Mansour Sodani


Update: 2025-03-03

Mansour Sodani

دانشکده علوم تربیتی و روانشناسی / گروه مشاوره و راهنمایی

P.H.D dissertations

  1. مقارنة اثر اسلوبی التنظیم الذاتی والتفاعل التكاملی فی تعدیل سلوك الشخصیة السیكوباثیة والعزلة الاجتماعیة لدى الارامل
    كاظم جواد شهاب 1403
  2. تدوین برنامه آموزشی مبتنی بر توانمند سازی روان شناختی و مقایسه اثربخشی آن با رفتاردرمانی شناختی بر انعطاف پذیری روان شناختی، امیدواری تحصیلی و رضایت از زندگی نوجوانان
    ایمان بهاروند 1403
  3. فاعلیة برنامج ارشادی باسلوبی الحدیث الذاتی والحوار فی خفض الطلاق العاطفی وتنمبة التوافق الزواجی لدى طلبة الجامعة
    محمد سبتی عیسی 1403
  4. مقارنة بین فاعلیة العلاج المتمركز حول العمیل والعلاج بالمعنى فی خفض الشعور بالوحدة النفسیة وتنمیة حب الحیاة لدى المطلقات
    مروه برهان فرمان 1402
  5. مقارنة بین فاعلیة برنامج ارشادی باستخدام نموذج جولمان وأسلوب لعب الدور فی تنمیة الوعی الذاتی والاختیار الزواجی السلیم لدى طالبات الجامعة المؤهلات للزواج
    منی یاسین درویش 1402
  6. بررسی تجربه زیسته انتخاب همسر در فرزندان طلاق (مطالعه کیفی)
    رویا حیدری 1402
  7. ارائه مدل صمیمیت زناشویی در ازدواج های پایدار
    رضا ریحانی 1400
  8. تدوین برنامه مداخله ای مبتنی بر توانمندی های شخصیتی معتادان بهبودیافته و اثربخشی آن بر اجتناب تجربی، شادکامی و صمیمیت زناشویی
    رضا قاسمی جوبنه 1399
  9. تجربه زیسته تاب آوری در مادران کودکان دارای اختلال بیش فعالی: یک مطالعه پدیدارشناختی
    علی امیری مقدم 1398
  10. اثربخشی بخشش درمانی رابرت انرایت و بخشش درمانی مبتنی بر آموزه های اسلامی بر تعهد و کیفیت زناشویی زنان آسیب دیده از پیمان شکنی زناشویی شهر اهواز
    هادی غلام محمدی 1398
  11. واکاوی عوامل موثر بر خشونت علیه زنان متاهل شهر اهواز: یک پژوهش کیفی
    علی غلامی 1398
  12. اثربخشی مداخله شناخت درمانی هستی نگر و درمان میان سیستمی پیمان شکنی بر اعتماد و نشخوار فکری زنان آسیب دیده از پدیده پیمان شکنی همسر
    مرتضی عباسی 1398
  13. اثر بخشی درمان ودیعه¬های انسانی و درمان ادلری بر شادکامی و بهزیستی روان¬شناختی زوجین دانشجوی دانشگاه شهید چمران اهواز
    شهیدی-محمود 1396

    The effectiveness of human givens therapy and Adlerian therapy on happiness and well-being of student couples Shahid Chamran University has been done. The pair 6 students were selected by purposive sampling method so for The intervention counseling, 3 pairs of couples in each experiment (human givens and Adlerian therapy groups). Subjects in both groups were tested for 5 sessions of counseling. In this study, single-case experimental was used multiple baselines. human givens and Adlerian groups treatment in three stages: baseline, intervention and follow up the subjects of scale questionnaire reff (RSPWB) and California Happiness Inventory (OHI) responded. : This study aimed to determine Data analyzed visuals, reliable change index (RCI) and percent recovery were formula. The results showed that the the human givens group and Adlerian group for couples in the well-being and and increase their happiness levels have been successful. Based on the percentage improvement obtained from the statistical analysis, it was observed that improve psychological well-being of human givens therapy 37/17 and Adlerian therapy 40/43 and increased levels of happiness percent improvement treated human givens therapy 48/94 and Adlerian therapy 51 / 96 contributed to the overall effect is significant. But in both variable and treatment did not show significant change one Couples, The data on both variables of the human givens therapy to Adlerian therapy of clinical efficacy and a lower cure rate, respectively.

  14. ارایه الگوی سازگاری پس از طلاق در زنان مطلقه: یک تحقیق کیفی.
    محسن نظری فر 1396

     The purpose of the current research was to present a model of post divorce adjustment among divorcee. The design of the current research was qualitative and the grounded theory method was used to perform it. The participants were divorcee of Ahvaz among whom 19 divorcee were interviewed using semi-structured method and by purposive-voluntary sampling method. The obtained data from interviews were analyzed according to the grounded theory and based on the open coding, axial coding and selective coding stages. In the open coding stage, 17 concepts were obtained related to post divorce adjustment. In the axial coding stage, attempted to establish a conceptual model based on research concepts. In the selective coding stage, finally the tentative core of the research was determined and the findings were expressed as a story line.
    The findings showed that post-divorce‘s adjustment reflected on having a normal life, ability to manage the needs, satisfaction and staying away from tensions. It is influenced by some causal conditions such as: family and friends’ support, religious issues, patience, optimal management of economic, relationship with the community, the family and the children. Family background as well as backgrounds remaining from marriage are considered as the underlying factors affecting adjustment after divorce. Training self-reflection by studying and engaging in sports and entertainment activities are some interventions that exacerbate the adjustment after divorce. To dealing with divorce they use strategies such as seeking professional helps, finding jobs and continuing education as well as problem-solving skills to achieve adjustment. Individual, societal and familial consequences rise after post-divorce‘s adjustment. Finally, “post-divorce‘s adjustment: the individual, familial and societal process to gain independence and peace” as a selective code were extracted from all data and findings of the present study.
    This study helps to family and divorce experts to develop appropriate programs to help divorced women to earn adjustment after divorce. Also, all of agencies in this area and health centers can use of the results of this research to help divorced women to be adapted and reducing divorce injuries.

