صفحه اعضا هیئت علمی - دانشکده علوم تربیتی و روانشناسی

Update: 2025-03-03
MASOUD Sefaei mogdaddam
دانشکده علوم تربیتی و روانشناسی / گروه علوم تربیتی
P.H.D dissertations
بررسی و نقد آموزش علوم تجربی در ایران در پرتو بازخوانیِ توصیفی – تحلیلی ماهیت علم تجربی
عاطفه زارعی 1403 -
بررسی تحلیلی ایده ی بیلدونگ و امکان کاربست آن در نظام تعلیم و تربیت
فاطمه نظری رودبالی 1402 -
ارائه رویکردی بومی(ایرانی- اسلامی) از فمینیسم و دلالت های آن برای نظام آموزشی ایران
(با تاکید بر ایده ی برابری به مثابه ی انصاف)
زینب نوری ممبنی 1401 -
بررسی مبانی فلسفی ادبیات پهلوی ساسانی و استنتاج فلسفه ی تربیتی آن
شیدا ریاضی هروی 1399 -
بررسی تحلیلی مبانی رویکرد برساخت گرایی اجتماعی درباره ی دوران کودکی و استلزامات تربیتی آن
رضا شیخه 1398 -
بررسی تحلیلی ایده دانشگاه فضیلت بنیاد با تاکید بر ماهیت و کارکرد دانش
صاحبه سالار 1397 -
: ارائه و تبیین الگوی تربیت اخلاقی بر مبنای نظریه اعتباریات علامه طباطبایی
احمد حقی 1396The present study aimed to Providing a moral education model based on Allamah Mohammad Hossein Tabatabaei's theory of virtual perception. In order to achieve such a model, the factors and motives of the moral act, as well as the process of the formation of a moral act, were questioned from the viewpoint of this theory. Also, the role of education in changing or modifying these factors and motives and, finally, the pattern that underlies these reforms is discussed. This was done by analytical-deductive method. Thus, the result of the research is a model that includes the foundations, goals, principles, dimensions, environments, agents and barriers, steps, strategies and methods of moral education, which are based on Allamah Tabataba'i's theory of virtual perception. In this educational model, what is most important is the virtualtion of a process that changes the attitude of the individual towards ethical issues and ethics, including ethical goals, behaviors and values. In addition, this process needs to be continued in changing one's perceptions of intermediate goals and ways to achieve these goals. Therefore, ethical education should include ethical training, skills training and the preparation of the effects of training on the personalization of the ethical issues learned. In this process, it is also necessary to prepare programs to transform the real perceptions into virtual perceptions and the constant emphasis on virtual perceptions, with the goal of further internalizing them, namely, strengthening the positive attitude to the above issues. Another feature of this pattern is that by designing strategies for regulating force and divine Kindness along each other and as two main strategies, each of which applies in the educational process, and providing the stages of education from the pre-Islamic stage and faith, to the highest degree of virtuality. And divine glory, moral education, which is a general and universal process, has been linked to a mystical education that is private and personal.
تحلیل مبانی جامعه شناختی برنامه آموزش فلسفه برای کودکان
با تأکید بر رویکردی اسلامی
جعفر چراغیان 1396The philosophy for children program (p4c) has various philosophical, historical, psychological and sociological aspects and dimensions. However, considering the structure of the p4c, which is based on the community of inquiry, its social aspect has a higher position than the other dimensions. This has required researches for further analyzing and identifying the social foundation. Since the dominant approach in our education is an Islamic one, it should be determined that what are the similarities and differences of social foundation of p4c with the Islamic thought. To do this, the researcher has been faced with two challenges. One of them is that which criteria should be considered in order to analyze the social foundation and the second one, which approach and Islamic thought should be chosen? Concerning the first case, three components including thinking, action and value judgment were chosen to be studied one by one in three chapters. For the second case, the thought and view of Allameh Tabatabai was chosen as an Islamic approach for conformation with the results of the sociological analysis of p4c and also for identifying similarities and differences between p4c and the Islam view. The results of this research which is done by analytical and deductive methods indicate that there are the following commonalities between p4c and Allameh Tabatabai's thought: regarding individuality while accepting social dignity, regarding the position of thinking and rationality in social interactions in both views, regarding dialogue and finally rejecting the relativism at social morality. There are also differences between p4c and Allameh Tabatabai’s thought: while p4c program is basically method based program, for Allameh the content of program has to be seen as an important part and while the mere thinking is the most important part in p4c, for Allameh developing faith should be seen as a vital one. As well, the commonalities between the p4c and the chosen Islamic thought have the following implications for the education of our country: Developing the culture of dialogue, Practicing the tolerance and patience in the face of oppositions, helping to create a place in which different voices are told and heard, providing and planning indirect education in the field of ethics and religion.
