MASOUD Sefaei mogdaddam


Update: 2025-03-03

MASOUD Sefaei mogdaddam

دانشکده علوم تربیتی و روانشناسی / گروه علوم تربیتی

Journal Paper

  1. "A Conceptual Model of Personal Integrity Based on the Quran and the Narrations of Infallibles: Deriving Educational Principles"
    ابتسام کوتی : First author, Sayyed Jalal Hashemi : second author, parvaneh valavi : Third author, MASOUD Sefaei mogdaddam : Fourth author
    islamic education, pp.53-68, 2024
  2. "God as the criterion of morality and its relationship with the concept of Bildung In Fichte's later thought"
    فرزاد كياني : First author, parvaneh valavi : second author, Sayyed Jalal Hashemi : Third author, MASOUD Sefaei mogdaddam : Fourth author
    Hekmat va Falsafeh, pp.187-210, 2024
  3. "The Role of Parents in Shaping the Cognitive, Affective, and Volitional Foundations for Children's Responsibility During the Preparation Phase"
    فيصل ربيهاوي : First author, Sayyed Jalal Hashemi : second author, MASOUD Sefaei mogdaddam : Third author, khosrou bagheri : Fourth author
    Philosophy of education, pp.34-58, 2023
  4. "هدف اصلی این پژوهش بررسی تحلیلی مفهوم بیلدونگ مورد نظر هردر می‌باشد که با مبنا قراردادن آن بتوان برای نظام تعلیم و تربیت مؤلفه‌های مفهومی نوینی ارائه داد. هردر با عنایت به تاریخ و فرهنگ غایتی را برای انسان‌ها ترسیم می‌کند که این غایت در پرتو فرهنگ‌ها و کثرت اقوام و ملل به نقطه مشترکی می‌رسد و معنا می‌یابد و آن، مفهوم انسانیت است. این پژوهش با روش تحلیل مفهومی به تبیین مفهوم بیلدونگ، فرهنگ و انسانیت پرداخته و انسانیت را به‌عنوان غایت تربیت و مفهوم فرهنگ و عناصر آن را به‌عنوان راهی برای رسیدن به ا"
    مسعود پيروتي اقدم : First author, Sayyed Jalal Hashemi : second author, Seyed Mansour Marashi : Third author, MASOUD Sefaei mogdaddam : Fourth author
    پژوهش های فلسفی, pp.176-198, 2023
  5. "Exploring the Approach of ‘Inter - cultural Dialogue’ in Allameh Tabataba’’’s Thought and Presenting its Educational Implications"
    seiad hossein nejati mosavi : First author, Seyed Mansour Marashi : second author, Sayyed Jalal Hashemi : Third author, MASOUD Sefaei mogdaddam : Fourth author
    Applied Issues in Islamic Education, pp.141-166, 2023
  6. "Humboldt's idea of bildung and its educational implications"
    فاطمه نظري رودبالي : First author, MASOUD Sefaei mogdaddam : second author, Seyed Mansour Marashi : Third author, Sayyed Jalal Hashemi : Fourth author
    Foundations of Education, pp.5-31, 2023
  7. "Promoters and inhibitors of Iranian university in the contemporary era"
    عزيزاله احمدي : First author, Seyed Mansour Marashi : second author, MASOUD Sefaei mogdaddam : Third author, Yadollah Mehralizadeh : Fourth author
    Higher Education Journal, pp.37-56, 2023
  8. "The position of the desired internal change in the upstream documents of the educational system of Iran"
    پاپي-سميه : First author, Sayyed Jalal Hashemi : second author, parvaneh valavi : Third author, MASOUD Sefaei mogdaddam : Fourth author
    راهبــردهای آموزش در علوم پزشکی, pp.435-446, 2022
  9. "Conceptual model of desirable internal change based on the Holy Quran: inference of educational principles Abstract"
    پاپي-سميه : First author, Sayyed Jalal Hashemi : second author, parvaneh valavi : Third author, MASOUD Sefaei mogdaddam : Fourth author
    Applied Issues in Islamic Education, pp.7-31, 2022
  10. "The Islamic Intellectualism Approach in the Field of Women: Its Principles and Educational Goals*"
    زينب نوري ممبني : First author, MASOUD Sefaei mogdaddam : second author, mohammadjafar pakseresht : Third author, parvaneh valavi : Fourth author
    Applied Issues in Islamic Education, pp.109-132, 2022
  11. "A Quranic Model of Desirable Internal Change in Human (Based on Textual Data Theory Method)"
    پاپي-سميه : First author, Sayyed Jalal Hashemi : second author, parvaneh valavi : Third author, MASOUD Sefaei mogdaddam : Fourth author
    the khowledge studies in the islamic university, pp.1201-1216, 2022
  12. "Identify the features of moral instruction and the extent of attention to it in elementary schools."