  15. بررسی تبرج در بین زنان متاهل شهر اهواز: یک پژوهش کیفی مبتنی بر نظریه داده بنیاد.
    بشكار - سلطانعلی 1396

     The present study aims to investigate the Tabarroj(Ostentation), among the married women of Ahvaz. The approach used in this research is a qualitative methodology and an ethnographic was used to do the investigation actually. The data was collected through observation, open and depth interview, review the records and documents and then were combined using Triangulation method. The sampling method is a theoretical- qualitative one and using theoretical saturation indicator, 24 women, who their behaviors were consistent with Tabarroj (Ostentation), criteria based on an Tabarroj (Ostentation), Descriptive Questionnaire, were interviewed as a sample in three turns. To analyze the data and conclusion of the findings, the "grounded theory" was used. In the other word, this research, instead of testing the theory and its confirmation or rejection, deals with explanation and making theory as constrained in a form of a new paradigm. The main findings of this study obtained by using the grounded theory include: social change and generation of new claims, viewing the women as a commodity and capital, tendency for distinguishing themselves and having a unique and separate identity, modeling and mimic from 'characters in the movies and TV, extremist individualism, consumerism, satisfaction engineering and extremist hedonism, loosening the modesty of heart, behavior and pietism, an unwell heart, marital conflict, emotional divorce and loss of skill and opportunity for conversations and a face-to-face intimacy. All the categories can be assigned within category of "unwell heart ". In the other word, it is the 'core category" of the grounded theory. The strategic formulation of the research is given based on a paradigmatic model.

  16. اثربخشی زوج درمانی های مشارکتی و تصویرسازی ارتباطی(ایماگوتراپی) بر الگوهای ارتباطی و صمیمیت زوجین مراجعه کننده به مراکز مشاوره شهربهبهان
    شجاعیان-منصور 1396

     The aim of this research was to determined effectiveness of collaborative couple therapy and Imago therapy on communication patterns and intimacy of distressed couples.The research universe were all distressed couples referring to clinics in Behbahan.The sampling included six couples were selected that according to include and exclude criteria and cut of point(120) in the Enrich satisfaction marital Questionner.The sampling method was purposive-volunteer and then put in two groups randomly(each group three couples).They treated with collaborative and Imago couple therapys. The method of research was non concurrent multiple baseline and couples complicated communication patterns and intimacy Questionnaire in baseline, treatment and follow-up stages.The data analyzed with visual analysis, reliable change index, percent improvement formula, and normative comparison.The result showed that collaborative couple therapy made increased communication pattern mutual constructive (%47/05), intimacy (30/95%) and decrease of demand-withdrawl patterns (%29/57) and mutual avoidance(%33/64). From other side, Imago therapy made increased communication pattern mutual constructive (%30/36), intimacy(38/77%) and decrease of demand-withdrawl patterns (%28/90) and mutual avoidance (%29/57). Also normative comparison showed that there isn’t any different between treated group and normal group. So can said both couple therapys not only could improvment communication patterns and intimacy, but also made decrease distress in couples that refer to clinics.

  17. بررسی اثربخشی آموزش گروهی نظریه انتخاب و بهداشت روانی با رویکرد اسلامی بر کیفیت زندگی و بهزیستی روان‌شناختی معتادان
    علی مهدی زاده تواسانی 1395

    The aim of this study was to investigation of the effectiveness of group training the Choice Theory and Mental Health with Islamic Approach on Quality of Life and Psychological Wellbeing of Addicted people in Ahvaz city. This research was an quasi-experimental design with pretest-posttest and Follow up with the control group. The statistical population of this study was all addicted people who referred to Ahvaz Addiction Treatment Center in 2015. From this population, 75 volunteer addicted people were selected on the basis of low score in Quality of Life and Psychological Wellbeing, and the criteria for inclusion and exclusion and were assigned randomly to three group, Choice Theory, Mental Health with Islamic Approach and control group (each group = 25 person)were assigned. The participants completed Quality of Life and Psychological Wellbeing inventory in three stages pre-test, post-test and follow-up (after 60 days). Each experimental groups were trained separately 10 sessions as one time a week for 90 minutes. The results of analysis of covariance showed that: (1) group training the choice theory is effective in increscent in quality of life and psychological wellbeing (2) group traininf the mental health by Islamic approach is effective in increscent in quality of life and psychological wellbeing. Moreover each of two Approaches could be equally effective in increasing quality of life and psychological wellbeing. Based on the results of the present study, we can conclude that group traininf the mental health by Islamic approach and group training the choice theory are a suitable method for increasing quality of life and psychological wellbeing in addicted people

  18. مقایسه اثربخشی آموزش تقویت مقابله زوجی با برنامه پیشگیری و تقویت رابطه بر مقابله زوجی، سبک های حل تعارض، گفتگوی غیر موثر و امنیت صمیمانه زوج ها
    مهراور مومنی جاوید 1394