بررسی نظام اخلاقی شاهنامه فردوسی و دلالت های آن برای تربیت اخلاقی
طیب چهری 1396This study aims to assess and evaluate the moral system of Shahnameh and its implications for moral education The research method in this study was analytical and deductive. Due to the content of Shahnameh twelve following virtues were selected: wisdom, civiliy, loyalty, caution, courage, piety, patriotism, chivalry, discernment, self-sacrifice, liberality and justice. The twelve virtues were investigated according to Aristotle's virtue ethics and triple domains of knowledge, emotion and will. Moral conflicts were presented by the object of finding superior virtues and moral virtues sequence. In response to this question, the virtue of liberality has the first priority, followed by those virtues such as piety, loyalty and patriotism. The discussion implies the three principles of reason, justice and freedom were raised with methods of storytelling, parable and pattern-making to achieve ethical goals (developing virtues), objectives (growth and flowering of Persian language), cultural goals (knowledge of Iranian history and culture ) and social objectives (strengthening national unity). And finally by studying the twelve cardinal virtues and discover the virtues of the superior and also the issue of the conflicting moral duties, we can said that the moral system of Shahnameh raised from the ethics and culture of ancient Iran and Islam in which the virtues of the original order of importance are: first, the virtue of wisdom; second, the virtue of justice, third, the virtue of liberality, fourth, virtues of patriotism, piety, loyalty and courage; fifth, the virtues of civility, caution, chivalry, self-sacrufice and discernment are located
بررسی تحلیلی مبانی نظری ایده یادگیری مادام العمر به مثابه رویکردی تربیتی
رحیمی نسب-حجت اله 1395The aim of this study is to analyze the theoretical foundations of lifelong learning as an educational approach. This research was qualitative in nature and in its entirety is library studies. And it is in the field of philosophy of education, analytical methods - inference is used. This means that the official explanation of analysis, and as a result of the deduction method is used. In this study, the psychological, social and philosophical basis of lifelong learning was discussed. In The psychological basis, the theory of constructivism as a theory of psychological support lifelong learning and incentive structures mentioned. In the social basis, the social aspect of learning, social processes, social theories related to learning and social context has been the emergence of continuous learning was discussed. In the philosophical basis in three steps: 1. relevance of continuous learning with educational philosophical theory such as liberalism, progressivism, humanism, behaviorism, radical and analytical was investigated. 2. continuous character and nature of process of learning by basing the philosophical foundations of two Western philosopher Mulla Sadra and Confucius and two Western philosopher Hegel and Dewey were derived. 3. philosophical approach to lifelong learning including relativist approach, Essentialist and pragmatic approach was investigated. Finally, we point out deficiencies of philosophical approaches to lifelong learning, was introduced Islamic approach by basing the concept of Nearness to God and eventually the educational implications for the purpose of raising a lifelong learner Include curriculum, content, teaching methods, teacher's role and the way the evaluation was explained.
بررسی تحلیلی ماهیت دانش و دلالت های آن برای نظریه های مدیریت دانش
حسین رجبعلی پور 1395The objective of this study is presenting an analysis of nature of knowledge and furtherly, the role and influence of perceptions of knowledge nature in formation of ideas, theories and approaches governing on debates and theories of knowledge management. In this study, at first, we studied the nature of knowledge. In order to discover the nature of knowledge, literature and issues related to epistemology or theory of knowledge were evaluated. In this study, the intrinsic characteristics of knowledge, on the one hand and on the other hand, the functions of knowledge will be discussed. In the domain of knowledge, three general approaches were presented. The first approach is related to philosophers and theorists that consider knowledge as a matter of subjective opinion. In the second approach, knowledge is regarded as a subject related to the objective matters. The third approach is a combination of subjective and objective issues. After discovering the nature of knowledge and based on the perception which will be presented in final part, with reference to the opinions of Michael Pollani, Nanoka and Takeuchi, the implications of the nature of knowledge and effective of knowledge and value in the theory of knowledge management will be discussed.
