول وارزش های لیبرالیسم و دلالت های آن درتعلیم و تربیت اخلاقی
لیلا نعمتی 1390 -
بررسی مبانی انسان شناختی رویکرد سازنده گرایی و استلزامات تربیتی آن
فرشته صمدی 1390