    Abstract: The aim of the present study was to comparison of the effectiveness of couple coping reinforcement training with prevention program and relationship enhancement on couple coping, conflict resolution styles, ineffective conversation and couples intimate safety. The sampling method of this study was purposive volunteering and 45 couples, using inclusion and exclusion criterion, among referred couples to private counseling centers (Neysi, Mehravaran, Aramesh, Rayan, Navid and shokoufa) and governmental center (Education) were selected and were assigned randomly replacement into three groups of couple coping reinforcement training (15 couples), prevention program and relationship enhancement (15 couples) and control (15 couples) .The present research design was semi experimental with pretest, posttests and follow up (one month after training) with experimental and control group and couples completed The Couple Coping Questionnaire, Conflict Resolution Styles, Ineffective Conversation and Intimate Safety Questionnaire .The data was analyzed using Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) and Multivariate Covariance Analysis (MANCOVA). Findings indicated that couple coping reinforcement training has impact on couple coping, conflict resolution styles, ineffective conversation and couple intimate safety in posttest and follow-up stages .There are differences among effectiveness of couple coping reinforcement training with prevention program and relationship enhancement on couple coping and couple intimate safety. Then on the base of results, there was different between effectiveness of couple coping reinforcement training with prevention program and relationship enhancement on couple coping and couples intimate safety. as couple coping reinforcement training had more effect on couple coping, and prevention program and relationship enhancement had more effect on couple intimate safety. Also, on the base of results there was not different between two approaches in conflict resolution styles and ineffective conversation.

  19. مقایسه اثربخشی زوج درمانی روایتی و زوج درمانی رفتاری تلفیقی بر شیوه حل تعارضات و سازگاری زناشویی زوجین
    نصیر داستان 1394

     The purpose of this study was to investigate the comparison effects of narrative couple therapy and integrative behavior couple therapy on Conflict solving Tactics and marital adjustment who have referred to Ahwaz counseling centers. Through convenience sampling, 45 couples from the society of the couples who had referred to Ahwaz counseling centers were selected and randomly assigned to three groups. The Rahim Organization Conflict Inventory-II and Revised Dyadic Adjustment Scale Were used to gather the data. Treatment sessions were conducted once a week according to the treatment protocol for the treatment groups. The results of MANOVA showed that significant differences between the treatment and control groups in conflict solving tactics and marital adjustment and confirmed the research hypothesis indicating effects of narrative couple therapy and integrative behavior couple therapy on improvement of Conflict solves Tactics and marital adjustment. Based on the findings of this study, it can be concluded that couple therapy interventions leads to the change of conflict solving tactics and increasing marital adjustment. Also it was observed a significant difference in comparison of the effectiveness of narrative couple therapy and integrative behavior couple therapy in integrating and avoiding tactics. . Also according to the research findings the difference was not significant in comparison of the effectiveness of narrative couple therapy and integrative behavior couple therapy interventions on improvement of Conflict solving Tactics and marital adjustment. According to the findings, continuation of treatment to follow up was observed in both methods.

  20. مقایسه اثر بخشی زوج درمانی یکپارچه نگر با زوج درمانی هیجان مدار بر کاهش آسیب های ناشی از خیانت زناشویی
    جواد كریمی 1391

Master Theses

  1. اثربخشی آموزش به شیوه راه حل محور بر تعارض كار- خانواده و تعهد زناشویی زنان شاغل در شركت ملی مناطق نفت خیز جنوب
    سمیه قلی پور 1403
  2. اثر بخشی آموزش به شیوه ذهن آگاهی بر بهزیستی روان شناختی و بهبود كیفیت زندگی سالمندان مقیم در سرای سالمندان شهر اهواز
    پریا سرهنگی 1403
  3. اثر بخشی آموزش مبتنی بر رابطه والد-كودك بر هیجانات منفی تحصیلی، امید و افسردگی در كودكان دارای پدر زندانی
    سمانه دریكوند 1402
  4. اثر بخشی آموزش به شیوه راه حل محور بر اضطراب و فرسودگی تحصیلی دانش آموزان دختر متوسطه اول ناحیه 1 شهر اهواز
    معصومه علیدادی شمس ابادی 1402
  5. اثربخشی آموزش تاب آوری بر خودتنظیمی و گرایش به مصرف مواد مخدر در دانش آموزان مقطع متوسطه
    عبداله شجاعی نژاد 1402
  6. اثربخشی آموزش روان شناسی مثبت گرا بر خودکارآمدی و امید به زندگی نوجوانان مادر سرپرست تحت پوشش نهاد های حمایتی
    محمد باغبان 1401
  7. اثربخشی درمان راه حل محور بر اهمال کاری تحصیلی و راهبرد های شناختی دانش آموزان دختر متوسطه اول شهرستان شوش.
    فاطمه ال كثیر 1401
  8. اثربخشی زوج درمانی مثبت گرا بر ابراز احساسات مثبت نسبت به همسر و رضایت زناشویی در زوج های دچار تعارض زناشویی
    كریم سواری 1401
  9. اثربخشی آموزش ذهن آگاهی مبتنی بر آیات و روایات بر کاهش اضطراب امتحان و افسردگی دانش آموزان متوسطه اول شهرخرم آباد
    زهرا جودكی 1400
  10. اثربخشی درمان ماتریکس بر سرمایه روانشناختی و پیشگیری از عود مجدد زنان سوءمصرف کننده مواد مراجعه کننده به کلینیکهای ترک اعتیاد شهر خرم آباد
    نسیم جاورانصاری 1400
  11. اثربخشی زوج درمانی کوتاه مدت راه حل محور بر خود تنظیمی زناشویی و تحمل پریشانی زوجین شهر ایلام
    حمید سلیمی 1400
  12. اثربخشی درمان مبتنی بر پذیرش و تعهد بر انتظارات زناشویی و تنظیم هیجان در زوجین دارای تعارض زناشویی
    مریم صفری ازان اخاری 1400
  13. اثربخشی آموزش غنی سازی روابط زوجین بر مبنای رویکرد هیجان مدار بر همدلی زناشویی و نارسایی هیجانی زوج های مراجعه کننده به مراکز مشاوره شهر اهواز
    ریحانه شاپوری فر 1399
  14. اثربخشی آموزش مهارتهای مثبت اندیشی بر کفایت اجتماعی و رفتارهای مقابله ای نوجوانان مادر سرپرست تحت پوشش نهادهای حمایتی
    سجاد كوهی 1399
  15. اثربخشی آموزش مهارت های مقابله ای بر افزایش سخت رویی و تاب آوری دانشجویان دارای استرس دانشگاه شهید چمران اهواز.
    محدثه ایزدی 1398
  16. تاثیر آموزش فرزندپروری مبتنی بر پذیرش و تعهد بر اختلالات رفتاری و خودکارامدی دانش آموزان 6-8 ساله شهر اهواز
    مجتبی پوركاوه دهكردی 1398
  17. اثربخشی درمان راه‌حل محور بر مسئولیت‌پذیری ، سرزندگی و تاب‌آوری تحصیلی دانش آموزان پسر مقطع متوسطه اول مادر سرپرست
    اكبر اكبری راد 1398
  18. اثربخشی آموزش زهد مبتنی بر آیات و روایات اسلامی بر تنظیم شناختی هیجان و بهزیستی روان شناختی دانشجویان دختر با احساس تنهایی دانشگاه شهید چمران اهواز
    صبا خیری 1396