بررسی تحلیلی ایده معنویت گرایی و جایگاه آن در آموزش و پرورش ایران
پریوش ملحانی 1394The important subject of this research is study of the idea of spirituality, status and spirituality situation in the educational system of Iran. for this purpose by studying the basic meaning and essence of spirituality that by used of documentary analysis was performed, elements of spirituality detected and their position in the first and second textbooks of Persian literature high school in academic year 93-94 were estimated. The study population consisted of all books published in the country to teach Persian literature in the academic year 94-1393. Using quantitative and qualitative content analysis The inherent characteristics of man's spiritual identity and were classified under fourty categories. Although common spirituality is not necessarily a pattern of religious spirituality but our proposed model as divine spirituality refers to segmentation of the elements of spirituality to spiritual and religious issues, including the essential features of religious life and spiritual life. In the framework of the proposed model results showed that spiritual features are considered more than of religious characteristics. Aafter study of these features, find out that just 20 features, that more spiritual till religious, presented in those books and the 20 other features are ignored. Some categories such as good morals, dedication and purposefulness more than any other category considered and less consideration was related to resurrection and Life after death.
Finally, it is suggested that religion categories include theistic, the Hereafter believe, and do righteous deeds (worship) further considered in spirituality project-oriented education. It should be noted that Those religious values that are most frequently allocated It is mainly practice till faith, while religious beliefs that can be counted as a complementary project of spirituality.
بررسی مبانی پیامدگرایانه و ناپیامدگرایانه مفاهیم مشترک اخلاقی منشورهای اخلاقی دانشگاه¬های ایران
علی روشنی زاده 1394Ethical codes of organizations are derivd from professional ethics. This study has examined Ethical codes of Iranian universiteis as ethical position of universities. Reaserch method in the study was categorical-subjective content analysis. For collection data, firstly, the list of universities under supervision of Ministries of Science, Research and Technology and Ministry of Health and Medical Education was prepared, then the Ethical codes of different universities were taken by either personal contact or through related web-sites. 15 of 56 universities under the ministry MSRT lacked the ethical codes. The other 49 universities had developed their ethical codes in 930 artecles, which the average of ethical codes for each university was 19 items. Of 65 universities of Ministry of Health and Medical Education, 36 lacked written ethical codes; The other 29 universities had developed their ethical codes in 492 artecles with an average of 17 ethical codes. On the whole, total content of universities ethical codes consisted of 1423 items. Collected data were analyzed quantitative content point of view by means of discreptive statistics consisting frequency, existence percentage and full-text repetition. The next step was classification of code items and they were categorized as ethics, Law, Religion, Development and Politics. Finaly, findings gained in five categories were examined according to the consequentalism and nonconsequentalism theories. Findings indicated that in ethical codes of universities, morality with 727 items, constituting 51.08% of all items,ranked first; low with 356 items (23.07%), religion with 216 items (15.17%), development with 82 items (5.76%), and politics covering 42 items (2.95%) ranked 2nd to 4th respectively.