    فاطمه یوسفی : First author, Abdullah Parsa : second author, MASOUD Sefaei mogdaddam : Third author
    Journal of curriculum research, pp.133-156, 2021
  13. "Thomas Neigel's "Panpsychism" as a Basis for a "neuro-education" Approach"
    فريدون شكيبانيا : First author, parvaneh valavi : second author, MASOUD Sefaei mogdaddam : Third author, khosro bageri : Fourth author
    Foundations of Education, pp.67-85, 2021
  14. "Explaining and relativizing the philosophical counseling approach with the concept of education"
    پروين خزامي : First author, parvaneh valavi : second author, Sayyed Jalal Hashemi : Third author, MASOUD Sefaei mogdaddam : Fourth author
    Journal of Applied Counseling, pp.98-121, 2021
  15. "Stuady the nature of the intellectual virtues from Zagzebskys point of views and explaining its implications for teaching thinking"
    فرخنده ديسناد : First author, Sayyed Jalal Hashemi : second author, Seyed Mansour Marashi : Third author, MASOUD Sefaei mogdaddam : Fourth author
    اندیشه های نوین تربیتی, pp.145-166, 2020
  16. "Analytical study concerning foundations of social constructionism"
    رضا شيخه : First author, MASOUD Sefaei mogdaddam : second author, mohammadjafar pakseresht : Third author, Seyed Mansour Marashi : Fourth author
  17. "An investigation into fundamentals of intellectual virtues with a focus on Linda Zagzebsky's thoughts"
    فرخنده ديسناد : First author, Sayyed Jalal Hashemi : second author, Seyed Mansour Marashi : Third author, MASOUD Sefaei mogdaddam : Fourth author
    پژوهشهای معرفت شناختی, pp.213-229, 2020
  18. "An Analytical Consideration of Ethics of Complexity and Its Conceptual Development"
    Kamran Shahvali kohshouri : First author, Seyed Mansour Marashi : second author, Sayyed Jalal Hashemi : Third author, MASOUD Sefaei mogdaddam : Fourth author
    Journal of Moral Studeis, pp.69-94, 2020
  19. "The Study of Creativity as an Understanding from the Perspective of Gadamer's Philosophical Hermeneutics and its Implications for Education"
    عبدالمحمد جابري نصر : First author, parvaneh valavi : second author, MASOUD Sefaei mogdaddam : Third author, Alireza Hajiyakhchali : Fourth author
    Hekmat va Falsafeh, pp.150-179, 2020
  20. "A study of the ontology of Pahlavi texts and the inference of its educational teachings"
    شيدا رياضي هروي : First author, MASOUD Sefaei mogdaddam : second author, mohammadjafar pakseresht : Third author, Shahram Jalilian : Fourth author
    Didactic Literature Review, pp.1-27, 2020
  21. "The social constructionism approach to childhood, and what it has for philosophy for children program(p4c)."