     The objective of this study was to determine effectiveness of piety training based on Islamic Verses and hadiths on emotion cognitive regulation and psychological well-being of female students with loneliness feelings studying at Shahid Chamran University. The present research is a case-control study. In this study, simple random sampling was used for collecting the sample, and after screening over 200 students, 30 students who received the highest scores of loneliness randomly were assigned to the experimental and control groups (n = 15 per group). To collect data, cognitive emotion regulation questionnaire (CERQ) and cognitive well-being questionnaire (RWQ) were used. Members of the experimental group attended in an 8-sessions intervention (one session each week, for 90 minutes) and the participants from both groups before the intervention, about one month after the end of the intervention period (in follow-up phase), responded to the research instruments. Afterwards, the results of the difference between pre-test and post-test in both groups, and the difference between pre-test and follow-up were compared using statistical models. Data analysis using multivariate variance showed that intervention of piety training enhanced adaptive cognitive emotion regulation and psychological well-being of case group compared to control group in post-test and follow-up phases, but this intervention had no effect on maladaptive cognitive emotion regulation post-test. However, the results of analysis showed that in follow-up phase, piety training results in reduced maladaptive cognitive emotion regulation in the case group compared with the control group. Results showed that this training can be used for cognitive emotion regulation and psychological well-being of students with loneliness feelings.

  19. اثربخشی مشاوره با تأکید بر نظریه انتخاب در کاهش طلاق عاطفی و بهبود نگرش به خیانت زوجین
    سهیلا كریمی 1395

    The purpose of this research was to determine the effectiveness of counseling with an emphasis on choice theory on reducing emotional divorce and improving attitude to infidelity incompatible couples in Ahvaz. Statistical population included all incompatible couples referred to counseling centers in Ahwaz was in 1395. The statistical sample were selected using the Volunteer-targeted sampling method. The sample consisted of 3 couples (6) of subjects who were referred to these centers and with regard to the emotional divorce questionnaire and attitude to infidelity questionnaire scores were selected for treatment . In this research, single-case experimental nonconcurrent multiple baseline design was used And subjects responded to the questionnaires pre-treatment, median treatment, after treatment and 1 month after the end of treatment. Data were analyzed Visuals, percentage of recovery and sustainable change indicator. The results showed that counseling with an emphasis on choice theory has a positive impact on all the variables studied.

  20. اثربخشی آموزش گروهی مهارت¬های زندگی بر امید به زندگی و بهزیستی روان¬شناختی دانشجویان دختر تحت پوشش کمیته امداد دانشگاه شهید چمران اهواز
    صغری بداغی مهرگان 1395

    The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of group life skills training on life expectancy and psychological well-being of female students under coverage the Relief Committee of Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz. Statistical population included all the female students who covered by the Relief Committee of Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz in the academic year 2016-2017. The sample consisted of 50 students with the lowest scores in Snyder Hope Scale and Psychological Well-Being Scale and randomly assigned to two groups of 25 people (experimental and control). The design of this study was semi-experimental with pre-post test and follow-up with control group. First, both groups answered the instruments and then, the experimental group received 13 sessions life skills training, each session 90 minutes, while the control group received no intervention. After the intervention, subjects of both groups answered the instruments and follow-up test was performed on both groups a month later after the implementation of post-test. The findings were analyzed using multivariate covariance (MANCOVA). The results showed that life skills training increased life expectancy and its dimensions as well as psychological well-being and its dimensions in the subjects of the experimental group compared with the control group.

  21. اثربخشی آموزش مؤلفه¬های برگرفته از آموزه¬های دینی بر تعارضات زناشویی و کیفیت زندگی زوج¬های ارجاعی به شعب شوراهای حل اختلاف اهواز
    طیبه فاطمی نیك 1395

    The purpose of this research was to investigate the effectiveness of teaching of Islamic instructions on marital conflicts and quality of life of couples referred to Ahvaz Dispute resolution councils. The population included all the couples who were referred to Ahvaz Dispute resolution councils. The sample consisted of 16 couples that are chosen by using a convenient sample, and they were divided randomly into two experimental and control groups. The instruments used in this research were marital conflicts and the quality of life Questionnaires. The design of the study was quasi-experimental, pre-test, and post-test and follows up test with control group. All subjects answered to three questionnaires and then, the experimental group received eight sessions of intervention (Islamic instructions) once a week for about 60 minutes. After this stage, the two groups answered the questionnaires. Follow-up test was conducted for both groups a month after conducting the post-test. The statistical method of MANCOVA was used for data analysis, in addition to descriptive statistics. Data analysis showed that Islamic instructions in the post-test and follow-up stage influenced the marital conflicts and quality of life of experimental group in comparison with control group.