خلاقیت واستلزامات تربیتی آن دراندیشه اسلامی
محمد نعمانی 1394Education is the most complicated domain of human's activities throughout history in which transformation and achievement has been perpetual concerns .Sometimes we take account of education as the key of new universe and also as a tool to company and use the swift convey of knowledge. Successful effort in this path demands utmost care and attention on necessities relating its agents and segments. Creativity, as the topic noted, is a fundamental theme in educational issues .Consideration on the subject is a public duty and common obligation. Favorable quantity and desirable quality of creativity's studies and regards cause more vivacity, mirth ,independence , liberty in the course of teaching- learning and are in addition an incentive for the increasing demeanour in national promotion and international progress. In the research , creativity is viewed from Islamic viewpoint (philosophy, mysticism, theology, Quran, and narrations of islam's prophet and shi'a's imams) , conveying the sacred and joint essence of the whole life expressions. Islamic thought is originally gathered of revelation's messages and sees creativity in man as the spark of the divine in human being. Creativity education , according to islam , leads mankind to pleasant life ,transcendence and sublimity .Inferential-descriptive method is responsible to answer questions of the study ,namely, a concept of creativity would be described through reference to the diverse sources of islam and the questions are replied inferentially, and finally educational implications would be introduced
تبیین و تحلیل مفهوم عدالت آموزشی و دلالتهای تربیتی آن در نظام تعلیموتربیت ایران
جهان بخش اورك 1394The main purpose of this study was to clarify and analyze the concept of educational justice and training implication eduction. To achieve this goal inductive- analytical method was used. The concept of educational justice through the time in different cultures has had different definitions and connotations and training implications. Each of these cultures refered to an aspect of educational justice. This issue of justice has turned substantiation of justice in education into a challenge issue. Solving this problem requires a definition of the concept of justice not to be in conflict with the concept of Education. This means to consider that sense of justice being in combination of educational equity and obliged to educational values, rationality, reasoning, criticism, fairness, respect for others, and freedom. In this thesis some of the approaches to educational justice have been given a hint and investigated based on the criteria aforesaid, and finally, the Thesis approach is provided for educational equity. So the educational justice involves regular process of rational distribution of resources, services and tools to achieve valuable and independent, free from any kind of discrimination (cultural, ethnic, racial, religious and economic) to all members of society to flourish their talents and creative ideas and autonomy. This is usually achieved through fostering creative and critical thinking, creating equal and adequate educational opportunities tailored to the individual and social features, attention to cultural diversity, attention the freedom, exploring and developing their talents and use of teaching methods, discussion, cooperative learning, and group discussion
بررسی ایده "استقلال اخلاقی" به عنوان هدفی تربیتی
طاهره بهمنی 1394The purpose of the present study was to examine the idea of "moral autonomy" as an educational goal that was carried out by analytic and inductive method. Moral autonomy meaning "self government" has entered the field of ethics by the Enlightenment's philosophers such as Kant. Moral autonomy has three concepts: voluntarism, rationalism and existentialism. Among them, the concept of rationalism is often confirmed by education scholars. In studying philosophical principles of the idea, we referred to Kant's ideas. He assumed that the possibility of morality requires three principles: authority, immortality of the soul and existence of God. "reason" and "free will" are the presuppositions of anthropology of moral autonomy that enable humans to determine the values of life and give them the ability of self-determination. In epistemology, the presupposition of moral autonomy is that the subject is active and she/he involves in identifying his/her object. The value of moral autonomy is that the principle of ethics and values is rooted in wisdom. In studying of psychological principles, it was found that according to Piaget and Kohlberg, the intellectual and cognitional development is considered as moral independence presupposition that will facilitates the training process in achieving to the degree of moral autonomy. In sociological principles, two limited and unlimited approaches of moral autonomy were evaluated and concluded regarding the ideas of pros and cons. The result showed that the limited moral autonomy is both approved by socialists and is also more practical in education. Also democratic and civil societies are considered as sociological presupposition of moral autonomy. At the end of study, by referring to ideas of Kant and Peters who believe that the analysis of two concepts "education" and "educated person" provide the necessary conditions for "moral autonomy" ,the idea as an educational goal was explained and after solving the conceptual contradictions, practical strategies were proposed to its development.
بررسی تحلیلی هرمنوتیک فلسفی هانس گئورگ گادامر و دلالتهای تربیتی آن
ذبیح اله خنجرخانی 1393This research generally aimed at examining Hans-Georg Gadamer’s philosophical hermeneutics viewpoint and its educational implications. The research essentially emphasizes understanding from the perspective of philosophical hermeneutics and its implication for education. The researcher attempts to deduce Gadamer’s speeches on education and implicit messages of his viewpoint. This dissertation gives a synopsis of the hermeneutics history and its theoreticians and studies Gadamer’s philosophical hermeneutics putting emphasis on "Truth and Method" book. The researcher attempted to study the concept of education, aim, curriculum, training content, and training assessment, arrive at a general conclusion, and finally show application feasibility of the theory according to indigenous and Islamic culture. Philosophical hermeneutics deems textual understanding and discusses its prerequisites; however, in this approach, “text” has a meaning broader than written texts and works. If we conceive “education” as a ‘text’, we will look for understanding concept and elements of education through the prerequisites mentioned for understanding a text. However, when “life” is conceived as a text, an education system discusses training meaning, concept, aim, and life methods so that an individual takes steps toward them with human nature and through appropriate methods. In education field, Gadamer points out “bildung term”, which is to attain maturity of enculturation through culture and tradition. On the other hand, he called education (bildung) “self-education”. By describing this issue and according to his opinions, the researcher arrived at the conclusion that conversation (interaction), in general, is one of the principal elements of human understanding; in particular, it is part of the major education element. With respect to the prerequisites of human understanding from Gadamer’s viewpoint, education (bildung) and its meaning is a process, which is always developing and a single prescription cannot be considered for it forever. An educational system attempts to create a comprehensive education, which is prepared to encounter a new situation, opposing thoughts, and challenging questions. Learners are ready to improve their thoughts and they never reach an ideal perfection. In fact, philosophical hermeneutics provides education with contemplation, self-control, humility and acceptance of others, ready to be criticized. When the individuals (all beneficiaries) say “I do not know” in this atmosphere, it indicates development. This morale allows individuals to change. No one is looking for “control” or “being controlled” - the control that is sometimes exercised by human and societies and sometimes by technology. In addition, referring to the concept of conversation and action an “attending education” is a valuable mission, that is, presence of various thoughts in formulating education document and formulation of a document aiming at educating citizens with presumption of conversation in a “text’. Finally, as Gadamer recognizes history and tradition of individuals as the milestone of understanding, we may consider our tradition and culture as the footstone of education using a new account of this issue so that the use of hermeneutics in education has no inconsistency with prerequisite of native culture.