    رضا شيخه : First author, MASOUD Sefaei mogdaddam : second author, mohammadjafar pakseresht : Third author, Seyed Mansour Marashi : Fourth author
    Thinking and Children, pp.69-94, 2020
  22. "An Approach to the Concept of Knowledge in Pahlavi Texts and How to linkage It to Ethics and Education"
    شيدا رياضي هروي : First author, MASOUD Sefaei mogdaddam : second author, mohammadjafar pakseresht : Third author, Shahram Jalilian : Fourth author
    history of philosophy, pp.69-102, 2020
  23. "تعليم و تربيت در راستاي حقوق شهروندي"
    پاپي-سميه : First author, Sayyed Jalal Hashemi : second author, MASOUD Sefaei mogdaddam : Third author
    فصلنامه مطالعات حقوق شهروندی, pp.103-125, 2019
  24. "Comparative study of Imam Ali's (AS) moral intelligence theory in Nahj al-Balaghah, With the theory of common moral virtues of the religions of Dusseldor, Peterson and Seligman and the principles of moral intelligence of lnick and kiel"
    كريم سعيد شعبانلو : First author, nasar bahroozi : second author, Manizheh Shehni Yailagh : Third author, MASOUD Sefaei mogdaddam : Fourth author
    فرهنگ در دانشگاه اسلامی, pp.547-574, 2019
  25. ". Conceptual Analysis of Competency and the Role of Moral Competency in Parenting"
    افراسياب صادقي چلچه : First author, Sayyed Jalal Hashemi : second author, Seyed Mansour Marashi : Third author, MASOUD Sefaei mogdaddam : Fourth author
    Educational Psychology, pp.1-24, 2019
  26. "A Comparative Study of Social Thinking in Allameh Tabataba'i and Lipman’s Views and its Implications for Philosophy for Children"
    Seyed Mansour Marashi : First author, جعفر چراغيان : second author, MASOUD Sefaei mogdaddam : Third author, parvaneh valavi : Fourth author
    Applied Issues in Islamic Education, pp.149-186, 2018
  27. "The relationship between theory and practice in moral education, beased allameh tabatabais theory of virtual perception"
    ahmad haghy : First author, MASOUD Sefaei mogdaddam : second author, Seyed Mansour Marashi : Third author, Ali Mohammad Hosein Zade : Fourth author
    islamic education, pp.187-209, 2018
  28. "Childhood Explication in social constructionism: Deconstructive analysis of Childhood"
    رضا شيخه : First author, MASOUD Sefaei mogdaddam : second author, mohammadjafar pakseresht : Third author, Seyed Mansour Marashi : Fourth author
    Philosophy of education, pp.25-56, 2018
  29. "تحلیل محتوای کتب پیام های آسمان دوره ی متوسطه اول از منظر مؤلفه های محبت و مهرورزی"
    پاپي-سميه : First author, MASOUD Sefaei mogdaddam : second author, Sayyed Jalal Hashemi : Third author
    فصلنامه مطالعات روانشناسی و علوم تربیتی, pp.146-158, 2018
  30. "کنوانسیون جهانی حقوق کودک و فرصت‌هایی که برای پرورش تفکر مستقل درکودکان ارائه می‌دهد"
    parvaneh valavi : First author, khamis sidi : second author, MASOUD Sefaei mogdaddam : Third author, Sayyed Jalal Hashemi : Fourth author
    Thinking and Children, pp.1-20, 2018
  31. "بررسی و تحلیل نظام اخلاقی دین صابئین مندائی"
    aziz savari : First author, MASOUD Sefaei mogdaddam : second author, Sayyed Jalal Hashemi : Third author, ghes alsadi : Fourth author
    معرفت ادیان, pp.97-114, 2018
  32. "Investing the concept of creativity and its educational implications in the Islamic thought"
    mohamad namani : First author, MASOUD Sefaei mogdaddam : second author, mohammadjafar pakseresht : Third author, Seyed Mansour Marashi : Fourth author
    ابتکار و خلاقیت در علوم انسانی, pp.187-224, 2017
  33. "New Mu'tazila Ideas and Education"
    parvaneh valavi : First author, دارم-احمد : second author, mohammadjafar pakseresht : Third author, MASOUD Sefaei mogdaddam : Fourth author, Alimohammad Hosseinzadeh : Author5
    Foundations of Education, pp.84-102, 2017
  34. "فضيلت وطن دوستي در شاهنامه و نظريه فضيلت ارسطو"
    tayeb chehri : First author, MASOUD Sefaei mogdaddam : second author, manoochehr joukar : Third author
    National studies quarterly, pp.99-114, 2017
  35. "Philosophical Hermeneutics and its Implications for Self-Understanding, Otherness- Understanding and Together – Understanding, in Education"
    masood khanjar khani : First author, MASOUD Sefaei mogdaddam : second author, mohammadjafar pakseresht : Third author
    Foundations of Education, pp.5-20, 2017
  36. "Who's responsible for teacher training? Ministry of Education or Higher Education?"