  22. اثر بخشی آموزش کارآفرینی بر خودکار آمدی عمومی و انگیزه پیشرفت افراد جویای کار مراجعه کننده به مراکز کاریابی شهر ماهشهر
    حسن قیم 1395

    Jobs understanding of entrepreneurship educatio goals and career structures for inclusion provides entrepreneurship and the formation of positive attitudes in their minds helps and to achieve economic growth and reduce unemployment, encourage entrepreneurship and education ((a new generation of entrepreneurs)) is essential.
    The aim of this study was to determine the effectiveness of entrepreneurship education in general self-efficacy and motivation jobseekers were referred to job centers Mahshahr. This research in the field trial experimental design with pre-test and post-test with control group takes place.entrepreneurship training for 6 sessions, 90-minute sessions per week as a group. The research tools Sherer General Self-Efficacy Questionnaire (SGSES) and achievement motivation (A.M.T). To analyze the data, statistical model was used MANCOVA. The results showed that entrepreneurship education a significant effect on self-efficacy and motivation referring jobseekers to job centers have been Mahshahr.

  23. اثربخشی درمان راه حل-محور به شیوه گروهی بر کاهش پرخاشگری مادران آسیب رسان و بهبود کیفیت زندگی فرزندان
    اسد اسدی حسن وند 1394

    The aim of study was to assess the effectiveness of a solution – focused therapy group practices on reducing mothers aggression damaging and improve the quality of life for children. Experimental research design and per – test, post – test and follow – up with the experimental and control groups. The population consisted of all mothers and sons in high school was the first in ahvaz.The targeted samples were randomly assigned to two experimental and control groups. The experimental group participated in 7 sessions of 90 minutes per week for one session , intervention treatment solution were based. To gather data from the buss - perry aggression and quality of life sf-36 questionnaire was used. Data were analyzed using descriptive statisties and analysis of covariance. Results showed solution – focused therapy on group to reduce aggression mothers and improve the quality of life of children in the experimental group compared with the control group. And this work has continued to follow up

  24. بررسی اثربخشی درمان فعال سازی رفتاری به شیوه گروهی بر کاهش علایم افسردگی، اجتناب شناختی-رفتاری و کیفیت زندگی دانشجویان مرکز آموزش عالی امام رضا (ع) اندیمشک
    علی محمد ولیان 1394

    The aim of this study was to examine the effectiveness of group behavioral activation (BA) on depression , cognitive – behavioral avoidance and quality of life in University students in a Pretest-Posttest and follow-up experimental design including a control group. 40 bachclor students of dormitory in the Andimeshk and randomly were to either BA(n=20) and a wait –list control group (n=20).The treatment group recived 8-weekly BA session. The Beck depression Inventory, and The Cognitive– Behaivoral Avoidance Scale (CBAD), and The Quality of life (WHOQOL- BREF) were used as outcome measures, before and after the intervention and one-month follow-up.Data were analyzed with multivariate analisis of covariance. Results showed that behavioral activation therapy on depressive symptoms, and cognitive - behavioral avoidance was effective. But changing the quality of life, there was no significant difference between the experimental group and the control group.Given the efficacy of BA treatment on depression symptoms and cognitive- behavioral avoidance, group BA could be an alternative for the clients that seek for effective and short-time treatment in university counseling centers.

  25. اثر بخشی درمان راه حل محور به شیوه گروهی بر کیفیت زندگی و بهزیستی روان شناختی مادران کودکان عقب مانده ذهنی آموزش پذیر
    ندا نظری 1394

     The purpose of this study was to determine the efficacy of solution-focused therapy approach on life quality and psychological well-being of mothers with educable mentally- retarded children. The population is consisted of the whole mothers having an educable mentally-retarded child attending in special education schools at Ahvaz, the capital of Khuzestan province.The subjects were selected through the voluntary sampling method. The experimental research design was a pretest-posttest and a follow-up to the control group. The sample size was 30 mothers, as subjects, having an educable mentally-retarded child, who were randomly assigned to control and experimental groups. The experimental group received a 90-minute-10 session solution-focused therapy intervention, one session per week, while the control group did not receive any intervention. Both groups completed a life quality and psychological - well-being questionnaire, pre- and post-intervention and one month after carrying out the intervention. The data was analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistics including covariance analysis. The findings showed that the solution-focused therapy has a positive impact on the life quality and psychological well-being of mothers having educable mentally-retarded children.

  26. بررسی اثربخشی آموزش مهارت‌های زناشویی با تأکید بر رویکرد شناختی رفتاری بر افزایش تعهد و صمیمیت زناشویی زوج‌های دانشجو
    محمدحسین فریدونی مهر 1394

    The present paper aims at studying the effects of marital skills learning, emphasizing the behavioral cognitive attitude, on the enhancement of intimacy and commitment of undergraduate couples. Sampling population includes undergraduate couples in Ahvaz Shaheed Chamran University, taken by convenience sampling method and sorted into test and control groups. The research method has been experimental and a pretest – posttest scheme using control group was applied. Measuring tools were Bagarozzi marital intimacy needs questionnaire and Adams and Jones marital commitment questionnaire (DCI). Pretest was performed on both test and control groups. Test group attended ten workshop sessions of marital skills with a behavioral – cognitive attitude. Control group was under no manipulations. One week after the final session, a post test, and after a month, a follow-up test were taken from both groups. Analyzed by covariance analysis, results showed that learning marital skills based on behavioral – cognitive attitude increased overall intimacy of couples and its components (psychological, reasonable, sexual, physical, social-entertaining, and emotional intimacy). Also, couple-therapy by a behavioral – cognitive attitude increases the overall marital commitment and its components (structural, moral and personal commitment). Also, the results kept on coming until the follow-up.