بررسی تحلیلی اخلاق معلمی و تعیین جایگاه آن در اهداف و برنامه های تربیت معلم ایران
بهاءالدین رحمانی 1392The purpose of this research is analytical survey of ethics of teaching and determining of its place in acts and programs of Iran teacher training which contains two main sections. In section one, foundations of ethics and principles of professional ethics were investigated from the view of both secular ethics philosophy and Islamic ethics by using analytical-deductive method. In the domain of secular ethics philosophy, important viewpoints and new classifications of foundations of ethics and professional ethics principles, and principles and rules of ethics of teaching were discussed. But as the education system of Iran complies with the Islamic religion, this research mainly emphasized on the foundations and principles of Islamic ethics. Thus, in the first place, the foundations of professional ethics were deducted and inferred from Islamic texts. According to Islamic ethics instructions, ten foundations were deducted for ethics which contains two ontological foundations, five anthropological foundations and three epistemological foundations. Then in the basis of these foundations and According to professional men’s fourfold relationship with god, with her/himself, with the other people, and with the nature (environment), the principles of professional ethics were deducted. According to professional men’s relationships with god, four principles, with her/himself, six principles, with the other people, five principles, and with the nature (environment), four ethical principles were designated. Mentioned ethical principles are true about all professions, especially teaching profession. So, these principles were probed according to teacher’s fourfold relationships with god, him\herself, the other people, and the environment, and then the ethical rules of teaching profession which are related to these principles were inferred from educational texts of Islam. In the second section of this research, the place of ethics of teaching in acts and programs of Iran teacher training was investigated. For this purpose, the acts and programs of Iran teacher training which have been compiled and approved during Islamic Republic of Iran time, were investigated and criticized on the basis of the probed scaffolding for the ethics of teaching presented in the chapter five of this research and by using qualitative text analysis method. And then, the weakness and strength points of them were determined. In the basis of found conclusions, principles and rules of ethics of teaching, and teacher’s fourfold relationships, in such a manner that is necessary, had not been discussed in acts and programs of Iran teacher training, also it lacked enough comprehensiveness and coherence. So, these acts and programs should be reviewed and checked again, until weakness points are decreased or removed and strength points are supported. Finally, in order to improving ethics of teaching in Iran teacher training and to conducting more researches in relation to this field, some suggestions were presented.