    زارع-مريم : First author, Abdullah Parsa : second author, MASOUD Sefaei mogdaddam : Third author
    Journal Theory and practice in curriculum, pp.85-118, 2017
  37. "حقوق شهروندی در کتاب مطالعات اجتماعی"
    پاپي-سميه : First author, Sayyed Jalal Hashemi : second author, شنبدي-هديه : Third author, MASOUD Sefaei mogdaddam : Fourth author
    رشد آموزش علوم اجتماعی, pp.24-28, 2016
  38. "The relationship between graduate students in mind, philosophical and spiritual intelligence shahid Chamran University"
    Seyed Mansour Marashi : First author, hadi sanjari : second author, MASOUD Sefaei mogdaddam : Third author, Hossen Ialhampour : Fourth author
    اندیشه های نوین تربیتی, pp.145-164, 2016
  39. "Foundations and Principles of Islamic Ethics: A Reflection on the Relationship between Teacher and Students"
    MASOUD Sefaei mogdaddam : First author, Bahaodeen Rahmani : second author, mohammadjafar pakseresht : Third author, Seyed Mansour Marashi : Fourth author
    Foundations of Education, pp.23-45, 2016
  40. "An Analysis of Religious for "Environmental Protection" as a Training Goal"
    ayoob mardani : First author, Seyed Mansour Marashi : second author, MASOUD Sefaei mogdaddam : Third author, Sayyed Jalal Hashemi : Fourth author
    فصلنامه آموزش محیط زیست و توسعه پایدار, pp.56-67, 2016
  41. "Is the school responsible for the cultural and social reconstruction? (Analytical study of the social Reconstructionist theory)"
    ليلا بهمئي : First author, Seyed Mansour Marashi : second author, mohammadjafar pakseresht : Third author, MASOUD Sefaei mogdaddam : Fourth author
    Journal of Education, pp.5-28, 2016
  42. "An Analytical Study of the Islamic Principles of Altruism as An Educational Objective"
    alireza razeghi : First author, parvaneh valavi : second author, Seyed Mansour Marashi : Third author, MASOUD Sefaei mogdaddam : Fourth author
    اسلام و پژوهش های تربیتی, pp.5-24, 2016
  43. "An Analytic Study of Anthropology of Mandaean Sabians"
    aziz savari : First author, MASOUD Sefaei mogdaddam : second author, Sayyed Jalal Hashemi : Third author
    انسان پژوهی دینی, pp.167-188, 2016
  44. "An Investigation Concerning the Philosophical Foundations of “Sabean Mandaean” Religion and their Educational Teachin"
    aziz savari : First author, Sayyed Jalal Hashemi : second author, MASOUD Sefaei mogdaddam : second author, gheis alsadi : Fourth author
    الهیات تطبیقی, pp.1-16, 2015
  45. "Philosophical hermeneutics and a new account of "attendance and absence" in the field of education"
    zabih khajar : First author, MASOUD Sefaei mogdaddam : second author, mohammadjafar pakseresht : Third author, Seyed Mansour Marashi : Fourth author, GHASEM BAOSTANI : Author5
    Journal of Education, pp.5-22, 2015
  46. "Role of Personality Traits, Learning Styles and Metacognition in Predicting Critical Thinking of Undergraduate Students"
    omid soleimani far : First author, nasar bahroozi : second author, MASOUD Sefaei mogdaddam : Third author
    راهبــردهای آموزش در علوم پزشکی, pp.60-67, 2015
  47. "piajet and lipmans theory of education :an emphasis on the philosophy for children"
    akram shooshtari : First author, MASOUD Sefaei mogdaddam : second author, Seyed Mansour Marashi : Third author
    Foundations of Education, pp.5-26, 2013
  48. "Analyzing philosophy for children program regarding how much it is based on deweyan pragmatism"
    saeed naji : First author, MASOUD Sefaei mogdaddam : second author, rosnani hashem : Third author, hamidreza ayatolahy : Fourth author, hosein sheykhrezaee : Author5
    Thinking and Children, pp.79-100, 2013
  49. "self, self-efficacy, human agency, reciprocal determinism"
    madeh dast mard : First author, MASOUD Sefaei mogdaddam : second author, mohammadjafar pakseresht : Third author, Manizheh Shehni Yailagh : Fourth author
    Foundations of Education, pp.17-38, 2012
  50. "An analysis of the philosophical foundations of fostering department in iranian education system"
    habibalah tabrizi : First author, MASOUD Sefaei mogdaddam : second author, Seyed Mansour Marashi : Third author
    Journal of Education, pp.7-30, 2011
  51. "does higher education couid promote students' critical thinking skills? (case study: undergraduate courses of Shahid Chamran University)"
    aazam ramazany : First author, Abdullah Parsa : second author, MASOUD Sefaei mogdaddam : Third author
    Journal of Education, pp.77-100, 2011
  52. "An analytical study of spirituality movement and amoral based approch for spiritual higher education"
    MASOUD Sefaei mogdaddam : First author
    strategy for culture, pp.87-110, 2011
  53. "The study of peaceful coexistence as an educational goal and its reflection in High school textbooks of Iranian Education."