  27. اثربخشی رویکرد هیجان- مدار بر تحمل پریشانی و تنظیم شناختی هیجان دانشجویان دختر دچار شکست عاطفی
    زینب كرمی نژاد 1394

    The aim of this research was to investigate the effectiveness of emotion-focused approach on distress tolerance and cognitive emotion regulation of emotion breakdown girl students . The population included 22 emotion breakdown girl student University of Ahvaz in the 1393-1394 . The number of participents were 2 from whome 11 participents placed in experimental group and the other were placed in control group .The instruments used in this research included Love trauma Inventory ( LTI), distress tolerance Scale (DTS) and cognitive emotion regulation quationair (CERQ).The design of this study was quasi experimental, pre-test, pos-ttest and follow up test with control group.All subjects answered to three scales, then the experimental group received intervention (Emotion-Focused Therapy) for about 60 minute individually then 2 times per week. After this stage two groups answered the scales again a month after conducting the post-test, follow-up test was conducted for both groups. For data analysis, in addition to descriptive statistics, the statistical method of MANCOVA was used. Data analysis showed that emotion- focused therapy in the post-test and follow-up stage increased distress tolerance and cognitive emotion regulation on experimental group in comparison to control group.


  28. اثربخشی درمان مبتنی بر کیفیت زندگی بر بهزیستی ذهنی و تاب آوری زنان سرپرست خانوار
    اذر كشاورزقیری 1394

    The current research aims to determine the effectiveness quality of life therapy (QOLT) on subjective well-being and resilience the women headed households referred to komite emdad in ghirokarzin.The statistical population included all of women headed household referred komite emdad, in Ahwaz in 2014-15 who were collected using available sampling method. The research plan was test-re-test with control group and follow-up with control group. The sample size were 30 women headed household They were randomized in experimental and control situations. The experimental situation was exposed to 8 MI treatment sessions each 90 minutes while the control group received no treatment. The data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics including covariance analysis. The search tool was positive and negative affect schedule, satisfaction with life, resilience scale. The findings showed that quality of life therapy was effective on increase subjective well-being and resilience the women headed households.

  29. تأثیر آموزش مهارت¬های زندگی با تأکید بر آموزه های اسلامی بر عزت نفس و پرخاشگری دانش آموزان دختر دوره متوسطه ناحیه 1 شهر اهواز
    شبیبی - خدیجه 1394

    The aim of the present study is to examine the effect of life skills’ Education on Islamic teaching by emphasizing on self-esteem and aggression of secondary schools girl students of Ahwaz’s zone one. The research method is a Quazi-experimental one and the pre-test and post-test method was used for control group and follow-up. The population was consisted of the whole girl students attending in the Ahwaz’s zone one within academic year 2014-2015. Sixty subjects were selected as a sample, which had got the highest and lowest scores on the Buss-Perry Aggression Questionnaire and the Rosenberg’s Self-esteem Questionnare respectively. They were Equally assigned in to two control and experimental group, each 30 subjects. The measuring tools were both the Buss-Perry Aggression Questionnaire and the Rosenberg’s Self-esteem Questionnaire.First,Both of the groups did the pretest and then the subject group attended collectively in a 10-session life skills education with an approach on Islamic teachings. Having ended the intervention on experimental group,the subjects of two groups answered the research questionnaires. The findings of this research were analyzed using multivariate covariance. The results showed that the education of life skills causes to alleviate the aggression and its magnitudes (physical, verbal aggression, anger and Hostile) and this experiment improved the self-esteem of subject group compared to control dramatically.

  30. اثربخشی آموزش کسب امید با تاکید بر آموزه¬های قرآنی بر سلامت معنوی و کیفیت زندگی زنان تحت پوشش بهزیستی شهرستان اهواز
    عبدالرحیم صالحی زاده 1394


    The aim of this study was to examining the effectiveness of a hope acquirment training with an emphasis on Quran taughts on the spiritual health and quality of life for women covered by well-being organization in the Ahvaz city. The research design was experimental (pretest-posttest with control group) and follow up test . The population included all women covered by well being clinics . The sample was randomly assigned to experimental and control groups. The experimental group, participated in 8 sessions in that 90 minutes spent per week for one session, exposed an intervention for training hope acquirment with an emphasis on Quran taught. For data gathering the spiritual well being scale, Quality of Life Questionnaire, and Islamic hope scale were used. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics and covariance analysis. Results showed that training of hope acquirment by group therapy increase the spiritual well being and improve the quality of life compared to control group. Intervention effect was continuous in follow up test.

  31. اثربخشی آموزش ذهن آگاهی با رویکرد اسلامی بر بهزیستی روان شناختی زنان شهراهواز
    طاهری - نرگس 1394

    The purpose of the present study was to investigae the efficacy of Islamic mind fullness on women̕s psychological well-being. The study population consisted of women who were participated in mosque religion Islamic training at mesqwe of ahvaz city . The sample was 40 women who were selected by simple randome sampling and the divided in to two grope ( experimental group and controlled group ). The instruments used in this study were Ryff psychological well-being Questionnaire and Baer mindfulness Questionnaire Data were analyzed by MANKOVA & MANKOVA method. The results showed that Islamic mind fullness approach ineredsed women̕s psychological well-being in the experimental group. this result also showed at the follow up stage.