بررسی مبانی نظری ایدۀ خودکارآمدی به عنوان هدفی تربیتی
مادح دست مرد 1391 -
بررسی تاثیر روش اجتماع پژوهش در برنامة آموزش فلسفه به کودکان و تاثیر بر پرورش مهارتهای استدلال دانشآموزان پایه سوم راهنمایی مدارس نمونه دولتی شهر اهواز
سیدمنصور مرعشی 1385 -
بررسی تطبیقی اصل آزادی و عقلانیت و دلالتهای تربیتی آنها از دیدگاه مکاتب لیبرالیسم و اسلام
علیرضا رشیدی 1385
Master Theses
تجربه ی آموزگار دانش آموزان دوزبانه پایه اول بودن در شهر اهواز: تبیین چالش ها و راهكارهای موثر یاددهی- یادگیری
مرجان فرح نیا 1403 -
تحلیل پدیدارشناختی حساسیت محیط زیستی آموزگاران و
ارائۀ رهنمودهایی برای آموزش و ارتقای آن در مدارس ابتدایی شهر یاسوج
معصومه حیدری نصرابادعلیا 1403 -
بررسی تناسب داستانهای "مجموعه چهل كودك" بهعنوان محتوای برنامههای حلقه كندوكاو
سیمین ارمنده 1402 -
بررسی الگوهای تفكر غیر كلیشهای، و تطبیق مؤلفههای آن با مؤلفههای تفكر در برنامه آموزش فلسفه به كودكان
فاطمه چلداوی 1402 -
تأثیر اجرای برنامه فلسفه برای كودكان (p4c) (نسخه فیلیپ كم)، بر خلاقیت و مهارتهای ارتباطی دانشآموزان
فاطمه سالمی 1402 -
بازنمایی مولفه های تفكر همدلانه در روایت معلمان زن از تعاملشان با دانش آموزان دختر دوره دوم متوسطه شهر ایذه
فرانك كاوسی 1401 -
تحلیل رابطه بعد عاطفی با بعد شناختی انسان و دلالت های تربیتی آن از منظر صحیفه سجادیه
خدیجه سعیدی 1401 -
بررسی تحلیلی تفکر قدردان و نقش آن در تربیت کودک و نوجوان
فاطمه البوغبیش 1401 -
واکاوی تجارب زیسته آموزگاران پایه دوم ابتدایی شهر کرج از اخلاق تدریس در زمان همه گیری بیماری کووید-19
مریم گوروئی محمدی 1401 -
بررسی تحلیلی باورهای انسان شناختی آموزش مداوم و استنتاج دلالتهای تربیتی آن
كبری شجاعی 1400 -
تدوین الگوی امر به معروف و نهی از منکر در اندیشه اسلامی و استنتاج دلالت های تربیتی آن
زهرا بوری سرحانی 1399 -
بررسی تحلیلی فضیلت های فکری از منظر زگزبسکی و بازتاب آن در داستان های ایرانی و خارجی مورد استفاده در برنامه های آموزش فلسفه برای کودکان
سیده نرگس موسوی صفت 1399 -
بررسی تحلیلی نظریههای خودگرایی و دیگرگرایی اخلاقی و استنتاج دلالت-های آن برای تربیت اخلاقی
علی میرزا صالحی 1399 -
بررسی تحلیلی ظلم به خود در اندیشه اسلامی و تبیین دلالت های تربیتی آن
مژگان آزادمهر 1398 -
بررسی تحلیلی مفهوم خیر خواهی و تبیین تربیت اخلاقی مبتنی بر آن
سارا رحیمی نژاد 1398 -
تبیین خود فراموشی به عنوان یک مشکل تربیتی و راههای اصلاح آن بر اساس آموزه های اسلامی
علی بوجلالی 1396"Self-forgetfulness" as a social-educational problem, which is a kind of deviation from "self" and deviation from the human line, has long been considered by some thinkers of intellectual schools and efforts have been made to solve it. The present study was conducted with the aim of explaining self-forgetfulness as a training problem and identifying ways of correcting it based on Islamic teachings through inferential analytical method. In this regard, while analyzing self-concept and self-efficacy, philosophical, sociological and psychological foundations of self-alienation or self-forgetfulness were dealt with and the ways of self-forgetting prevention based on Islamic teachings were analyzed and extracted. The results show that in Islam's view it is a real fact, and given that science itself is a science of presence and science does not accept obliviousness of presence, so that the existential oblivion is not actually realized, and that interpretation is used indecisively It means the abandonment and loss of the supreme aspects of humanity that cannot be manifested. Also, two types of self-reported amnesia were recognized: one is self-neglect and refers to unconsciousness and irresponsibility, and the other is negative and neglected, including existential, social and cultural self-esteem. One way of eliminating the forgetting of the alliance in the goal of life is to return to itself as belonging to the divine spirit in the school of Islam, and this factor of intuition is considered as an existential, social, and cultural obsession. Other ways include abandoning neglect and self-knowledge, theology, reviewing past deeds, worshiping, cultivating and refining the soul, secrecy, accurate insight into affairs.