    mohammadjafar pakseresht : First author, MASOUD Sefaei mogdaddam : second author, Sayyed Jalal Hashemi : Third author, HO S : Fourth author, Yadollah Mehralizadeh : Author5
    مجله علوم تربیتی و روانشناسی دانشگاه شهیدچمران اهواز, pp.3-34, 2011
  54. "Recognition and analysis of the educational philosophy of Yazd province adult education instructors"
    Ahmad Zandavanian : First author, MASOUD Sefaei mogdaddam : second author, mohammadjafar pakseresht : Third author, HO S : Fourth author
    مجله علوم تربیتی و روانشناسی دانشگاه شهیدچمران اهواز, pp.3-26, 2010
  55. "Survey of effect philosophy of education to the children to gather research on moral judgments of fifth grade students in ahvaz"
    Seyed Mansour Marashi : First author, MASOUD Sefaei mogdaddam : second author, parvin khazami : Third author
    Thinking and Children, pp.83-102, 2010
  56. "An analysis of the epistemological foundations of constructivism (from the standpoint of realism)"
    parvaneh valavi : First author, MASOUD Sefaei mogdaddam : second author, mohammadjafar pakseresht : Third author, j h : Fourth author, Yadollah Mehralizadeh : Author5
    مجله علوم تربیتی و روانشناسی, pp.3-18, 2010
  57. "Personal Autonomy is an idea for self regulation:a discussion in aims of education"
    mohammadjafar pakseresht : First author, mohammad hosein heidari : second author, MASOUD Sefaei mogdaddam : Third author, Yadollah Mehralizadeh : Fourth author
    مجله علوم تربیتی و روانشناسی دانشگاه شهیدچمران اهواز, pp.3-20, 2010
  58. "Studying on Basic Principles of Civil Education (an Islamic Approach)"
    Ali Zarei mahmoud abadi : First author, MASOUD Sefaei mogdaddam : second author, mohammadjafar pakseresht : Third author, Seyed Mansour Marashi : Fourth author
    مجله علوم تربیتی و روانشناسی دانشگاه شهیدچمران اهواز, pp.1-29, 2010
  59. "a survey on taylorism anthropology and its consequences in educational administration"
    mohammadjafar pakseresht : second author, MASOUD Sefaei mogdaddam : Third author, Yadollah Mehralizadeh : Fourth author, یداله مهرعلی زاده : نویسنده چهارم
    Educational and Psychology Studies, pp.197-213, 2009
  60. "An analisys of slow movement and what it has for philosophy for children program"
    MASOUD Sefaei mogdaddam : First author
    FARHANG, pp.59-82, 2009
  61. "Educational methodology of the immaculate"
    mohammadjafar pakseresht : First author, abaseali rastmei : second author, MASOUD Sefaei mogdaddam : Third author
    مجله علوم تربیتی و روانشناسی, pp.1-26, 2009
  62. "Educational methodology of the immaculate"
    mohammadjafar pakseresht : First author, abaseali rastmei : second author, MASOUD Sefaei mogdaddam : Third author
    مجله علوم تربیتی و روانشناسی دانشگاه شهیدچمران اهواز, pp.1-26, 2009
  63. "Educational Methodology of the Immaculate Imams"
    abaseali rastmei : First author, mohammadjafar pakseresht : second author, MASOUD Sefaei mogdaddam : Third author
    مجله علوم تربیتی و روانشناسی, pp.1-28, 2009
  64. "A surveyof rationality in islamic sources and its educational implication"
    MASOUD Sefaei mogdaddam : First author, Alireza RASHIDI : second author, mohammadjafar pakseresht : Third author
    مجله علوم تربیتی و روانشناسی, pp.1-29, 2008
  65. "بررسي تاثير روش اجتماع پژوهشي در برنامه آموزش فلسفه به كودكان بر پرورش مهارتهاي استدلال دانش‌آموزان پسر پايه سوم راهنمايي مدرسه نمونه دولتي اهواز"
    MASOUD Sefaei mogdaddam : First author, Seyed Mansour Marashi : second author, mohammadjafar pakseresht : Third author, khosro bageri : Fourth author, HO S : Author5
    مجله علوم تربیتی و روانشناسی, pp.31-54, 2006
  66. "منابع نظام ارزشي ايران و تبيين رابطة آن با فرآيند توسعة اقتصادي در نيمة اول قرن چهاردهم هجري"
    abdolmehdi moarrefzadeh : First author, mohammadjafar pakseresht : second author, MASOUD Sefaei mogdaddam : Third author
    مجله علوم تربیتی و روانشناسی, pp.20-50, 2006
  67. "آموزش و پرورش آينده‌نگر: اهداف و راهكارها"
    mohammad hosein heidari : First author, mohammadjafar pakseresht : second author, MASOUD Sefaei mogdaddam : Third author
    مجله علوم تربیتی و روانشناسی, pp.135-162, 2005