  32. بررسی اثربخشی شناخت‎درمانی مبتنی بر ذهن‎آگاهی به شیوه‎ی گروهی بر اختلال پرخوری، خودکنترلی و کیفیت زندگی بانوان متاهل مراجعه کننده به انجمن پرخوری شهر اهواز
    نجفی حاجیور-صدیقه 1394

    The purpose of this study was to investigate the efficacy of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) on eating disorders, self-control and quality of life of the married women referred to Ahwaz binge eating Association. The population included all married women referred to Ahwaz binge eating Association in 1393. The sample consisted of 22 women that according to questionnaire scores and binge eating diagnostic interview, diagnosed binge eater and were randomly assigned to the experimental and control groups. The instruments used in this research included binge eating questionnaire, self-control scale and the World Health Organization Quality of Life Questionnaire-brief and the research plan was pre-test, posttest and follow-up with the control group. All subjects answered to three questionnaires, then experimental group received MBCT intervention. After intervention two groups answered the questionnaires again and after one month implementation of post-test, follow-up test was performed for two groups. For data analysis, in addition to descriptive statistics, the statistical method of multivariate analysis of covariance was used. Data analysis showed that mindfulness-based cognitive therapy approach reduced the symptoms of binge eating disorder, improve self-control and improve the quality of life in the experimental group compared with the control group. The one month follow-up showed that the effect of MBCT lasting on binge eating disorder, self-control and quality of life.

  33. اثربخشی آموزش مدیریت استرس به شیوه¬ی شناختی رفتاری بر کاهش نشانگان پیش از قاعدگی و افسردگی دانش¬آموزان دختر مقطع متوسطه شهرستان هویزه
    ساكی - امل 1394

    In these concepts with the aim of studying the effect of Stress Management Training, Cognitive Behavioral Method was implemented in order to improve Premenstrual Syndrome and depression of female students. In this semi-pilot research method, the pre-test and post-test models have been used by control group. The research sample included 60 persons which were selected randomly and placed in two groups of examination group (30 persons) and evidence group (30 persons). Then, the examination group attended 10 sessions once a week in Stress Management Training classes which every session takes 90 minutes and was tasted by using Cognitive Behavioral Method. Premenstrual Syndrome questionnaire (PPST), Premenstrual Syndrome performance questionnaire (PMS) and Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) were used in order to collect data. The results were analyzed by analysis of covariance (average scores of pre-test and post-test related to scores of Premenstrual Syndrome questionnaire, Premenstrual Syndrome performance questionnaire and Beck Depression Inventory in test group, in comparison with control group, significantly improved Premenstrual Syndrome and decreased the depression (p<0/05) ). These results indicate that Stress Management Training can be used as a training method to improve Premenstrual Syndrome and decrease depression by applying Cognitive Behavioral method.

  34. اثربخشی آموزش رویکرد راه‌حل- محور بر سازگاری و خودکارآمدی زنان مطلقه‌ی مراجعه‌کننده به اداره‌ی بهزیستی شهرستان ماهشهر
    ثریا محمودی 1394

    The aim of this research was to investigate the effectiveness of solution-focused approach training on adjustment and self-efficacy of divorced women. The population included all of divorced women referring to welfare center of Mahshahr city in 1393. The sample consisted of 24 women divorced that had lowest level adjustment and self-efficacy and randomly assigned to the experimental and control groups.The instruments used in this research included Fisher Divorce Adjustment Scale (FDAS) and General Self-efficacy Scale (GSES).The design of this study was pre-test, pos-test and follow up test with control group.All subjects answered to two scales, then the experimental group received intervention (Solution-Focused Therapy). After this stage two groups answered the scales again. After a month implementation of post-test, follow up test was performed for two groups. For data analysis, in addition to descriptive statistics, the statistical method of MANCOVA was used. Data analysis showed that solution- focused approach increased adjustment and self-efficacy on experimental group in comparison to control group.The follow up test shows that solution-focused approach has effect on adjustment and self-efficacy.

  35. اثربخشی آموزش مهارتهای اساسی زندگی به شیوه گروهی بر کاهش پرخاشگری زندانیان مخل نظم
    سخاوت-محمدسعید 1393

    The Goal Of Our Study Effect Of Life Skills In The Form Of a Reduction of Aggression And Disruptive Prisoners Were Dezful Prison. Semi Exprimented Pretest –Post test Research With Control Groups Were Used
    All Priseners Sleep In Dezful Prisen Population In 1393 Was Present . The Sample Consisted of 50 Prisoners The Highest Scores H.Bass And Mark Perry Aggression Questionnair Radrajray a Randomized In two Groups : Exprimental And Control Groups Were 25. Aggression Scale Bass Was Perry .The pre-test And Then Test Group Received 18 Sessions Of Life Skills Training Group Participated In a Manner .
    After The Intervention , The Experimental Group Subjects In Both Groups Resporded To The Qustionnaire Survey. Multivariate Analysis Of Covariance Was Using Research Findings. The Results Showed That Life Skills Training To Reduce The Demensions Of Aggression (physical aggression- verbal aggression and anger) In The Exprimental Group Compared With The Control Group Was Disruptive Prisoners.

  36. اثربخشی آموزش مهارت های اساسی زندگی بر بهزیستی روان شناختی زندانیان آزادشده تحت پوشش مرکز خدمات اجتماعی و مراقبت پس ازخروج زندان های استان خوزستان
    مسعودی نسب - كریم 1393

    The purpose of this study was to investigate the Effectiveness of Basic Life Skills' Training on Psychological Well-Being of Released Prisoners. The population was Prisoners of Khuzestan Prisons' Social Care Services. The sample consisted of 50 Prisoners, they were randomly assigned to experimental group (n=25) and control group (n=25). The experimental group received Basic Life Skills' Training on 18 sections (1/5 hours). Ryff’s Well- Being Questionnaire was used in order to collect the data. The design of the study was of the pretest-posttest-follow up with control group. ANCOVA and MANCOVA were administered to analyze the data. The results showed that Basic Life Skills' Training could lead to increase life satisfaction, spirituality, happiness and optimistic, maturity, positive relationship with others and self-autonomy among couples.