بررسی تجربه زیسته اعضای هیئتعلمی دانشگاه شهید چمران اهواز از رعایت اخلاق حرفهای
مریم جمیلی 1396The purpose of this study is to investigate the life experience of the faculty members of Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz from the observance of ethics. A meaningful sample of 58 people, including 30 professors, 12 associate professors, 12 assistant professors and 4 instructors, was selected from Shahid Chamran University of Ahwaz to conduct a semi-structured interview. In this qualitative study, the methodological framework of Phenomenology of Hermeneutics was inspired by the Paul Ricoeur Philosophical Approach for analyzing the texts from the interviews. The three-step method of Ricoeur's analysis includes simple reading and formulation of the initial understanding of the text, structural analysis, or the analysis of the content and the preparation of a comprehensive understanding of the text of the interviews. Interpretation in the context of the interviews, the discovery of four main themes and twenty sub-themes resulted from the experience of professional ethics in professors, including ethics of teaching (ethics of education), research ethics, communication ethics and the virtues of mastery personality. In terms of contributors, professional ethics in the higher education sector can have two general aspects of personal and professional ethics, all aspects of which can be drawn from the supreme human spirit. The results of this study showed that the most emphasis of faculty members of Ahwaz Shahid Chamran University was on ethics of education and research, and the ethics of communication and virtue of the personality of the professorship was not much attractive to the professors. Also observance of communication ethics among female faculty members of Shahid Chamran University of Ahwaz was more than male ones.The results of the study revealed the necessity of holding classes for better understanding and observance of professional ethics for faculty members of Shahid Chamran University in Ahwaz.
تحلیل ویژگی های انسان تربیت شده در مکتب اگزیستانسیالیسم
غلامی-محمدجواد 1394Abstract
Name : Mohammad Javad Surname: Gholami
Title : Analysis of the characteristics of educated man in the doctrine of existentialism
Supervisor/s: Masood Safai moghaddam.Dr
Advisor/s: parvaneh valavi.dr
Degree: MSc
University: Chamran University of Ahwaz
Department :Faculty: Educational Sciences and Psychology
Graduating Date: 2016/02/17Number of Pages: 189
Keywords: Existentialism, training, analysis
This study aims to clarify the kind and the quality of logical relationship between the philosophical principles of Existentialism doctrine and educational theories of this thought school. At issue here is the extent to which the present educational teachings in the field of Existentialist education and specifications of educated human as its result represent the philosophical and theoretical principles of existence thought and ideal specifications of human that Existentialist philosophers have described him as Existentialist human. In the first step, general principles of philosophical doctrine of Existentialism focused on its original sources of central philosophers and thinkers were specified using librarian technique. Then, the principal specifications of human considered by Existentialist philosophers were deduced according to the principles of ontology, epistemology, axiology and anthropology of Existentialism and education considered by Existentialists including goals, content and curriculum, methods, learner and teacher relationships have been described according to the inductive trend in deduction of educational theories from philosophical principles of this doctrine. Finally, the level of logical defensibility from educational implications of Existentialism based on general, theoretical and philosophical principles of Existentialism doctrine within a mutual relationship were examined by using critical-analytic method and emphasizing on formation conditions of an educational theory from though/consideration to action and it was specified that unique social, political, family conditions and emotional specifications and personality of Existentialist philosopher have an absolutely vital role during the formation of philosophical theories of Existentialism doctrine developed regarding human as education theory. In this case, Existentialism philosophy under the influence of family and religious conditions of kierkegard starts with religious and faith philosophy and finally ends with paganism, absurdity and sartre atheism. Therefore, it was specified that human who these days and in the age called postmodern called as the product of Existentialism education system has no human specifications claimed by Existence philosophers such as individual responsibility, concern, Existence and noble freedom within itself; since infinite freedom, aimlessness and futility of Existence philosophy end with the postmodern thought through an unpredictable route that has shielded relativism and deconstruction from its extreme nonchalance and tolerance.