  68. "دانشگاه اسلامي: آموزش علوم و تربيت اسلامي"
    MASOUD Sefaei mogdaddam : First author
    گزیده مقالات دایره المعارف آموزش عالی, pp.394-401, 2004
  69. "بررسي نظريه اصالت نفع و مضامين آن در آموزش و پرورش اخلاقي"
    parvaneh valavi : First author, MASOUD Sefaei mogdaddam : second author, mohammadjafar pakseresht : Third author
    مجله علوم تربیتی و روانشناسی, pp.1-24, 2004
  70. "بررسي نظريه "خودگرايي اخلاقي" براساس معيار عقلانيت: بحثي در فلسفة آموزش و پروش اخلاقي"
    MASOUD Sefaei mogdaddam : First author
    مجله علوم تربیتی و روانشناسی, pp.1-16, 2003
  71. "Philosophy for Children program"
    MASOUD Sefaei mogdaddam : First author
    فصلنامه علوم انسانی دانشگاه الزهرا, pp.161-184, 1998
  72. "An Analysis of the Concept Islamic University"
    MASOUD Sefaei mogdaddam : First author
    مجله علوم تربیتی و روانشناسی, pp.21-38, 1997
  73. "The Research Patterns in History of Education"
    MASOUD Sefaei mogdaddam : First author
    مجله علوم تربیتی و روانشناسی, pp.135-159, 1997
  74. "تحليلي بر مفهوم«دانشگاه اسلامي» بحثي در فلسفه آموزش و پرورش اسلامي"
    MASOUD Sefaei mogdaddam : First author
    مجموعه مقالات چهل و چهارمین نشست روسای دانشگاهها و مراکز علمی و تحقیقاتی, 1921
  75. "The Lived Experience of Students in Facing the Educational-Moral Challenges of Depression and Suicide"
    parvaneh valavi : First author, پروين خزامي : second author, Sayyed Jalal Hashemi : Third author, MASOUD Sefaei mogdaddam : Fourth author
    Journal of Psychologycal Achievements, pp.37-48, 2022
  76. "The lived experience of parents from educating morality to their children Phenomenological study"
    parvaneh valavi : First author, n s : second author, MASOUD Sefaei mogdaddam : Third author
    Journal of Education and Health Promotion, pp.1-6, 2022
  77. "Analyzing ethical sensitivity: developing on student-teacher education"
    habib kavandi : First author, Seyed Mansour Marashi : second author, Sayyed Jalal Hashemi : Third author, MASOUD Sefaei mogdaddam : Fourth author
    iranian journal of educational sociology, pp.134-142, 2019
  78. "Comparing the moral intelligence from Imam Ali’s viewpoint with theory of Borba"
    كريم سعيد شعبانلو : First author, nasar bahroozi : second author, Manizheh Shehni Yailagh : Third author, MASOUD Sefaei mogdaddam : Fourth author
    Opción Journal, 2019
    پاپي-سميه : First author, Sayyed Jalal Hashemi : second author, MASOUD Sefaei mogdaddam : Third author
    International Journal of Innovative and Applied Research (IJIAR), pp.1-13, 2017
  80. "A Shiite Innatist Conception of Reason, and What It Can Do for Religious Education (RE)"
    MASOUD Sefaei mogdaddam : First author
    مجله علوم تربیتی و روانشناسی دانشگاه شهیدچمران اهواز, pp.1-22, 2010
  81. "The applicability of quality management systems and models to higher education:A new perspective"
    Yadollah Mehralizadeh : First author, MASOUD Sefaei mogdaddam : second author
    the TQM journal, pp.175-187, 2010
  82. "Teaching Philosophy to Children:A New Experience in Iran"
    Seyed Mansour Marashi : First author, MASOUD Sefaei mogdaddam : second author, mohammadjafar pakseresht : Third author
    Critical and creative thinking/TheAustralian Journal of philosophy in education, pp.5-13, 2009
  83. "R.S.Peters and his reason based conception of morality"
    MASOUD Sefaei mogdaddam : First author
    Education on line, 2004
  84. "An analysis of the concept rationality and its implications for action with an emphasis on an Islamic view"
    MASOUD Sefaei mogdaddam : First author
    Education on line, 2003
  85. "The Study of Philosophical-Ideological views on Praying Behavior of Third Grade High School Students in Ahvaz"
    karim savari : First author, MASOUD Sefaei mogdaddam : second author, abdolkazem Neissi : Third author
    مجله علوم تربیتی و روانشناسی, pp.1-10, 2001

Conference Paper

  1. "Analytical study of constructivism with emphasis on Piaget's theory and its implications for pre-primary curriculum"
    رضا شيخه : First author, MASOUD Sefaei mogdaddam : second author, mohammadjafar pakseresht : Third author, Seyed Mansour Marashi : Fourth author