  37. اثربخشی درمان راه حل محور به شیوه گروهی، بر میزان شادکامی و کیفیت زندگی زنان مبتلا به بیماری مالتیپل اسکلروزیس
    سمیرا اكبری 1393

    Abstract : The aim of this study was to assess the effectiveness of a solution-focused way of happiness and quality of life in women with multiple sclerosis. The research design was quasi-experimental pretest-posttest control group and the test track. The population included all women admitted to Ahwaz Golestan Hospital Association MS patients. The samples were randomly assigned to experimental and control groups. The experimental group participated in 10 sessions of 90 minutes per week for one session, solution-focused intervention groups. To gather data from the Oxford Happiness Inventory and the Multiple Sclerosis Quality of Life Questionnaire was used. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and analysis of covariance. Results showed solution-focused therapy as a way to increase happiness and improve the quality of life of patients with multiple sclerosis treated group compared with the control group. These effects have continued to follow up.

  38. اثر بخشی آموزش گروهی مبتنی بر کیفیت زندگی بر دلزدگی زناشویی و بهزیستی روان شناختی زوجهای مراجعه کننده به مراکز مشاوره ی شهر پاوه
    علی ولی 1393

    The presesent research was conducted to investigate the effectiveness of training of group quality of life therapy on burnout marital and psychological well-being couple referring to counseling centers of pave.The population included all couples referred to this court in months of Mehr 1392.The sample consisted of 16 couples who were selected randomaly for this study.The instruments were used:1)Pines’ Couple Burnout scale (CBC) and 2) psychological well-being scale .The design of this study was pretest – posttest and follow test with control group. All subjects answered to two scales, and then the experimental group received intervention . At posttest stage tow groups answered the scale again.After passing a month following test was administrated for experimental group.Data of this research were analysed by the method of several variant analysis. The result of this study showed that Increased psychological well-being couple and burnout marital decreased Couple Burnout on experimental group in comparison to controL group.The following test shows that training of group quality of life therapy has effect on psychological well-being and couple burnout.

  39. اثربخشی درمان راه-حل محوربرتاب آوری و دلزدگی زناشویی زوج های متقاضی طلاق
    علی میرزاوند 1392
  40. بررسی اثربخشی آموزش زوج درمانی کوتاه مدت به شیوه ی خودنظم بخشی بر تمایز یافتگی و کیفیت زناشویی زوجین ناسازگار مراجعه کننده به مرکز بهزیستی شهر اهواز.
    سارا نیل ساز 1391
  41. بررسی اثر بخشی مشاوره انگیزشی نظام مند بر سازگاری زناشویی و بهبود کیفیت زندگی زوجین نا سازگار مراجعه کننده به شعب شورای حل اختلاف شهر بهبهان
    محمود امیدی 1391
  42. بررسی اثر بخشی آموزش به شیوه رویکرد راه حل – محور بر افسردگی و بهزیستی روان‌شناختی زوجین مراجعه کننده به شعب شورای حل اختلاف شهر ماهشهر
    زیبا حیدری 1391
  43. اثربخشی آموزش نظریه انتخاب بر دلزدگی زناشویی و عملکرد خانواده در زوجین شهر اهواز
    فاطمه رشیدپورحریسی 1391
  44. اثر بخشی آموزش تمایزیافتگی بر تعارضات زناشویی و تمایزیافتگی زوجین دارای تعارضات زناشویی شهر اهواز با کنترل هوش هیجانی
    افسانه شیخ زاده 1391
  45. اثر بخشی زوج درمانی هیجان - محور بر دلزدگی زناشویی و صمیمیت زوجین شرکت ملی حفاری
    خدیجه بهرامپور 1391
  46. اثر بخشی آموزش رویکرد ارتباطی ویرجینیا ستیر بر کاهش تعارضات زناشویی و افزایش انطباق پذیری، همبستگی خانواده در زوجین ارجاعی به شعب شوراهای حل اختلاف شهر اهواز.
    علی امیری مقدم 1390
  47. اثر بخشی آموزش کسب معنا بر افزایش تاب آوری و بهبود کیفیت زندگی مادران دارای فرزند با نیازهای ویژه شهر برازجان
    ضرغام ضرغامیان 1390
  48. اثر بخشی آموزش تمایز یافتگی بر بهزیستی روان شناختی و سلامت عمومی زنان مطلقه مراجعه کننده به مرکز بهزیستی شهر رشت
    سونا كارجوكسمایی 1389
  49. اثربخشی آموزش هوش هیجانی بر حل مشکل خانواده و سازگاری زناشویی دانشجویان متأهل دانشگاه شهید چمران اهواز
    شهلا كرائی 1389
  50. بررسی اثربخشی زوج‌درمانی کوتاه‌مدت به شیوه خودتنظیمی بر بهزیستی روان‌شناختی و ارتباط زناشویی زوجین ناسازگار مراجعه کننده به مرکز بهزیستی شهرستان جهرم
    سهیلا دهقان 1387
  51. اثربخشی آموزش مهارت‌های ارتباطی در افزایش صمیمیت فرهنگیان مرد و همسرانشان در شهرستان بانه
    منصور احمدی 1387
  52. تاثیر آموزش مهارت‌های مدیریت خشم در کاهش تعارضات زناشویی زوج‌های ارجاع داده شده به شعب شوراهای حل اختلاف شهرستان باغ‌ملک
    سلطانعلی بشكار 1387
  53. اثربخشی آموزش تحلیل رفتار متقابل برکارآیی خانواده زوجین ناسازگار مراجعه کننده به مرکز بهزیستی بروجن
    زیبا سلطانی‌ دزكی 1387
  54. بررسی اثربخشی گشتالت درمانی به شیوة گروهی بر عزت‌نفس، افسردگی و احساس تنهایی در بین زنان مطلقة افسرده تحت پوشش اداره بهزیستی خرمشهر
    فرحناز بهرامی 1386