بررسی تطبیقی وجوه تربیتی مکتب عمل گرایی (جان دیویی) و مکتب کارکردگرایی ساختاری(پارسونز )
بهمیی-سهیلا 1394Human beings need to be socially educated they are due to live in society and have a useful and meaningful communication with each other .But there are some controversial debates concerning the nature and the methods of social education and the position of individual, society and culture. In this study searching the similarities and differentiations between Talcott Parsonz and john Dewey, their views on social education and its goals and methods have been analyzed. Using a descriptive and comparative-analytical method, their views have been separately studied and then compared with each other. The findings showed that, while Parsonz was looking for a social regularity, the aim of social education for Dewey was establishing a society based on the democratic principles and values. The point is that for both moral education is the main gate for entering in social education
بررسی زمینه های رشد اخلاقی در برنامه آموزش فلسفه به کودکان
سیدنورالدین بهروزی نیك 1393This research is concerned with examining the potentialities of P4C program in making moral development. Using a descriptive-analytical method, P4C program and some kinds of moral thinking have been described, and cultural and psychological presuppositions of this program have been analytically studied. After all, the research findings showed that the program can promote moral thinking though it needs, in addition with the suitable theoretical and indeed psychological foundation, the suitable social and cultural backgrounds. The democratic situation is needed for the program to be suitably employed, and the psychology of Vygotsky and Bruner seems to be suitable as the psychological foundations for P4C program
بررسی ایده آموزش مداوم در آثار سعدی
اسماعیل گرجی 1392 -
بررسی مبانی فلسفی دین صابئین مندائی و استخراج آموزه های تربیتی از آنها
عزیز سواری 1392 -
انسان تربیت شده در نهج البلاغه
فاطمه بیان مهر 1390 -
بررسی فضایل اخلاقی از دیدگاه ارسطو ودلالتهای تربیتی آن
محمد رعنایی پور 1390 -
مبانی انسان شناختی جهانی شدن و دلالتهای تربیتی آن
كبری سطوتی جمیل 1390 -
بررسی تحلیلی تربیت دینی وچالش های پیش رو با تأکید بر آموزه های اسلامی
جعفر ظاهری راد 1390 -
بررسی دلالت های تربیتی آراء فلسفی ملا صدرا به عنوان فیلسوف مکتب اصفهان
علیرضا صمدی دارافشانی 1390 -
آسیب شناسی برنامه ی آموزش فلسفه به کودکان با تاکید بر اجرای آن در آموزش و پرورش ایران
مرضیه اسدی 1390 -
بررسی تطبیقی دیدگاه های ژان ژاک روسو و مرتضی مطهری درباره ی تربیت دینی
مریم احسان فر 1390 -
بررسی تحلیلی تربیت اجتماعی از دیدگاه افلاطون و فارابی
بتول محمدیان 1389 -
بررسی تحلیلی آموزه های تربیتی زرتشت
فاطمه سلطانی نژاد 1389 -
مطالعه دیدگاه دیویی در خصوص تربیت عقلانی و امکان بهره گیری از آن در آموزش و پرورش ایران
بهناز جهانیان 1389 -
بررسی و تحلیل رابطه عقل و عاطفه در نهج البلاغه و استلزامات تربیتی آن
جهانبخش فلسفی جو 1389 -
بررسی تطبیقی آرای جان دیویی و امیل دورکیم درباره ی تربیت اجتماعی
جعفر چراغیان 1389 -
بررسی مبانی و اصول و اهداف تربیت مدنی و کیفیت انعکاس آن در نظام آموزش و پرورش ایران
محمود كاظمی 1387 -
بررسی اهداف آموزش هنر از دیدگاه مکتب ایدئالیسم
هادی طاهری اصل 1386 -
بررسی و تحلیل «نظریة تبیین ارزشها» و دلالتهای آن در تربیت اخلاقی
عبدالحمید چیت ساز 1385 -
(نقش تقدس(امرقدسی) در تعلیم و تربیت)The Role of Hollyness in Education
یداله اقدامی 1381 -
(بررسی دیدگاههای فلسفی عقیدتی دانش آموزان پسرپایه سوم دبیرستانهای شهر اهواز در مورد نماز) The Study of Philosophical-Ideological views on Praying Behavior of Third Grade High School Students in Ahvaz
كریم سواری 1380 -
(بررسی نظریه اصالت نفع و مضامین آن در آموزش و پرورش اخلاقی) A Study of Utilitarianism and its implications for Moral Education
پروانه ولوی 1380 -
(عقل از دیدگاه امام علی (ع) و دلالتهای تربیتی آن) Reason in Imam Alis view, and its educational implications
بهنام كاظم نیا 1380 -
(تربیت اجتماعی در نهج البلاغه) Social Education in Nahj-ol-Balaghe
جاسم تابعالحجه 1378