    First National Conference on Research Findings in Preschool, 2019
  2. "Approach to education and lifelong learning with regard to the idea of bildong"
    فاطمه نظري رودبالي : First author, MASOUD Sefaei mogdaddam : second author, Seyed Mansour Marashi : Third author, Sayyed Jalal Hashemi : Fourth author
    The8th national congress of philosophy of education society of iran, 2017
  3. "Educational implications lifelong learner education in the formal education system"
    رحيمي نسب-حجت اله : First author, MASOUD Sefaei mogdaddam : second author, Seyed Mansour Marashi : Third author
    The8th national congress of philosophy of education society of iran, 2017
  4. "رویکرد دین صابئین مندائی به آموزش و یادگیری مداوم"
    aziz savari : First author, Sayyed Jalal Hashemi : second author, MASOUD Sefaei mogdaddam : Third author
    هشتمین همایش ملی انجمن فلسفه تعلیم و تربیت ایران "فلسفه آموزش و یادگیری مداوم", 2017
  5. "تبیین و نقد مبانی فلسفی معنای زندگی از منظر اگزیستانسیالیسم"
    شنبدي-هديه : First author, Sayyed Jalal Hashemi : second author, MASOUD Sefaei mogdaddam : Third author
    اولین همایش ملی علمی پژوهشی روانشناسی، علوم تربیتی و آسیب شناسی جامعه, 2015
  6. "Foundations Investigation of the psychological meaning of life: Mechanism for meaningful education"
    شنبدي-هديه : First author, Sayyed Jalal Hashemi : second author, MASOUD Sefaei mogdaddam : Third author
    همایش بین المللی روانشناسی و فرهنگ زندگی, 2015
  7. "ندارد"
    aziz savari : First author, MASOUD Sefaei mogdaddam : second author, Sayyed Jalal Hashemi : Third author, gheis alsadi : Fourth author
    The Sixth International Conference of Monotheistic Religions, 2015
  8. "بررسی رابطه بین راهبردهای حل مسئله و نمرات ریاضی دانش آموزان پایه ششم ابتدائی شهر نورآباد ممسنی"
    monireh asadi : First author, Hamid Farhadi rad : second author, MASOUD Sefaei mogdaddam : Third author
    international congress of humanities and behavioral studies, 2014
  9. "reviewing and Evaluating educational and moral doctorin of Sabaean Mandaean religion"
    aziz savari : First author, MASOUD Sefaei mogdaddam : second author, Sayyed Jalal Hashemi : Third author
    The philosophy of religious education and moral education, 2014
  10. "Ethical review in ethical charters in Iranian universities"
    ali roshanizade : First author, MASOUD Sefaei mogdaddam : second author, mohammadjafar pakseresht : Third author
    The philosophy of religious education and moral education, 2014
  11. "ندارد"
    aziz savari : First author, MASOUD Sefaei mogdaddam : second author, Sayyed Jalal Hashemi : Third author
    The philosophy of religious education and moral education, 2014
  12. "comparative evaluation between Religious and moral education in Islam and Zoroastrianism"
    tayeb chehri : First author, MASOUD Sefaei mogdaddam : second author
    The philosophy of religious education and moral education, 2014
  13. "Explore the possibility and necessity golden rule of ethics based on the moral teachings of Imam Ali (AS) and Kant"
    صاحبه سالار : First author, MASOUD Sefaei mogdaddam : second author
    The philosophy of religious education and moral education, 2014
  14. "Gadamer's philosophical hermeneutics in the light of developments in the understanding of the occurrence of the event and its implications for education reform"
    zabih khajar : First author, MASOUD Sefaei mogdaddam : second author, parvaneh valavi : Third author
    Fourth Iranian Congress of Philosophy of Education, 2013
  15. "A comparative study of the components of non-profit schools and public schools in Ilam"
    taher amani : First author, MASOUD Sefaei mogdaddam : second author, Seyed Mansour Marashi : Third author
    5th national conference on education, 2013
  16. "methodology & reaserch methods in philosophy of education"
    parvaneh valavi : First author, MASOUD Sefaei mogdaddam : second author
    Third Conference of the Association of Education, 2012
  17. "An Analysis of the philosophical Foundation of "Fostering Department" in Iranian Education System"
    MASOUD Sefaei mogdaddam : First author, Seyed Mansour Marashi : second author, habibalah tabrizi : Third author
    The first national conference on education in iran1404, 2011
  18. "reviewing epistemology foundations of constructivism and its impleacation in iran educationi"
    parvaneh valavi : First author, MASOUD Sefaei mogdaddam : second author
    The second conference of philosophy of education society of iran, 2011
  19. "Review developments in teacher training in Iran"
    nazarmohammad arbabi : First author, Seyed Mansour Marashi : second author, MASOUD Sefaei mogdaddam : Third author
    Teacher Education Curriclum, 2011
  20. "Comparison of the overall system approaches to Teacher Education Program Iran content course approach in general teacher training system based on globalization"
    nazarmohammad arbabi : First author, Seyed Mansour Marashi : second author, MASOUD Sefaei mogdaddam : Third author
    Teacher Education Curriclum, 2011
  21. "A study of the effect of teaching philosophy by using the community of inquiry method on the moral judgment development in fifth grade primary school student of Ahvaz"
    Seyed Mansour Marashi : First author, MASOUD Sefaei mogdaddam : second author, parvin khazami : Third author
    International Conference on World Philosophy Day, 2010
  22. "The impact of Globalization on the management of quality system in higher education"
    MASOUD Sefaei mogdaddam : First author, Yadollah Mehralizadeh : second author
    International Conference on Higher Education Development (CHED2010), 2010
  23. "An investigation into peaceful coexistence as an educational goal and its reflection in high school textbooks of Iranian Education"
    mohammadjafar pakseresht : First author, MASOUD Sefaei mogdaddam : second author, Sayyed Jalal Hashemi : Third author
    The first conference of philosophy of education society of iran, 2010
  24. "An investigation into peaceful coexistence as an educational goal and its reflection in high school textbooks of Iranian Education."
    mohammadjafar pakseresht : First author, MASOUD Sefaei mogdaddam : second author, Sayyed Jalal Hashemi : Third author
    The first conference of philosophy of education society of iran, 2010
  25. "A study of constructivis with use of realism"
    MASOUD Sefaei mogdaddam : First author, mohammadjafar pakseresht : second author, parvaneh valavi : Third author
    The first conference of philosophy of education society of iran, 2010
  26. "what is the role of universities curricula of human sciences on the development of stdents' critical thinking"
    aazamn ramazani : First author, Abdullah Parsa : second author, MASOUD Sefaei mogdaddam : Third author
    university - student and sosiety needs, 2010
  27. "A study of Evaluation and Monitoring Strategies of Iran;s Higher Education After Islamic Revolution"
    Yadollah Mehralizadeh : First author, MASOUD Sefaei mogdaddam : second author, enbrahim Salehi : Third author
    Monitoring and evaluation in Higher Education, 2009
  28. "Globalization effwcts on Curriculum Development"
    Yadollah Mehralizadeh : First author, MASOUD Sefaei mogdaddam : second author
    Globalization & localization in currculum:challenges and Opportunities,8th Annual conference of I.C.S.A, 2008
  29. "نقش همكاري‌هاي علمي بين‌المللي بر توسعة مبتني بر دانش"
    MASOUD Sefaei mogdaddam : First author
    سمینار دستاوردها و چالش‌ها در همکاری‌های علمی بین‌المللی, 2005
  30. "تحليلي بر مفهوم دانشگاه اسلامي بحثي در فلسفه آموزش و پرورش اسلامي"
    MASOUD Sefaei mogdaddam : First author
    چهل و چهارمین نشست روسای دانشگاهها و مراکز علمی و تحقیقاتی, 2002
  31. "Does teaching philosophy have anything to do with Irans fourth development plan?"
    MASOUD Sefaei mogdaddam : First author
    'ECER2005, 2005
  32. "R.S.Peter and his reason based conception of mordity"
    MASOUD Sefaei mogdaddam : First author
    'European Educational Research Association (EERA), ECER, 2004
  33. "An Analysis of the concept: and its aplication for action"
    MASOUD Sefaei mogdaddam : First author
    'اتحادیه اروپایی تحقیقات آموزشی (EERA)dfghdfhdfgshgfdh, 2003